View Full Version : Is It Possible.....

08-20-2006, 03:52 PM
For the past few days I have noticed that almost every time I go WOT in to the boost my radar detector goes crazy. I know it sounds weird but I cant understand why. I have had the radar detector for 6 months and have never had this happen. I havnt done anything different since I purchased it. I thought it was a coincidence at first but after a while it started getting annoying....Just today I was driving home and nailed the throttle to pass up a ricer and my radar went nuts.....

Has this happened to anyone else or am I just the lucky one? I dont see a need to read the manual cuz I have never heard of anything like this happening.

Any and all input and opinions are welcome and appreciated..

08-20-2006, 05:05 PM
Being our opinion's are welcome, I know how to fix it. Don't use the Boost any more and the problem fixes it self. Boy are you lucky to a have friend like me! :D :D :D

08-20-2006, 05:24 PM
Actually Rob, the problem is your brain waves. With boost they emit powerful impulses that detector senses:depress: . Although it also could be the Trilogy wine while under boost. That is one of the benefits of my having a Procharger:lol: .

08-20-2006, 05:27 PM
I have had it happen for two different reasons.

First time was due to alternator problems, when the voltage went below 11V the radar detector went wacko.

Second time was when I was testing spark plugs and put in some non-resistor plugs with the stock coils. Electronic noise was so bad it virtually shut down the car, too!

08-20-2006, 06:06 PM
OH NO!!!! Sounds like you have a SERIOUS problem! Pull that SC off RIGHT NOW and send it to me. :D

It really sounds like one of the reasons FordNut specified. Or maybe a loose wire or connection.

08-20-2006, 06:06 PM
The government is tracking you, better get some aluminum foil and make yourself a hat real quick.

See Fordnut's reply for the real reason...or is it?

08-20-2006, 06:18 PM
Better install chaff dispensers and flares!


08-20-2006, 09:55 PM
What type of detector...

I have a Passport and in my Starion it does a Laser alert everytime I hit 3k RPM (in any gear)

Very annoying. It also falses in several of my other vehicles (always Laser) but in the Starion it is like clockwork.

08-21-2006, 05:11 AM
I vote for the low voltage theory. Mabey your belt is getting worn and can't keep up with your power demands.

08-21-2006, 07:42 AM
Hardwired in or cig lighter connected? Wiring short, alternator, low/high voltage ideas sound likely to me. Wait..do I remember that some s/c tunes shut off alternator during boost? Could that have something to do with it? Just throwing my spastic thoughts out for fodder.

08-21-2006, 10:57 AM
Theory 1:
The alt turns off at WOT. With A/C, Lights, that #$*&^$ stereo and who knows what else, plus coils pulling max voltage to light the fires, voltage dips and RD goes nuts.
Theory 2:
The other half planted a bug to make the RD go nuts at WOT so only SHE cane use the SC!!!!
Take your pick.

08-21-2006, 01:21 PM
I have the Passport 8500 X50 and is plugged in to the cigg adapter at all times. I never had this problem so I am hoping that maybe it is the voltage. I just want it to end cuz I never know if I am really being nailed by lazer or if its just in the mood to go crazy

08-21-2006, 02:17 PM
When I owned my Lightning I had the Escort Passport 8500 installed. Whenever got the truck into WOT or slightly below WOT the detector would flip out. When I honked the horn the same thing would happen. I'm convinced it was due to the loud/high pitch noise. Very wierd and annoying if I do say so myself.

08-21-2006, 07:08 PM
Well mine is a Passport 8500 as well. I think the damn things are just defective.

08-21-2006, 08:45 PM
Now, my personal theory on this one is that, the blower is gonna make you go faster, right? Now, when I go fast, the cops radar me and pull me over, so maybe the blower=going fast=cops radaring you=your radar detector going off.:dunno: