View Full Version : Do you know a potential American Idol?

08-11-2006, 05:48 AM
With all the hoopla going on here in San Antonio with 7,000 people at the Alamo dome trying out for American Idol this morning, I was just wondering if you knew anyone who was going to try out this year.

08-11-2006, 06:30 AM
Only one I know is Doctor Donny Carlson....

He does a MEAN Barry White....drives the chicks crazy

08-11-2006, 06:53 AM
Now we may have to add a karaoke night to MV4!!!

08-11-2006, 08:32 AM
Not in American Idol but the wife knows the bassist and drummer for the group PovertyNeck Hillbilllies(local SW PA country band) who signed with Rust Records and are touring the SE US. Currently have a video due to be released this w/e called "Mr. Right Now" fea Ben Roethlisburger.

<a href ="http://thepovertyneckhillbillies.com/index.php">PovertyNeck</a>

08-11-2006, 09:04 AM
Don't know any American Idols, but I've met a few American Idiots...

08-11-2006, 09:44 AM
Don't know any American Idols, but I've met a few American Idiots...
What's that suppose to mean?

08-11-2006, 10:08 AM
What's that suppose to mean?What do you mean "what's that supposed to mean"? It means exactly what it means, right? I mean, what else could it mean?

08-11-2006, 10:09 AM
What do you mean "what's that supposed to mean"? It means exactly what it means, right?
And what is THAT?

08-11-2006, 10:27 AM
For those who made it to MV2, the wife of our own Brutus is American Idol material.. Freaking beautiful voice and easy on the eyes as well!! She sang The national anthem at IRP and everyone was amazed at how talented she was.

08-11-2006, 10:31 AM
For those who made it to MV2, the wife of our own Brutus is American Idol material.. Freaking beautiful voice and easy on the eyes as well!! She sang The national anthem at IRP and everyone was amazed at how talented she was.She got the loudest applause at Karaoke too!

08-11-2006, 10:56 AM
And what is THAT?Why are you asking me THAT? I didn't say THAT, you did. Why should I know anything about THAT? THAT is your problem, not mine. Know what I mean?

08-11-2006, 11:06 AM
Why are you asking me THAT? I didn't say THAT, you did. Why should I know anything about THAT? THAT is your problem, not mine. Know what I mean?
NO I don't know what you mean by THAT! THAT is why I am asking; 'What do you mean by THAT!!! My problem....NO it is your PROBLEM!

O's Fan Rich
08-11-2006, 12:07 PM
When I'm really tanked up.... I can sound just like Toby Keith in my mind.
Am I "Idol" material? OH he77 no!

Mike Poore
08-11-2006, 12:38 PM
For those who made it to MV2, the wife of our own Brutus is American Idol material.. Freaking beautiful voice and easy on the eyes as well!! She sang The national anthem at IRP and everyone was amazed at how talented she was.

Um, would that be THIS Brutus wife? Didn't know about her singing, but I got to sit across from this beautiful person. :D


08-11-2006, 12:40 PM
What's that suppose to mean?
He met me end of story

08-11-2006, 12:42 PM
NO I don't know what you mean by THAT! THAT is why I am asking; 'What do you mean by THAT!!! My problem....NO it is your PROBLEM!Frankly, Gordon, THAT is a whole 'nother topic which doesn't mean anything here. And, now you blow THAT out of proportion, turning it into THAT!!!

I never knew you to be so emotional, I think you should start another thread on THAT, or, THAT!!!,and stop trying to derail this discussion.

08-11-2006, 12:47 PM
Am I really THAT big of a deal? :rolleyes:

08-11-2006, 12:47 PM
Frankly, Gordon, THAT is a whole 'nother topic which doesn't mean anything here. And, now you blow THAT out of proportion, turning it into THAT!!!

I never knew you to be so emotional, I think you should start another thread on THAT, or, THAT!!!,and stop trying to derail this discussion.

