View Full Version : Just got back from Rock N' Roll camp!

08-19-2006, 10:11 PM
Wow what a crazy seven days this was. The first day was off to a rough start because my mom wouldn't turn off the tv till 2am and literally drove me insane... you know what point where you get so mad you get extra energy like when your about to drown... I was at that point.

The next few days were great. I saw Max from The Conan O' Brian show and told him how I watch the show not only to laugh, but to figure out what song the band is playing in the few seconds they get before commercial. Also mentoned that I enjoyed they rock n' roll songs they play and sometimes throw in The Clash and noticed how they played Blitzkrieg Bop when Joey Ramone died. He seemed very happy that I noticed these things so we talked from lets say a good 15 minutes, I got a photo and he began his lession to the campers.

My audition was last because I requested a song to play, but had to settle from one off the list which was You Really Got Me by The Kinks. Still a fun one, but I enjoy 50's rock n' roll the most. The judges were impressed that I actually knew that song that well being that some of the campers wouldn't know what to do after the second chorus. I played my heart out and was getting phrase for the rest of the night. I was surprized people liked me that much because all I was doing was playing along.

The next day I got together with my band. I was jamming out some Nirvana tunes with the drummer and oldies with the bass player earlier and luckly we ended up in the same band! Everyone exchanged numbers including our host for our band Mike from Night Ranger. I was never a 80s metal fan, but hey connections are connections and he's a very nice guy. I was shocked how much he knew about Black Flag and SUICIDAL TENDENCIES... my favorite hardcore punk bands/music to listen to when you have really had a bad day.

I met Dr. John later and I thought he was in bad health, but later I found out he was drunk for his gig and photo shoot with us. I didn't care because he still put on a good show, but being drunk at an event where your the big cheese... come on you know better. Also met Dee Snider from Twisted Sister and felt a real connection with him. During his talk/speech he was very funny and kept going on and on about how he never did drunks or drank. He also mentioned how he was the anti-rock star for that and if you read my blog I felt the same way and thats at the top of my list. He said he was drunk once at the age of 14 and once was enough. I told him to check out Minor Threat and thought it was great that I am straight edge too.

Later we had to create an original song and no one really bothered to do it so during a lunch break I wrote a few lyrics and chord structures. When it came time to making up a song I told my band I had something. They actually liked it and I was surprized because most were into classic rock and not a HEAVY BUDDY HOLLY influence. Well it took another hour to finish the song and we were on our way. It was basicially about me being born too late and being stuck with crappy music, crappy cars and crappy music players. Some of the lyrics went.... You can keep your iPods and mtv/ old vinyl records is fine with me. I wrote about 70% of the song while the rest of the band was telling everyone that I wrote the whole thing, I didn't like that because I didn't act alone on this... I know my band meant well for me, but everyone should get credit. I've always had a hard time accpeting complements too, to this day I don't understand why.

A day later we had to play at Sirius radio on the 36th floor and perform our original song to all the campers and radio. Everyone really liked my song and this was the first time I ever got an audience going over a song I basicially created, I can't put into words how proud I felt. They had a wall signed by every band that has passed though and some bands I waned to write bad things all over... bands like yellow card to name one.

I saw George Throrgood, but I got really ticked off because I thought I would see him longer and we didn't even get to jam! All I got was a few signatures and he watched our band play a song. He liked my downstroke ability and duck tape for the strap so he had a few nice things to say about my style... that was cool, but what was a real turn off is not only is he not a gearhead, he had to ask his manager what kinda car he drives! So he's a total poser when it comes to his car songs.... a real downer. That would be like finding out the grateful dead didn't actually do drugs... u get the idea.

The final night my band had to play at B.B. Kings and let me tell you I don't know were all my energy came from, but I tore that place up and even did some vocals on one song. I was just shouting hey towards the end of one song, but I guess the crowd liked it. When I was watching the rest of the bands everyone kept saying how good I was on stage with my facial expressions and holding up my guitar. I was waring my homemade Cramps shirt and some dug it. I also dedicated our second and last song to Gene Pitney and the crowd went silent, that was nice and I think they were shocked that I knew who that was. Heck days before people were shocked I would rather play Earth Angel than something by Boston.

Finally I got something I wanted, I didn't score a record deal, but I got more connections and had a wonderful time. I'll actually be meeting BO DIDDLEY next month and if you don't know who he is look him up. If you call yourself a rock n' roller you better know him or all of your SUN RECORDS will be reposessed by me.

08-20-2006, 05:29 AM

Thanks for the summary of your Rock 'n' Roll Camp experiences. It sounds like it went pretty well, in spite of a few disappointments.

Now, be sure not to lose the momentum! After inspiring stuff like this happens to us, there is a tendency for us to go through a withdrawal/depression reaction a little while after it all ends. There is the temptation to think that nothing has changed about our situation after all. But it has. So, keep the momentum going! Maybe write a few more songs or something.:beatnik:

08-20-2006, 11:26 AM
Thanks man and you know I'll write some more songs. 3 Chords is all I need. ;)

Donny Carlson
08-20-2006, 04:13 PM
That's impressive. I'd spend that if it included naked groupies and all the alcohol and drugs you could take short of inducing a coma. I mean, if you're gonna go to rock and roll camp, why screw around.

Instead, I decided to spend just $1,500 to attend the Cobb County Star Trek Camp, wherein Skeeter and Bubba have made a 1:1 scale Enterprise bridge model out of bales of hay, and later we get to shoot Klingons off "Uranus" which looks suspiciously like a mule with Spock ears glued on. Course, I won't be able to pay my truck payment this month, but hey, a man's gotta have priorities.

08-20-2006, 04:32 PM
Priorities, priorities...

Joe Walsh
08-20-2006, 05:05 PM
:rofl:..... :rofl:...... :rofl:

:laugh:......... :laugh:........ :laugh:........ :laugh:

That's impressive. I'd spend that if it included naked groupies and all the alcohol and drugs you could take short of inducing a coma. I mean, if you're gonna go to rock and roll camp, why screw around.

Instead, I decided to spend just $1,500 to attend the Cobb County Star Trek Camp, wherein Skeeter and Bubba have made a 1:1 scale Enterprise bridge model out of bales of hay, and later we get to shoot Klingons off "Uranus" which looks suspiciously like a mule with Spock ears glued on. Course, I won't be able to pay my truck payment this month, but hey, a man's gotta have priorities.

Is "Uranus" the one with the rings around it???:D

08-21-2006, 03:43 AM
That's impressive. I'd spend that if it included naked groupies and all the alcohol and drugs you could take short of inducing a coma. I mean, if you're gonna go to rock and roll camp, why screw around.

Instead, I decided to spend just $1,500 to attend the Cobb County Star Trek Camp, wherein Skeeter and Bubba have made a 1:1 scale Enterprise bridge model out of bales of hay, and later we get to shoot Klingons off "Uranus" which looks suspiciously like a mule with Spock ears glued on. Course, I won't be able to pay my truck payment this month, but hey, a man's gotta have priorities.

down right hillarious:rofl: