View Full Version : Good times!

08-22-2006, 05:12 PM
I took a u-turn off of memory lane an hour ago, and was wondering...
Hey, all you military and Ex-types, law enforcement and what-not; all of us, at one time, knew the "One Man" among us that became a Legend, so let's talk!
First of all, none of that mambi-pambi "I think I'm so bad" crap, but lets share tales of guys like Mr P. "Andy" Anderson" of USS Birmingham (SSN 695). We'll see where this goes :cool:
Outside of SubBase Pearl, not too far down Nimitz Hghwy, was a bar of a "less than reputable" nature called Gussie L'Amour's, and that's where the legend of Andy began.
Andy... picture a big man. A Montana man. Raised out in Big Sky country, throwing bales of hay around like most of us toss out the morning paper. One night at Gussie's, a 'lil guy who'd had too much to drink, accosted Andy after he'd warned the drunk to lay off the waitresses. I remember this guy, shoving his finger into Andy, saying over and over, "buddy, you better stay in the bar because when you leave, I'll be waiting for you.I've got something for you, man!". Andy, pretty much unimpressed, gave the guy his best "whatever, punk" and we commenced to drink.
Fast forward a few hours? Dunno, but as the night ended, we walked out to the parking lot where sure enough, the Idiot was there, stick in hand, and coming straight at Andy. I kid you not, Andy looked right at him and said "Buddy, you'd better go out and find yourself a bigger stick".
Me? I'd have thought twice about it, made an apology and went home.
The drunk? Nope. He rushed in and quicker than I thought possible, Andy had one hand around his throat, the other around his hip, picked him up straight over his head, and threw the fool to the ground.
I took a quick look at the guy, made a comment like "hey, he isn't moving" as we stepped over him, then loaded up in Andy's '66 Stang and went back to base.
And that's just ONE of the stories that made Andy a legend :beer:

08-22-2006, 07:03 PM
I'm pretty sure that just about 99.8% of what I can remember is off limits to mixed company and youths.

But the Legend of Jeff Schaeffer, well where do we start. Ah, NTFS A school Orlando. Jeff is older so he got us into bars, had a car and was generally a no bs guy when it came to dealing with stuff.

One day we're wheelign through town and get pulled over, the Orlando cop, sin't cuttign us any slack, cuts Jeff a ticket for speeding and is giving him a lecture, so he hands back the license and citation after singing, Jeff asks " Are we done here?" cop says "yes" no sooner the word is out of his mouth he nails it and we are out of there. I'm looking back and I see the look of astonishment on the cops face, priceless. But at that point I dunno whos more shocked me or the cop!!!

08-22-2006, 07:12 PM
And as if to cement his infamy....

We had instructors in NNPS who were what we called DILDO's... Direct Input Limited Duty Officers. Basically college grads hired to teach physics, math, reactor theory, etc. Well some were women. One particular young lady was quite attractive, actually several of them were, strictly off limits... like guard tower with machine guns off limits. Anyway, she made a rookie mistake one day and wore polka dot panties, white dress, butt wiggling as she wrote on the board.

So end of the day there were comment forms (anonymous) god knows what reason, it was near the end of school so who knows course critique?? Anyway, a witch hunt breaks out, I mean the brass is fuming, someone is going down hard for whatever happened. Well no one knows what the score is but we are being threatened with the book, all of it, lots of article 134 talk, I mean hornets dont get this worked up.

Well we finally found out what the score was, someone (we knew it was Jeff, he had a thing for this instructor) had written on their course critique " Pretty pink polka dot panties make me hard"....... all I could think was, big ones, big brass ones this guy has.

We wont even cover how he almost got a Pakistani cab driver killed at the Alameda base....

08-22-2006, 07:20 PM
I thought I had some fun times in a CH-47 transporting nukes over Germany. I've got some really great stories about getting fogged in with the locals. I'll wait for the next Woodward Dream Cruise to share. There may be kids logging on.....:D :beer: :censor: :eek: :beatnik: :P ;)

We wont even cover how he almost got a Pakistani cab driver killed at the Alameda base....

08-22-2006, 07:40 PM
no need to wait that long, I'll probably be up your way this fall for a W-E, you haven't heard nuthin 'till we break out the stories about Olangapo and Little Mac Sai-Sai's.....:rolleyes:

I thought I had some fun times in a CH-47 transporting nukes over Germany. I've got some really great stories about getting fogged in with the locals. I'll wait for the next Woodward Dream Cruise to share. There may be kids logging on.....:D :beer: :censor: :eek: :beatnik: :P ;)

08-22-2006, 07:55 PM
...Olangapo and Little Mac Sai-Sai's.....:rolleyes:
"What you name joe"
"What dee-bijion you in"
"What chip you are"

08-22-2006, 08:33 PM
"You buy me drink?" "I sooo thirsty" "you buy me drink" :D:D:D

This glass of Bullfrog is for you MC :beer: Haha! I miss drunken Jeepney rides at 4am!

"What you name joe"
"What dee-bijion you in"
"What chip you are"