...and just what do mean by THAT? :D :lol:


08-11-2006, 01:23 PM
...and just what do mean by THAT? :D :lol:
Okay, okay I give...Both you lazy bums can't do a search, and you just gotta ask me. So, here's excatly what THAT means;

that «that; unstressed thuht», adjective, pronoun, plural (for defs. 1-3) those, conjunction, adverb.


pointing out or indicating some one person, thing, or idea: Shall we buy this book or that one? Who is that lovely girl in the chair by the fire?
indicating the farther of two or farthest of most things: Shall I buy this dress or that one we saw yesterday? What is the name of that mountain beyond the others to the east?
showing contrast: This hat is prettier but that one costs less.

some one person, thing, or idea: That is the right way. That’s a good boy!
the farther of two or farthest of most things: I like that better. I like that best.
something contrasted: Which hat do you want, this or that?
who; whom: Is he the man that sells dogs? She is the girl that you saw in the chair by the fire.
which: Bring the box that will hold most.
at or in which; when: It was the day that school began. 1960 was the year that we went to England.
Archaic. the former.
That is used:

to introduce a noun clause and connect it with a verb: I know that 6 and 4 are 10.
to show purpose, end, aim, or desire (often with may, might, or should, rarely sha): Study that you may learn. He ran fast so that he would not be late.
to show result: I ran so fast that I was five minutes early.
to show cause: I wonder what happened, not that I care.
to express a wish: Oh, that she were here!
to show anger, surprise, sorrow, indignation, or the like: That one so fair should be so false!
to that extent; to such a degree; so: The baby cannot stay up that late. I didn’t know you cared that much.

at that, Informal. a with no more talk, work, etc.: If I’m invited to have a drink I just say “A fruit juice please” and leave it at that (Manchester Guardian Weekly). b considering everything: [He was] a shoemaker, and a poor one at that (Francis Crawford).

in that,
because: I prefer her plan to yours, in that I think it is more practical.

that is,
that is to say; in other words: Look at me, that is, look on me, and with all thine eyes (Ben Jonson).

that’s that,
Informal. that is settled or decided: “Well,” he exclaimed, “that’s that. At least I know where I’m going” (P. Marks).

with that,
when that occurred; whereupon: The train reached the station, and, with that, our long trip ended.
[Old English thæt (originally) neuter of sē, demonstrative pronoun and adjective.<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 type=TEXT/JAVASCRIPT> document.write('<a href="/wb/dict?lu=the' + (edition == "in"? '&ed=in':'')+ '#ent_126370" target="_top">'); </SCRIPT> Compare etym. under the<SUP>1</SUP> (http://www.aolsvc.worldbook.aol.com/wb/dict?lu=the#ent_126370),<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 type=TEXT/JAVASCRIPT> document.write('<a href="/wb/dict?lu=this' + (edition == "in"? '&ed=in':'')+ '#ent_126909" target="_top">'); </SCRIPT> this. (http://www.aolsvc.worldbook.aol.com/wb/dict?lu=this#ent_126909)]

<NOBR>–Usage.</NOBR> The relative pronouns that, who, and which are distinguished in present use as follows: (1) That may refer to persons, animals, or things, who only to persons (or personified abstractions of animals when thought of as having personality, as in children’s stories), which to animals, things, or groups of people regarded impersonally: the man that (or who) answered; the concert that (or which) was scheduled; the animals that (or which) are native to this region. (2) That is used chiefly in restrictive clauses: the man that answered. The book that she selected for her report was the longest on the list. Who and which are used in both restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. Restrictive: the man who answered; the parcel which I received. Nonrestrictive: the parcel, which had been badly wrapped; my aunt, who is an accountant. The privilege of free speech, which we hold so dear, is now endangered. (3) That is not used as the object of a preposition; it cannot be substituted in the man to whom I spoke or the size for which he asked (or which he asked for). See this for another usage note.

Okay...Got THAT now?

08-11-2006, 01:24 PM


Donny Carlson
08-11-2006, 05:08 PM
Only one I know is Doctor Donny Carlson....

He does a MEAN Barry White....drives the chicks crazy


Ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh... ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...
Ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh... ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh... **

** Actual Barry White lyrics, from "baby we better try to get together"

Donny Carlson
08-11-2006, 05:11 PM
Cripes, THREE of the buggers are from here. And Taylor Hicks is from Hoover, where my mail route is. You can't HELP but to know one around here.

That said, I share you this link to the Truimph American Idol tryout vids.
