View Full Version : What is your 60-0 stop distance?

05-14-2003, 08:28 AM
Looking to see what modifications that have been performed on the braking systems of 1998-2003 CV, GM or MM. The stock P71 brake distance should be around 148 ft after heat soaking the brakes from 90-0. Here is the test procedure:

Determine the deceleration rate attained by each test vehicle on twelve 60 – 0 mph impending skid
(threshold) stops, with ABS in operation if the vehicle is so equipped. Each vehicle will be scored on
the average deceleration rate it attains.

Each vehicle will make two decelerations at specific predetermined points on the test road from
90 – 0 mph at 22 ft/s2, with the driver using a decelerometer to maintain the deceleration rate.
Immediately after these “heat-up” stops are completed, the vehicle will be turned around and will
make six measured 60 – 0 mph impending skid (threshold) stops with ABS in operation, if so
equipped, at specific predetermined points. Following a four 4-minute heat soak, the entire sequence
will be repeated. The exact initial velocity at the beginning of each of the 60 – 0 mph decelerations,
and the exact distance required to make each stop will be recorded by means of a non contact
optical sensor in conjunction with electronic speed and distance meters. The data resulting from the
twelve total stops will be used to calculate the average deceleration rate which is the vehicle’s score
for this test.

Initial Velocity*(IV) squared (IV)2
Deceleration Rate (DR) = 2 times Stopping Distance (SD) = 2 (SD)

Initial Velocity =89.175 ft/s (60.8 mph x 1.4667*)
Stopping Distance =171.4 ft.
(IV)2 (89.175)2 7952.24
DR= 2(SD) = 2(171.4) = 342.8 = 23.198 ft/s2
Once a vehicle’s average deceleration rate has been determined, it is possible to calculate the
stopping distance from any given speed by utilizing the following formula:
Select a speed; translate that speed into feet per second; square the feet per second figure by
multiplying it by itself; divide the resultant figure by 2; divide the remaining figure by the average
deceleration rate of the vehicle in question.

60 mph = 88.002 ft/s x 88.002 = 7744.352 / 2 = 3872.176 / 23.198 ft/s2 = 166.9 ft.

*Initial velocity must be expressed in terms of feet per second, with 1 mile per hour being equal to 1.4667 feet per second.

05-14-2003, 12:42 PM
Well, mine's about 70 ft. But I hit that BMW pretty hard. :shake:

05-14-2003, 01:01 PM
Just 1 foot more than the guy in front sucks. :rolleyes:
Allstate figured out my last stopping distance question for me.

05-14-2003, 01:14 PM
Once again, I'll ask. Who needs to stop? :lol:

05-14-2003, 03:15 PM
LML,Ettore(sic) Bugati would've loved you.When a customer complained to him that his cars brakes were inadequate he replied I build them to go fast,not to stop.

05-14-2003, 03:25 PM
Every Marauder should have come stock w/ baier brakes. 4200 pound car? all I can say is mine stops like nobodys business. At the end of the 1/4 mile it is just effortless to stop the vehicle. Even if I was not Looking to get a supercharger I would still think about a brake upgrade,the car feels totally diff w/ larger brakes.


05-14-2003, 06:57 PM
I'm with Todd. Fast cars need good brakes. I just wish they weren't so damn expensive.

05-14-2003, 08:08 PM
How's that saying go? "Speed=money. How fast do you want to go?" Why does this apply for stoping? :lol:

05-14-2003, 09:43 PM
Is that test derived from the MSP Police vehicle trials?

Fourth Horseman
05-15-2003, 11:05 AM
I agree. I'm actually more interested in brake and suspension upgrades at the moment than speed upgrades. This is assuming I find a mod friendly dealer, of course.