View Full Version : Ford Credit's Unpleasant Surprise

Donny Carlson
08-01-2006, 06:45 PM
My first payment for the Harley Truck was Sunday, July 30. Ford Credit auto debited my bank account, as I had set up, no problem.

They then did it again on Monday, July 31. Woa! WTF!

Back when I had the Marauder, I used Ebill to make payments. They'd send me a bill by email, I'd click on the link and authorise a payment for certain day, and on that day the payment was taken out of my account.

The F-150 I decided to use Auto Debit, which would debit my account automatically on the due date. No brainer, do it with other credit cards and that's how GMAC took payments for the SSR.

I get this odd message a couple days ago when I logged into My Ford that Ford Credit had updated my account information. Okay, I think. I verify that Autodebit is still set up, that the payment will come out okay.

Cutting to the chase, my old account information was "updated" to my new account, so I had Ebill AND Auto debit, and what's more, the system set me up for "recurring" Ebill, meaning every due date two payments would be deducted, one for Ebill and one for Auto debit!! I was on the phone for an hour with customer service, especially since My Ford or loggin into account access you can't even see a link for Ebill.

Bottom line: I have to call another special accounting unit tomorrow to get them to credit back the duplicate payment (My American Express bill is due next week, the day BEFORE pay day, and this second payment kicks the AMEX payment in the ass), though my August payment has technically been made a month early (it shows 0 due for the August payment) and the money will be there then. It's a major PITA, and I'm sure as hell glad I caught it before I overdrafted the checking account.

Still working on the double payment glitch. I had to fax a letter over to them asking them to de-enroll me from Ebill, since there's no way I can do it online (there's no link!). I'm tempted to drop Auto debit, too, and just send them a friggin check once a month.

What a freakin hassle.

08-01-2006, 06:53 PM
My first payment for the Harley Truck was Sunday, July 30. Ford Credit auto debited my bank account, as I had set up, no problem.

They then did it again on Monday, July 31. Woa! WTF!

At this rate, you will have it paid off in no time!:cool:

08-01-2006, 07:26 PM
Sorry to hear of your problems, Donny. Sometime, the "new technology" is worse than the old school.

Quit them all, write a check. Works for me...

08-01-2006, 07:30 PM
Sorry to hear of your problems, Donny. Sometime, the "new technology" is worse than the old school.

Quit them all, write a check. Works for me...

What's a check? :confused:

08-01-2006, 07:38 PM
Call Amex explain the deal, they're pretty good at being generous for thing slike this. I used to get screwed with not so timely expense reimbursements.

I never had a problem with them,

08-01-2006, 07:43 PM
When the system is good, it's great. But one snafu, and everythings fubar.

08-01-2006, 07:51 PM
What's a check? :confused:What?

You and I traded about a dozen of 'em, and they were not "aces and eights" or birthday cards, eh?

08-01-2006, 07:53 PM

You and I traded about a dozen of 'em, and they were not "aces and eights" or birthday cards, eh?

Mac when you get back from fishun' we are gonna take you high tech (not V-tech, Yo!)! :D

Donny Carlson
08-01-2006, 08:16 PM
Call Amex explain the deal, they're pretty good at being generous for thing slike this. I used to get screwed with not so timely expense reimbursements.

I never had a problem with them,

Thanks for the advice. I talked to Amex customer service and they said no problem, I have up until the 15th to pay the bill. Sweet. I can pay it on the 11th no sweat.

It's actually not as bad as I first thought... the system thinks I made the next payment early, so even if I don't pursue the refund of the duplicate payment, I've already made the next one so I don't have any payment until September. Means moving around the budget a bit (meaning, don't spend $$ on mods this month), but no biggie.

Just got to get the glitch fixed before next month.

08-01-2006, 09:09 PM
The more things change the more they remain the same:)

08-01-2006, 09:31 PM
That's why I don't like the Ford credit in fact they have here in P.R. very highest APR's.


michael ward
08-01-2006, 09:33 PM
Sorry to hear of your problems, Donny. Sometime, the "new technology" is worse than the old school.

Quit them all, write a check. Works for me... what mac said>

08-01-2006, 10:00 PM
That's why I don't like the Ford credit in fact they have here in P.R. very highest APR's.


Don't know what APRs you are seeing,
but my Marauder came with 5 yr 0.0% APR...
You can't get any better than that.

08-02-2006, 04:12 AM
I talked to Amex customer service and they said no problem .....
Wow ... I am surprised that you were able to find a "real" human being to talk to in order to get the problem fixed. Good luck on getting this glitch solved permanently. :D

08-02-2006, 05:12 AM
Amex may be harsh if you screw up, but they'll give you lots of wiggle room for cases like this.

Glad to hear its cleared up. Make sure you stay on those double payment grabbing gravy sucking pigs at Ford Credit!

08-02-2006, 05:32 AM
It's actually not as bad as I first thought... the system thinks I made the next payment early, so even if I don't pursue the refund of the duplicate payment, I've already made the next one so I don't have any payment until September. Means moving around the budget a bit (meaning, don't spend $$ on mods this month), but no biggie.

I would be careful with that. When I bought my Marauder I made double payments for the first several months while my Over Time was plentiful. I thought that this would put me ahead on the payments but it didn't. I received a late bill notice and was told that with car loans you can't pay several months payments ahead of time. The money still went towards the loan but it didn't count as next month's payment.

08-02-2006, 10:24 AM
Don't know what APRs you are seeing,
but my Marauder came with 5 yr 0.0% APR...
You can't get any better than that.

Me too! I love making 100% Principle payments each month.:rolleyes: (Well, if you have to make payments:coolman: ).

Donny Carlson
08-02-2006, 10:30 AM
I would be careful with that. When I bought my Marauder I made double payments for the first several months while my Over Time was plentiful. I thought that this would put me ahead on the payments but it didn't. I received a late bill notice and was told that with car loans you can't pay several months payments ahead of time. The money still went towards the loan but it didn't count as next month's payment.

One payment was taken the day after the other. The first one satisfied the July Payment, the other, the August Payment. It's not like I paid a single payment that was double the amount.

Both online and talking to an account rep says the August payment has been made. My option to ask it be refunded, or let it ride and consider the payment made.

08-02-2006, 10:52 AM
Let it ride. May cut some intrest off the end.

Donny Carlson
08-02-2006, 12:08 PM
The issue was a software glitch on Ford Credit's website. If you signed up for Auto Debit, it prevents you from also signing up for Ebill Recurring by not showing you the Ebill link. However, if you sign up for Ebill Recurring, it still shows the Auto Debit link. If you then sign up for Auto Debit, it will then drop the Ebill link even though you're still signed up for Ebill and also sign you up for Auto Debit.

Since I was previously signed up for Ebill Recurring with my Marauder, when they "updated" my account by importing my old information from the Marauder account, they imported Ebill Recurring. Not knowing this, I later signed up for Auto Debit, which then prevented me from seeing the Ebill link on My Ford or Account Access, and had no clue about the double payment situation until it happened.

The only solution is to cancel Auto Debit. The link for Ebill then reappears. You then have to cancell Ebill Recurring, AND Ebill. That puts you back to paper invoices and pay by mail or phone. You can then enroll back in Auto Debit, which I did.

The rep I spoke to said their IT department is working on a way to prevent you from signing up both Ebill and Auto Debit if you are in Ebill already. She said she personally handles 3-4 complaints a week about the problem.

Course, the obvious solution would be just to offer one or the other, but not both.

I was annoyed at GMAC for making me send in a paper request for auto pay. Now I think that's a good idea.

Ford Credit is refunding the duplicate payment and resetting the payment schedule for a normal August payment.

08-02-2006, 08:45 PM
Never authorized any payee to auto debit your bank account. I have heard of people having payees debit the incorrect amount by them mistakenly moving the decimel point one place over to the right. I epay everyone from my bank account.