View Full Version : Marauder Screen Saver

05-18-2003, 08:39 AM
............don't know if everyone got one or not, but I had a mini cd-rom in the owners manual.
If you would like, I can post it as an attachment ( I think, need to check with Logan on attachments ). It's interactive, and features the history of the Marauder, from the early 60s to the new 03 Marauder.

Jim Williams
Ft. Worth, Tx

05-18-2003, 09:52 AM
I never got one... :(

And you all KNOW there's no sense in telling the dealer.

05-18-2003, 09:58 AM
Like I said, as soon as I get the OK from Logan, I will send it as an attachment. You can mail me directly if you would like at : mungce@charter.net

Jim Williams

05-18-2003, 03:36 PM
My owners mannual has a CD included. John

05-18-2003, 04:54 PM
Cool, then you can help me out with burning one for several mercurymarauder.net

Please send out your address so that we don't double up. I was hoping to send it as an atttachment, but don't know if this net allows for attachments

Jim W Williams
Ft,. Worth, Tx

05-18-2003, 05:41 PM
Jim is that a promo video or an instruction type thingy??

05-18-2003, 06:43 PM
Im seding out to memebers who contact me by e mail.
As soon as I hear fronm Logan on attatcmenets then I will post it to the site. OK?

Jim W Williams
Ft. Worth, Tx 76109