View Full Version : What is your verified top speed?

05-14-2003, 08:27 AM
Looking at the 1998-2003 CV, GM or MM for top speed, the P71 should be around 129-135 mph. This test is done on a race track to allow the vehicle to accelerate on the oval to extract the max speed. The test procedure should be:

Each test vehicle will accelerate to the top speed attainable within 14 miles of the run. The highest speed attained within the 14 miles will be the vehicle score on the competitive speed for top speed.

05-14-2003, 09:02 AM
I had 120 on a dyno, and was at about that when the engine went south.

05-14-2003, 01:11 PM
Fastest I've heard was 142MPH, I think...

05-14-2003, 01:13 PM
I too recall a claim of 142.
Not enough free roadway down this way to even attempt it.
West Texas is another story.

Paul T. Casey
05-14-2003, 01:15 PM
I kinda knock it off at 115 on speedo. That probably translates to about 110 true. Don't wanna bump that limiter yet.

05-14-2003, 01:20 PM
^Diddo^ I've only hit a little over 115 with mine on the highway. From what my buddy says with his Camaro, when you hit the speed limiter, if feels like you went and broke something. I don't wanna feel that!

05-14-2003, 01:21 PM
Fastest Land Car Speed 763 MPH

The one-mile (1.609-km) land speed record is 1,227.985 km/h (763.055 mph), set by Andy Green in Thrust SSC in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA, on October 15, 1997. Thrust SSC (Super Sonic Car) completed its record-breaking run in a matter of seconds, but was the culmination of six years of work and a six-week on-site campaign. Two and a half years of research went into the shape of the Thrust SSC, and building the most powerful car ever took a further two years and 100,000 man-hours.

05-14-2003, 02:44 PM
Done 125 MPH and then the needle went back and forth around 127MPH thats what happens when you touch the limiter. Now the Lightning is another thing all together been around 145 MPH with that.:up: But with a light rear end at that speed you do not want to hit a bump ,animal or the like or your going for a real ride.

05-14-2003, 02:53 PM

05-14-2003, 04:44 PM
My top speed was 123MPH,started to run out of highway and my "ball and chain"said "alrght that's enough of that would you please cut that out?""What are you nut's":D :D :D :D

05-14-2003, 05:00 PM
I had mine to 142 in 3rd with the 3:55 rear. It was smooth all the way. Been there done that. Haven't tried it since. It was a cool evening,tires were new, no traffic & lots of space. I think you might be getting into a little aireodynamic problems at much more than that. Couldn't tell you what the tach said. You'd better be 100% driving at that speed. I went to a State Police advanced driving school years ago. They gave us a formula for feet per second. When you figure your feet per second and your reaction time, you should think WTF an I doing?

RF Overlord
05-14-2003, 05:02 PM
82 MPH...

What can I say, I'm not a fast driver...

I think it's dangerous and irresponsible to travel at the kind of speeds some of you are admitting to on public roads...

05-14-2003, 05:36 PM
RF Overlord I pick the time and place and never in or around any other cars.To drive that fast is not something that should be done lightly.To drive that fast is dangerous and extreme caution should be used.Your point is well taken.

Blue Marauder
05-14-2003, 05:38 PM
My wife claims to have hit 105. I've only had it up to about 90.

RF Overlord
05-14-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Mikeenh
I had mine to 142... When you figure your feet per second and your reaction time, you should think WTF an I doing?

142 MPH is a little more than 208 feet PER SECOND...on a public road, NO ONE'S reaction time is good enough...

05-14-2003, 08:06 PM
I've hit 115 ONCE and like 98 MAYBE 8 times or so since I've owned the car. I'm pretty much done with racing on the streets cause I know what my car will do. Untill I get mods, I won't push her very hard cause there's no need to. Once I get mods, sure I'll be back at it, but then I'll be back to the state I'm in now. And like chapel, I only do this LATE at night, on perfectly flat highways, when you're lucky to see 5 cars go by in an hours time.

05-14-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by chapel1
My top speed was 123MPH,started to run out of highway and my "ball and chain"said "alrght that's enough of that would you please cut that out?""What are you nut's":D :D :D :D

Your lucky mine yells at 70 MPH :lol::mad2: :fire:

05-14-2003, 09:14 PM
The speedo only goes to 140...been there and done that....even beyond twice....142? who knows, there aren't any marks after 140.

