View Full Version : Transmission Failure

05-15-2003, 06:09 PM
A little background: Bought my MM in 7/02 (build date 6/02), daily driver now with 13,300+ miles. Since having the car I've driven the same route to and from work. Do not race the car, have never abused the car. Fastest I’ve driven it is 70 on the turnpike. I’m young at heart and love this car.

Situation: Past Monday was coming home from work going between 50-55 in the right lane coming up to an intersection. Clown in front of me decides to slam his brakes on and veer into the shoulder. I apply brakes to slow down and see a Mack coming fast behind me. Put foot on accelerator to get out of his way and when I get through the intersection car isn’t accelerating. Battery light starts flashing, RPMs dropping. Pull onto shoulder and car stalls. Try to start it, catches and then immediately dies. Will not hold an idle. Thought of Fourth’s throttle cable incident, but mine is in the groove where it belongs. Call roadside service which shows up 90 minutes later. Watch as the car gets towed to dealer.

Day 2: Called dealer Tuesday morning to make sure the car got there. In the afternoon told me that they couldn’t find anything wrong with the idle; computer had no codes, running great. However, they heard “something” in the transmission that they had to check; too late to do that on Tuesday.

Day 3: Was called late in the day and told that the transmission may have to be dropped and inspected depending on the results of some 10-point test.

Day 4 (today): Told me that the “directs were welded to the planetary.” Caused by excessive heat due to running the car hard. Don’t really know what they’re talking about (any help out there guys?), but that is the reason the car wouldn’t run. Asked him why I was told that the car ran great on Tuesday when they tested it. Said it was because the transmission had cooled down and released. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if some parts are “welded” wouldn’t the condition be permanent and still be present after the event? In other words, how could the car run great on Tuesday? Cost cap to be performed. If over $1900, new transmission; under $1900, parts ordered and trans rebuilt. Won’t have the car back until sometime next week.

Any thoughts from you guys in the know?

05-15-2003, 06:17 PM
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if some parts are “welded” wouldn’t the condition be permanent and still be present after the event?

That would seem logical.

Sounds like you haven't been running the car hard. Their comment is unwarranted.

A new transmission would be nice, although if there have been any upgrades made available, a rebuild will get them all

05-15-2003, 07:35 PM
derik I have the same build date as you do.That really is bad news about your transmission.Glad you were able to avoid being in an accident.Keep us posted!

05-15-2003, 07:36 PM
Why would the car die and then not start and idle ??
Doesn't make sense to me.
FYI we have heard of some weird transmission shifting problems caused by a wiring harness getting chaffed and grounding out.
That could also cause an engine problem. Hang on......there are some Ford wrenches that spend time on here that may have some insight for you. That is one tough tranny to begin with. Something doesn't sound right to me.

05-16-2003, 08:32 AM
Sounds like a warranty problem, due to overheating of the trans fluid. I thought your Marauders had trans coolers on them? Your engine didn't overheat?

05-16-2003, 09:16 AM
<<Watch as the car gets towed to dealer.>>

Was the transportation a wrecker or rollback? If a wrecker, and if he towed the car from the front, the wrecker company may be responsible. You should never tow a car with a automatic, from the front, without first disconnecting the driveshaft. The other option is to keep the car running in netural while being towed, tow from the rear or put on a rollback. Once my Bro's RWD car needed to be towed and the imbicle was going to tow from the front. Had it all hooked up and everything and then I remembered, Hey this is a RWD car. I made him take it down and tow from the rear. He was pissed, but hey if it broke he wouldn't of payed for it. Just my .02. Oh, and BTW I don't know why your car wouldn't start, but IMHO it doesn't have anything to do with the tranny.

05-16-2003, 09:44 AM
It sounds like the torque converter was locked, so when transmission pumped pressure at startup, there was no slippage possible, resulting in a locked engine to driveline problem.


05-16-2003, 10:29 AM
This is why you buy a car with a factory warranty.

Telling you that you drove the car too hard, therefore you pay $1900 is BS.

The warranty will cover this issue, you just need to go head-to-head with the dealer.

Paul T. Casey
05-16-2003, 11:41 AM
Hey, I know something about welding, the BONDING of two metals together by applying heat. The only way to release is to BREAK the joint, not cool down. Sounds like typical rrunaround by unscurpulous service mgr to save on warrantee repair. A 13k mi trans. just don't break, even with "hard driving. This repair should be covered by lemon laws if nothing else.

05-16-2003, 07:13 PM
Thanks for the concern. Talked to the service mgr. Trans will be rebuilt with new torque convertor. All under warranty. Big question is...how did it happen and why? Not many MMs sold and probably not that many with over 13,000 miles. Is this a proven transmission or are there some new modifications internally making this a new animal? Service mgr said the web sites they search for car problems show no transmission concerns for the Marauder. Is there a longevity problem that will rear it's ugly head as time progresses for some other Marauder owner, or is mine unique? Hope to be happily truckin' again by the middle of next week. Guess I'll have to wash my wife's car this weekend since there's no Marauder in the driveway.:alone:

05-16-2003, 07:24 PM
derik: This transmission come from Fords F-250 line up, very strong trans. They went with this trans for the MM because of the weight.

Blue Marauder
05-16-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Bigdogjim
derik: This transmission come from Fords F-250 line up, very strong trans. They went with this trans for the MM because of the weight.

Not quite true. The Marauder has the 4R70W trans which is used behind the 4.6 liter engines in cars and the smaller engineed SUVs and light trucks. The E4OD/4R100 trans is a much heavier duty trans used behind all 5.4 liter engines and diesels in light trucks. Basically an electronically controlled AOD trans. The Lightning uses a modified 4R100 trans.