View Full Version : This place deserves to get bombed.

08-23-2006, 07:41 AM
New Restaurant Bears Hitler's Name

By AIJAZ ANSARI, Associated Press Writer

<script type="text/javascript">document.write(getElapsed("20060823T135131Z"));</script>48 minutes ago<noscript>UPDATED 21 MINUTES AGO</noscript>
http://www.comcast.net/data/br/2006/08/23/br-25843.jpg (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/461266.html) Customers leave after visiting 'Hitler's Cross' a restaurant at ... (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/461266.html)

BOMBAY, India - When Hitler's Cross restaurant opened four days ago in a Bombay suburb, local politicians and movie industry types were on hand to celebrate beneath the posters of the Nazi leader and swastikas.
The owner insisted then _ and still does _ that the name and theme of his new eatery is only meant to attract attention, even if it has outraged Bombay's Jewish community.
"It's really made people very upset that a person responsible for the massacre of 6 million Jews can be glorified," Elijah Jacob, one of the community's leaders, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
But owner Puneet Sablok has refused to back down, and apart from Bombay's 4,500 Jews, there's been little controversy in India, where Holocaust awareness is limited, Hitler is regarded as just another historical figure and swastikas are an ancient Hindu symbol, displayed all over to bring luck. There are just 5,500 Jews in all of India.
"It's just to attract people. There is no intention to hurt anyone," said Sablok about his spacious restaurant, which serves pastries, pizza and salad in Navi Mumbai, a northern suburb of Bombay, which is also known as Mumbai.
Those objecting to the restaurant plan to ask the local government to force a name change, said Daniel Zonshine, Israel's consul general in Bombay.
"Instead of Hitler's name being an example of extreme evil, this is like giving legitimacy to Hitler. It's not right to advertise his name in public," Zonshine said.
But while India is ordinarily sensitive to causing religious offense _ recently taking action to bar "The Da Vinci Code" movie and cartoon drawings of the prophet Muhammad _ at least one local leader said the name Hitler didn't bother him.
"People are unnecessarily making this into an issue," said Sudhir Jadhav, a local ruling party leader. "We have no plans to protest outside the restaurant or ask him to change the name."
Diners were also quite happy eating in Hitler's Cross.
"Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?" said Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece of chocolate cake.
Engineering student Anand Dhillon sat with friends, sipping soft drinks. "I think the name is quite interesting. Tomorrow if someone keeps a name like Saddam Mutton Shop or George Bush Footwear, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?" he shrugged.

08-23-2006, 07:47 AM
So, you're basically saying that someone should open the Bomb Bay doors, and unload on the place?:D

08-23-2006, 07:53 AM

i mean, i am not the sensitive uppity type, but this is just wrong.

08-23-2006, 08:09 AM
If the evil is not periodically resurrected we will forget about it.

We should not forget about this evil so as not to have it repeated.

edit: Of note, if we were to bomb this place, we would be guilty of the same judgement and evil as Hitler.

08-23-2006, 08:16 AM
That's why it's in the history books.... a restaurant named after Hitler and bearing the swastika ? come on now.

You up for a juicy Concentration-Camp Hoagie or what ?

08-23-2006, 09:48 AM
Personally I don't approve and would never patronize a place that bears that name and symbol. Perspective depends on point of view, the actual symbol is an ancient Indian symbol of good luck, that I find here in the US at the entrance of many Indian homes.

There are places in the world where the name Bush and his image is looked upon as the name and image of evil incarnate...sadder still there are Americans that share that sentiment. A restaurant that bears that name and symbol would not be permitted in our country, and rightly so.

08-23-2006, 10:31 AM
A restaurant that bears that name and symbol would not be permitted in our country, and rightly so.
I think you are wrong on this. It would be permitted (probably under the 1st Amendment); but I suspect that it wouldn't last the first day -- maybe not the first hour. Talk about a simultaneous marketing, political, religious and commercial suicide in the US. The owner has a perfect right to be stupid in public or private.

Obviously the name and symbol does not have the same connotation in Bombay, Mumbai, or whatever the name is now as it has for the US and Europe.

On the other hand, if I saw the "swastika" over someone's door here -- I definitely would not think first of an Indian good luck sign. Different perspectives altogether.

08-23-2006, 10:34 AM
I agree with you regarding the naming of this restaurant. However, in Hindu culture the Swastika is/was considered a religious symbol and long before Hitler got a hold of it.

08-23-2006, 10:39 AM
That's why it's in the history books.... a restaurant named after Hitler and bearing the swastika ? come on now.

Didn't say I agree or would go there. But really, do you think about the holocaust unless it is somehow brought to your attention and you are reminded. I'm not saying I love the idea, but it got all of us thinking again and being reminded is a good thing.

A restaurant that bears that name and symbol would not be permitted in our country, and rightly so.

It would be permitted. It would be our right under our constitution. It would, however, be very thwarted by the people and impossible to keep open.

Free speech is beautiful thing and one of the things we fight for. I'm not saying it's a great name, but the guy has the right to open his place and name it anything he wants. It is up to the people whether he has any taste or scruples and it's the people's money to spend or not spend at his establisment. Either the people will feel appropriately reminded, be completely oblivious, or be offended and not patronize.

In any event, it's not our choice to name his place. It's his. We don't have to agree, but we would be going against our own philosophy as a country to not allow him his chance.

Think of this: we allowed, condoned and patronized the glorification of over 1500 deaths at the hands of irresponsibility. It was the movie Titanic. I would not see, nor pay for, nor rent nor buy any memorabelia from that movie, cuz I feel it exploited the victims of the tragedy.

Food for thought.
Flame suit on.

08-23-2006, 10:39 AM
Just think what the African Americans would do in this Great Country if some loser opened up a cafe with reference to the days of slavery.

I only wish that the Indian Jews counter strike and open up an eatery were all the waiters are called Mohammed and the bus boys are called Magical Horse. Naturally, they wouldn't intend to offened anyone but rather just use simple and clever marketing. The Mohammed waiter and his Magical Horse bus boy can play on the fact Islam believes that they both ascended through seven (7) heavens into Allah's presence. So perhaps every course they bring could be another layer of heaven and if someone orders all seven courses then Mohammed and his Magical Horse start to sing, dance, and bring the customer a free eatable Koran made of tiramisu.

But no, if such an eatery opened EVERYONE will somehow find it offensive even though it was "just for marketing."

I am sorry if I offended anyone. I get so sad when I see that people get away with this sort of stuff.

08-23-2006, 10:49 AM
I agree with you regarding the naming of this restaurant. However, in Hindu culture the Swastika is/was considered a religious symbol and long before Hitler got a hold of it.

It has nothing to do with an Indian religious symbol if they name the restauant "hitler's cross." They are just playing politics pretending that the restaurant is really all about the lucky symbol rather than hitler.

I don't think that it would be such a problem if the restaurant was named "India's Cross."

08-23-2006, 11:04 AM
I'd love to jump into this discussion, it's a juicy one for sure. I always love it when someone gets slapped around just for disagreeing with the popular thought. Anyway, I gotta run...

The City Council of Chicago just made it illegal to eat duck, goose, or parts thereof, and for restaurants to advertise it, or, serve it. Talk about food Nazis...What's next, Whoppers? Duty calls...

08-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Anyone know what the menu choices are named? :shake:

08-23-2006, 11:42 AM
What's next, Whoppers? Duty calls...

Ha ha!

Maybe they think they should bomb us for eating cow. After all, it's a sacred and proteted animal for Hindus.

Yet another lesson in '... to each their own...'

08-23-2006, 01:24 PM
[quote=SergntMac]I'd love to jump into this discussion, it's a juicy one for sure. I always love it when someone gets slapped around just for disagreeing with the popular thought. Anyway, I gotta run...quote]

Go for it SergntMac. On this form, as long as the topic is not about S/C or Oil you'll be fine!!!:rolleyes:

08-23-2006, 03:15 PM
On the other hand, if I saw the "swastika" over someone's door here -- I definitely would not think first of an Indian good luck sign. Different perspectives altogether.

Is fairly easy to tell the difference, the Indian symbol is never alone, there are other decorative symbols and images. You walk into the home and smell the curry, see all the other clues (besides the Indian name) like the decor, dress and physical characteristics of the customer and it's fairly easy to tell you are not dealing with Nazis.:)

08-23-2006, 03:34 PM
Is fairly easy to tell the difference, the Indian symbol is never alone, there are other decorative symbols and images. You walk into the home and smell the curry, see all the other clues (besides the Indian name) like the decor, dress and physical characteristics of the customer and it's fairly easy to tell you are not dealing with Nazis.:)
I agree completely. However, in isolation without the other clues, I would make the connection with Nazi Germany because that is my familiarity and knowledge base. Until this thread, I was unaware of the Indian connection, customs and symbolism. So once again, I continue to learn. That's good .... it keeps the brain cells active. :D

08-23-2006, 03:37 PM
Not sure about the Indian symbol, but you can find what looks like a Swaztika all over Ancient Japan also, but if you pay careful attention you'll see it's actually a mirror image (backwards). I bet you'll find the one in India is the same. If so, then in this case the symbol used on the restaraunt is actually a Nazi symbol and NOT a Hindu religeous symbol.

Either way, it's an excuse for some media attention. You know what they say, bad publicity is better than no publicity. They should set that woman from the Pink Taco video on them ;)

08-23-2006, 04:48 PM
The Nazis simply borrowed or stole a symbol and perverted it's meaning, here is an example of a swasti from medieval times being guarded by two cobras.