Go ahead and :flamer: me RF

05-14-2003, 10:52 PM
I took mine to 117 on the track at Willow Springs. I didn't hit the limiter, just ran out of straight.

I should have been on the track again today! They had a track day and I had to work!

05-15-2003, 03:40 AM
I have unofficially done 82 mph, on the NJ Turnpike, southern end. My "official" record is 74 mph, as certified by a Maryland State Trooper. Nowadays, I do my clocking off the light. Points add up, you know.


Paul T. Casey
05-15-2003, 04:18 AM
RF, point well taken. Just can't always seem to keep the child in me under control.

05-15-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
142 MPH is a little more than 208 feet PER SECOND...on a public road, NO ONE'S reaction time is good enough... RF I concur. John

05-15-2003, 09:29 AM
My Girl produced 120 MPH, in 3rd gear, OD off, on a dyno. That's with 4:10s I'm comfortable on an open and clear highway to 90 MPH, but over that is playing with fire. The roads are the biggest threat, and the other drivers are unpredictable, there isn't enough reaction time over 90 MPH IMHO.

I just hope no one reads this thread as a challenge, and tries to out do what's already been done. If you haven't seen the other side of 100 MPH, please don't bother. We all know it's a fast car and capable, why try to verify a known fact that has so much risk in it?

Just my .02c...

05-15-2003, 09:56 AM

here are my 2cents:

I have driven cars at +150mph for 30-45 min. Obviuosly this wasn't here in the US, but in Germany on the Autobahn.

IMO, the streets here in US are not build to allow high speeds.
Too many bumps, potholes, uneven surfaces and those left lane drivers.

It takes your full concentration to travel at such high speeds. You cannot take your hands (both) our eyes of the road for a split second.

If you attempt speeds higher than 100mph on any public road here in the US, you are out of your mind IMHO !

You are risking your own and other peoples life for what??

Like I said before, just my 2cents on this topic.

RF Overlord
05-15-2003, 10:13 AM
Just to add one more point to what MMM2003 said, then I'll STFU on this subject:

Getting a driver's license in Germany is NOWHERE NEAR as easy as it is here...it takes A LOT more instruction and time to get one; as a consequence, most German drivers are better than we are...and travellers on the Autobahn are used to it, and know how to drive at those speeds...

I don't mean in any way to imply that no one on this board is qualified to drive at high speed (I just know I'M not), but it's not YOU guys I'm worried about, it's the other 98% of the nitwits out there that shouldn't even be allowed to RIDE in a car, much less OPERATE one, that I'm worried about...

05-15-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
Just to add one more point to what MMM2003 said, then I'll STFU on this subject:

Getting a driver's license in Germany is NOWHERE NEAR as easy as it is here...it takes A LOT more instruction and time to get one; as a consequence, most German drivers are better than we are...and travellers on the Autobahn are used to it, and know how to drive at those speeds...

^^^^Yep^^^^^ What RF said

Fourth Horseman
05-15-2003, 11:01 AM
Raced a police officer (don't ask) up to 100 MPH, then I backed off and let him go catch up with his buddies. :D Don't think I've been much past 100. As others have said, there just isn't enough open road with no traffic to make it worth risking it.

05-15-2003, 11:19 AM
105, and that was good enough for me..

05-15-2003, 11:38 AM
Other than Sarge (maybe..... ;) ), no one is faster with an N/A car away from the lights than me. And, for the most part, isn't that what it's about?

05-15-2003, 12:24 PM
Considering "items of importance", whether a car can do 100, 115, 120 or 200mph comes right under "number of butts that the ashtray can hold".

Forget for a minute the idiots that are on the roads today, there's still the element of surprise, like an animal running out into the road or a road hazard causing a blowout.

And let's not fool ourselves into thinking that every sports car/sedan or musclecar driver is an expert.

05-15-2003, 12:48 PM
If my marauder is observed to travel a distance of 700 meters in 2 seconds, then the speed of the wave would be 350 m/s. How fast am I going ?

RF Overlord
05-15-2003, 12:52 PM
That would make a hell of a boom, as you'd be travelling at the speed of sound...

05-15-2003, 12:55 PM
Wow, you do have Massive Intellect. The speed of sound is the correct answer.

05-15-2003, 12:56 PM
I raced a Crown Vic PI (HPD) up to about sixty and we both backed off...after he caught up gave me the salute....top speed of 115MPH....I agree very stupid about once a month I scrape someone off the freeway....Drunks+motorcycle+d rag racing on public road=1 dead person a month in a 36 square mile area....dont think many people realize how many people die on our roads every year...

Anyway Stay Safe

05-18-2003, 10:36 PM
I'm still breaking my girl in, so i haven't tried anything past 80 yet... HOWEVER, I regularly tap 124 in my CVPI (about 1-2 times a work week). But it's not for fun, it's actually scarey when above 110. People turn into idiots when they see red lights behind them. You never know what they're gonna do --- slam on brakes, pull into right shoulder, left shoulder, stop in the middle of the freakin highway!

05-19-2003, 11:31 AM
I had the GHOST to 135 but ran out of RPMs due to the 4.11 rear. Still had plenty of pedal left.

But to me, top speed isn't important, acceleration is, and I continue to build my car to that end.


05-21-2003, 08:16 PM
I'm not sure what the top speed was but best I've had was pinning the speedo and had about 1000 rpm left. Scared the hell out of me. Haven't done that again since.

05-28-2003, 08:35 AM
I have been a licensed driver for 33 years and have been driving for a living for 31 of those years and I have driven in excess of 1,000,000 miles. In that span 3 accidents, one my fault about 20 years ago. No injuries to anyone ever ( thanks to God ). Does that make me qualified to drive safely over 100 MPH on American roads? I don't think so! and I consider myself a good driver. I love speed as much as anyone on this forum, and yes I have driven in the distant past at speeds that I don't care to adknowledge. My point: Drive so you and others can live to drive another day and enjoy our beautiful cars for many years to come. I would really hate for one day to see a post were one of our Marauder brothers or sisters is no longer because of a 100+Mph ride that went wrong. Besides when you are truly cool you don't have to prove anything to anyone...you just know it !!!! :beer: :banana2: :beer:

05-28-2003, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Smokie
Besides when you are truly cool you don't have to prove anything to anyone...you just know it !!!! :beer: :banana2: :beer: I second that!!

RF Overlord
05-28-2003, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Smokie
Besides when you are truly cool you don't have to prove anything to anyone...you just know it !!!!

It's a well known fact that low-riders, who ARE truly the coolest drivers on earth, never exceed 35 MPH...

Thanks, Smokie, for putting it the way I was trying to...

05-28-2003, 10:11 AM

05-28-2003, 10:11 AM
Well the way I look at it any thing over 75MPH and you are aimming not driving..IMHO

05-28-2003, 05:28 PM
Top speed means nothing unless your at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
I prefer the dragstrip as most people with muscle cars do, for the E.T.'s.

05-28-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Constable
I'm still breaking my girl in, so i haven't tried anything past 80 yet... HOWEVER, I regularly tap 124 in my CVPI (about 1-2 times a work week). But it's not for fun, it's actually scarey when above 110. People turn into idiots when they see red lights behind them. You never know what they're gonna do --- slam on brakes, pull into right shoulder, left shoulder, stop in the middle of the freakin highway! There is no reason to drive at 124 MPH even on an emergency call, because if you don't get there you are no help at all. At that speed the chances for an accident are greatly increased. I don't think that most people are idiots, but they panic and don't know how to react if an emergency vehicle approachs them at a high rate of speed. Speaking from experience.

05-28-2003, 07:39 PM

05-28-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by LincMercLover
http://members.aol.com/kprrpk/images/topic%20sucks.gif LML - you have the magic button use it

05-28-2003, 07:50 PM
Don't push me, cause I'll do it! Yah... I'm crazy like that! I'll do it, and I won't regret it! DON'T PUSH ME! YOU SEE THIS FACE? IS THIS A FACE OF A GUY WHO'S KIDDING? JUST BACK OFF MAN, OR I'LL DO IT! I SWEAR I WILL!

Aww hell... I'm done with it. I'll close with this remark.

"Speed kills. Drive a Honda, and live forever." :D