View Full Version : Had some (*&(^^%%$$ luck today

08-11-2006, 05:10 PM
Left work a few hours early to run errands. Stopped by car wash on way home, same one as always that does nice job. Employee went to move a big metal sign out of the way while I was parked, waiting in line. Creamed the fargin sheet out of my right front fender with the based of the sign. Five big, ugly scratches down to primer, wife pointed out to me that metal was actually dented in slightly. I felt the bump inside the car. They are anxious to get it repaired for me, but are trying to steer me toward their shop. I am thinking, no, I want it done at Don Reid Ford that has done several repairs for me already with beautiful results. Plus, I know it will be done correctly, and they warranty their work for life. My heart sank when I felt the bump, and my stomach felt sick. It actually wore me out to be pleasant about it. I know that with vehicular collisions I have the right to pick where I ge tthe work done. Does that apply to this kind of thing in FL also?

08-11-2006, 05:32 PM
You are in a gray area of the law, a reputable company has liability insurance to cover this type of accident on private property. If you are dealing with a small business owner that offers to pay out of his pocket, different story.

I would ask the owner of the car wash what is the name of his liability insurance company and file a claim, then you control where the works get done.

08-11-2006, 05:57 PM
They may take it to the cheapest place (read; Maaco) and get a $25 job that gets you out the door ASAFP! Then in three months when it peels or fisheyes, they'll say DILLIGAF.

08-11-2006, 06:12 PM
You have the right to pick your own shop to do the repair. Don't ask me how I know. They also owe you the cost of rental vehicle while yours is repaired. Good luck, don't let them buffalo you. They will no doubt try. Just stand firm. They have the liability and do NOT want any public commotion that would indicate that their establishment is not a safe place to have your vehicles washed. Good luck. Dennis

08-11-2006, 06:52 PM
in rhode island , you have the right to pick your body shop.....
the insurance company will try to steer you towards their favorite....
favorites are usually hackers.......i dont know what the deal is legally where you live...........it never fails, you get something exclusive and nice and some zero at the car wash whacks it!!!!
you know if you had a pos hundai , it would nt get a scratch , no matter what you did!!!!!!

08-11-2006, 09:32 PM
Man, bring it where YOU want to. Its your pride and joy and you know where

it is taken care of best. Its your car and they did the damage. Please,

it makes you feel 10x better knowing you brought it to a place where you

know it will be done right. Good luck :)

08-11-2006, 09:39 PM
Ok, time for the Florida Insurance Agent to respond.

1. You can take your car anywhere you want to be fixed.
2. You are NOT required to get two estimates.
3. If you are given a hard time about either of the above, mention the words "Insurance Commissioner".

08-11-2006, 10:19 PM
Ok, time for the Florida Insurance Agent to respond.

1. You can take your car anywhere you want to be fixed.
2. You are NOT required to get two estimates.
3. If you are given a hard time about either of the above, mention the words "Insurance Commissioner".
Thanks for the responses and sympathy, you guys are great.

Reading this over again reminds me that my brother has the private phone number of one of our local TV station "action reporter"s if I need to put pressure on anyone. :)

08-12-2006, 06:11 AM
Go for it, with gusto. Dennis:beer:

08-12-2006, 06:31 AM
That sucks, I priced around differnt shops before to have work done and the dealer prices are usually pretty close to the local shops. Get an estimate from Don Ried and give the car wash a call. If he balks at the estimate then start getting pissed. No sense worrying over what 'might' happen.

08-14-2006, 08:46 AM
That sucks, I priced around differnt shops before to have work done and the dealer prices are usually pretty close to the local shops. Get an estimate from Don Ried and give the car wash a call. If he balks at the estimate then start getting pissed. No sense worrying over what 'might' happen.
That's my plan. Today lunchtime I will be getting an estimate and drop it by the carwash.