08-23-2006, 06:40 PM
edit: Of note, if we were to bomb this place, we would be guilty of the same judgement and evil as Hitler. Not if it was "unoccupied" at the time. still a not so good crime but not as great a crime as they did ;)

Donny Carlson
08-23-2006, 06:51 PM
The City Council of Chicago just made it illegal to eat duck, goose, or parts thereof, and for restaurants to advertise it, or, serve it. Talk about food Nazis...What's next, Whoppers? Duty calls...

Daffy Responds:


Whoo hoo! Whoo Hoo! Whoo Hoo!

08-23-2006, 07:20 PM
By following your recommendation, we would create martyrs out of pro-nazis and as a result, we would contribute in the eventual revenge against some communities. Dig a little bit in history and remember the "Reichstag" incident (burnt by the "communists" !?) .

Besides, if you want to go a little bit farther while staying coherent with your recommendation, you should burn or bomb all these bookstores which sell "Mein Kampf", "Das Kapital" and why not the "Catholic Bible".

Actually, I think that some of the advantages of a democracy lie in the freedom of expression of the people as well as - I believe - in the opening of mind and in the higher, better education of these people who built in and preserve it.


08-24-2006, 05:38 AM
The Nazis simply borrowed or stole a symbol and perverted it's meaning, here is an example of a swasti from medieval times being guarded by two cobras.

The reason the Natzi's stole the swasti is because it represents the SS. It looks like 2 of the letter s crossed in the middle.

08-24-2006, 07:02 AM
Somewhere between PC stupid to level 10 and in your face contemptible disregard for others there must be ...don't you think...sanity? :( Dennis

08-25-2006, 03:37 PM
New Restaurant Bears Hitler's Name

By AIJAZ ANSARI, Associated Press Writer

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(getElapsed("20060823T135131Z"));</SCRIPT>48 minutes ago<NOSCRIPT>UPDATED 21 MINUTES AGO</NOSCRIPT>
http://www.comcast.net/data/br/2006/08/23/br-25843.jpg (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/461266.html)Customers leave after visiting 'Hitler's Cross' a restaurant at ... (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/461266.html)

BOMBAY, India - When Hitler's Cross restaurant opened four days ago in a Bombay suburb, local politicians and movie industry types were on hand to celebrate beneath the posters of the Nazi leader and swastikas.
The owner insisted then _ and still does _ that the name and theme of his new eatery is only meant to attract attention, even if it has outraged Bombay's Jewish community.
"It's really made people very upset that a person responsible for the massacre of 6 million Jews can be glorified," Elijah Jacob, one of the community's leaders, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
But owner Puneet Sablok has refused to back down, and apart from Bombay's 4,500 Jews, there's been little controversy in India, where Holocaust awareness is limited, Hitler is regarded as just another historical figure and swastikas are an ancient Hindu symbol, displayed all over to bring luck. There are just 5,500 Jews in all of India.
"It's just to attract people. There is no intention to hurt anyone," said Sablok about his spacious restaurant, which serves pastries, pizza and salad in Navi Mumbai, a northern suburb of Bombay, which is also known as Mumbai.
Those objecting to the restaurant plan to ask the local government to force a name change, said Daniel Zonshine, Israel's consul general in Bombay.
"Instead of Hitler's name being an example of extreme evil, this is like giving legitimacy to Hitler. It's not right to advertise his name in public," Zonshine said.
But while India is ordinarily sensitive to causing religious offense _ recently taking action to bar "The Da Vinci Code" movie and cartoon drawings of the prophet Muhammad _ at least one local leader said the name Hitler didn't bother him.
"People are unnecessarily making this into an issue," said Sudhir Jadhav, a local ruling party leader. "We have no plans to protest outside the restaurant or ask him to change the name."
Diners were also quite happy eating in Hitler's Cross.
"Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?" said Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece of chocolate cake.
Engineering student Anand Dhillon sat with friends, sipping soft drinks. "I think the name is quite interesting. Tomorrow if someone keeps a name like Saddam Mutton Shop or George Bush Footwear, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?" he shrugged.

Well, I guess "bombs" were not needed after all.........


08-25-2006, 03:42 PM
Mumbai? I thought it was Bombay?

08-25-2006, 03:56 PM
Mumbai? I thought it was Bombay?

"Navi Mumbai, a northern suburb of Bombay, which is also known as Mumbai."

08-25-2006, 04:02 PM
"Navi Mumbai, a northern suburb of Bombay, which is also known as Mumbai."
Thanks for clearing that up for me. :)

08-25-2006, 05:16 PM
Mumbai? I thought it was Bombay?
When I was a kid, we talked about Peking, Bombay, and Moslems.

Now, it is Beijing, Mumbai, and Muslims.

I think the world is messing with our minds, man.:beatnik: