View Full Version : Military Thing Settled: Ship Out Date, Job, Tech School Location.

08-28-2006, 01:43 PM
I finished out everything and got all the results in today. I ship out on 2006 December 05 to Lackland Air Force Base to start my 6 and 1/2 weeks of basic. Immediately after I'll begin 13 (possibly changing to 20...a rumor) weeks of technical training for Security Forces also at Lackland AFB.

I willingly agreed to take on that job over the plane things for personal reasons and I plan to cross train after my first four years for something really dealing with planes. So that's the deal! I'm pretty spun up about it and I promise to get pictures of it all too. I'll keep in touch!


Donny Carlson
08-28-2006, 01:47 PM
So that's the deal! I'm pretty spun up about it and I promise to get pictures of it all too. I'll keep in touch!


Best of luck, Mr. McGee.

08-28-2006, 01:53 PM
Good luck.

Paul T. Casey
08-28-2006, 01:55 PM
Godspeed to you, and thanks for your efforts.

Fourth Horseman
08-28-2006, 02:17 PM
Nothing wrong at all with being an SF. Good luck and don't be a stranger once you get settled.

08-28-2006, 02:50 PM
Make shure the words bolling afb aren't on your orders. This is not a place for a 1st term sf troop.

08-28-2006, 03:58 PM
Congrats and good luck James. Thanks in advance for your service.

08-28-2006, 04:26 PM
James - Good Luck and Best Wishes.:D

08-28-2006, 04:53 PM
Hey,thats sounds great!
But rethink the SF thing If you want to work on planes tell the recruiter,trust me he needs you more than you need him.
I have 2 recruiters that live across the street from me.

If you somehow need a waiver for any medical problem shot me a line I may be able to help.

BTW I'm in the San Antonio area and I work at Randolph AFB, HQAETC.

They allways need SP/SF's,that was the job I signed up for 24 years ago.
I too was promised cross training if I want,but instead I went in and told the recruiter I wasn't going in if I was a cop,I want to work on the planes.
I trained as an Aircraft Electrician,now am a civilian Avoinics tech,yes I've worked on planes for 24 years,I've also left the aircraft at 2am and said goodnight to the SP.Thats a hard job to get out of.

If you have the ASVAB scores then try to get in Space tech type jobs,not missel maint,also the electronic spy stuff is growing.Hospital Equip Maint is also good,If you move to the medical stuff let me know I can give you the real world run down on most of those jobs.

In the aircraft world Crew chief looks great on paper as does engine mechanic,like getting dirty and working in the cold/hot no break for some Staff Sgt. driving around in a heated/air conditioned truck?You'll love being a crew Chief!
Stay electronics in the aircraft world too,can't go too bad there.
Electronic Comminications is hot too.

Please if you don't want to be a cop don't sign up for it.
If you hate being in just about any other job you can then cross train to be an SP they'll still take you 4 years from now.

08-28-2006, 05:08 PM
James, good advise^^^. Best to you Mr. Curbside Prophet.:D Thanks James for your service. Dennis

08-28-2006, 05:26 PM
SF is one of those jobs where you can crosstrain out of and get pulled back into.... Make shure you go to a base(with recruiter or somene with escort privliges) and at least talk to a few sf members of lower ranking before you fully commit.

08-28-2006, 07:18 PM
Seems it may be Whoops time -------all these nice suggestions from those with experience coming to late---cause your already signed up for the SP-correct?............looks like its you quickest way into a CV after all---or do they have them?........anyway----I can't see you writting a speeding ticket----not after what kinda driving I have seen you do in front of me :lol:.......good luck my friend----I'm an ex- AF man myself-the Fire Dept---of course-----you'll get to meet those crazy baasterds soon enough-------trust me-----...Tom

08-28-2006, 08:06 PM
What all these guys said :-) Good Luck! & Thanks I hope it is all you want it to be.


08-28-2006, 08:20 PM
Good luck. 28 years retired air transportation. I would never be security, but each is his own.

Two bits of advice I learned before basic.

1. Never volunteer for ANYTHING - there will ALWAYS be some schmuck in the back that will.

2. all you need to bring to basic is a shaving kit - Uncle sam will give you everything else. We had guys showing up with several suit cases. Looked like they were going on a cruise. It was pretty funny to watch when they put us through the ol pick em up - put em down routine. And then running in place with all our bags over our head. All I had was my shaving kit.

08-28-2006, 08:39 PM
Oh boy, security police... did the recruiter have on a big ol' grin when he saw you coming? Just kidding, SF assignments vary greatly. They only give the really tough mo-fos berets in the AF. Put your best effort in BMT and tech school and hope for a sweet assignment.

Make us proud. :flag:

08-28-2006, 08:53 PM
I am proud of you already just for stepping up!!!

Freedom isn't free. Thank You!

08-28-2006, 09:28 PM
I've been in that career field for 18 1/2 years, including special duty assignments with the Army and Marines. Let me know if you'd like any information on particular bases or possibilities open to you that the recruiters won't tell you about or don't know about. Contrary to popular belief, they don't know all the options out there. There are things that will become available to you at basic training, if you have the desire to step out of the normal and into some risky business.

And like cyclone03 said...if your aren't happy with what they gave you...say so and make them do business with you. Recruiting is a VERY competitive quota business...just like car sales. They WANT your business!

As for being able to get into or out of certain jobs now or later...NOT the case. Career fields change all the time, and they all suffer force reductions from overmanning at one time, and then undermanning at others. You can pick whatever you want, but the world situation, technology, and changing US defense policies can dictate at anytime whether you stay in or get put out, or keep your job or cross train.

One other thing to consider. Career fields witht the largest number of people have the best promotion rates. It's all in the numbers. That won't make a lot of difference till you're going for SSgt, but it pays big dividends quickly. On the other hand, if you're only going for a single enlistment and then get out, pick a job that has the best civilian similarities with the best wages. Everyone knows civilian cops don't make huge incomes. But computers, avionics, medical...that's another story, and they transition well to the civilian market.

Best of luck regardless.

08-28-2006, 09:51 PM
Good luck. 28 years retired air transportation. I would never be security, but each is his own.

Two bits of advice I learned before basic.

1. Never volunteer for ANYTHING - there will ALWAYS be some schmuck in the back that will.

2. all you need to bring to basic is a shaving kit - Uncle sam will give you everything else. We had guys showing up with several suit cases. Looked like they were going on a cruise. It was pretty funny to watch when they put us through the ol pick em up - put em down routine. And then running in place with all our bags over our head. All I had was my shaving kit.

1. SF never volunteer so we are proactively voluntold ;)
2. yep shaving items, pictures, and phone card are nice to have items. If you have any bills to pay(i.e. cell phone) try and get someone to pay them for you if you can. You won't be using a cellphone untill you get to tech school. FYI for thse who haven't been to the "jailhouse" for a few years or decades, the bars are gone from around the bottom floor of the dorms.

when you get to throw the grenades remember...

*pull pin(s)

*throw(grenade not pin[s]) away from you


*duck(don't try to watch it explode)

You can change your job now and iirc sometime in basic when they also ask for the dreamsheet... I changed jobs after the first meps visit.

08-29-2006, 03:35 AM
... and God Bless.

Oh yea didn't Jack O'Neill, that's two L's, start with SF in the Airforce? And look at all the neat assignments he gets to go on.

Guard duty sucks, but it has its ups and downs. The best GD I had was at Spandau Prison for two weeks, guarding Rudolf Hess. He was ten feet in front of me and still trying to goose step at 80+ yrs.

Good Luck and if you end up in the DC area contact me.

08-29-2006, 03:56 AM
Best of Luck!!!

2003 MIB
08-29-2006, 04:29 AM
Guard duty sucks, but it has its ups and downs. The best GD I had was at Spandau Prison for two weeks, guarding Rudolf Hess. He was ten feet in front of me and still trying to goose step at 80+ yrs.

That's a pretty cool story. No sense of remorse? No nothing? I hope he's in Hell sitting next to Michael Landon right now.

08-29-2006, 06:52 AM
From a former zoomie who did work on aircraft (F-4C/D, C-130E), the deal with not volunteering is all what you want to do. By volunteering I got to travel the world. Saw places and people I never would have otherwise. Remember, its all what you make it. By the way, take a small gym (AWOL) bag to put the clothes you will be wearing to Lackland AFB.

Have a good time. You can do 6 1/2 weeks standing on you head!!!

08-29-2006, 08:25 AM
Congrats on your decision......Let me be the first to :welcome: you to San Antonio. If they let you out for Christmas dinner give me a call. I am sure we will have something good to eat.


RF Overlord
08-29-2006, 08:37 AM
James, good luck and Godspeed. We need more bright and talented people like yourself who actually WANT to serve their country. From someone who was never in the military, please accept my sincere thanks.

08-29-2006, 01:08 PM
Be careful, and pay attention. Basic will be easy compared to Security School. A lot of the Air Force security guys go into AF Spec Ops. As a retired military guy I give you a salute and a hand shake. Chances are high with that MOS you will be seeing sand in about 12 months.

God Bless

Donny Carlson
08-29-2006, 06:21 PM
The best GD I had was at Spandau Prison for two weeks, guarding Rudolf Hess. He was ten feet in front of me and still trying to goose step at 80+ yrs.

This wasn't in August, 1987 was it?

08-30-2006, 03:28 AM
This wasn't in August, 1987 was it?
Yes it was. ?????

08-30-2006, 06:53 PM
Wow there's a lot of thoughts and advice here. I'm fully aware of all the trouble it is to be in SF. I even knew that they have the highest rates of divorce, depression and suicide...and I told my recruiter that. The hours sometimes suck and almost everyone else will think they're job is better than mine. But still yet I've read a lot about the job and it's still appealing.

My ASVAB scores are great. Especially in the area of Electronics in which I got an 89. So I know that it looks more promising now than it might turn out to be but I know eventually I'll get where I want. I honestly wanted to try something a different and I really love some of the stuff Security Forces personel do. I have my own quirky personal reasons but I'm going into the Air Force and serving my country. I love that more than anything and no one can take that away from me. I honestly plan on possibly spending up to 20 years in the service.

Thanks for all your advice and thoughts and help, I'll be around on here when I'm in tech school and we'll see if I can't go to a meet or two and possibly catch a few dinners with you folks out near Lackland.

08-30-2006, 07:08 PM
On another note, I'd also like to say my recruiter is a cool guy. He ran the SF job by me even though it wasn't on my list of 6 picked that I gave to MEPS. He said there was an opening for it and I had already expressed interest. I know it happens to everyone while they're waiting for word to come back on what job they can book, that they're recruiter finds or gets word of "other things" going on and tries to see if their recruites will bait. From moment one he has been seemingly straight forward with me and never ever pushed me towards any one thing. We knew based on my ASVAB scores that I could get anything I wanted and he's only ever leaned me towards a few things that I can't argue with him for pointing out more than once, like Linguistics. Sgt Highfill is a very cool guy and I've gotten to know him well. I've always told him what I want out of the military and what I am looking for/want/need and will get. I know the cards are in my hands to make demands, and work deals and that's what I've done.

08-30-2006, 07:26 PM
James If you are thinking 20 years sign up for 6 years now,you get an extra stripe or maybe 2 out of basic, that will be a boost to your first year or mores tiny pay check.

Do you have any ROTC from high school? E-3 for sure with 6 year enlistment,my daughters BF graduates Friday, E-3 in the parade.

Donny Carlson
08-30-2006, 07:29 PM
Yes it was. ?????

August '87 was not a good month for ol' Rudy.

Do a GIS, you'll find out why.

08-31-2006, 07:16 AM
No my high school didn't have ROTC but a number of kids went to Ivy league schools!

I am thinking of signing up for 6, it's an extra two stripes and $350 a month in my pocket.

09-02-2006, 07:23 PM
August '87 was not a good month for ol' Rudy.

Do a GIS, you'll find out why.
GIS? Geographical Information System????

Donny Carlson
09-02-2006, 09:13 PM
GIS? Geographical Information System????


Google Internet Search

I'll save you the trouble:

You were one of the last persons to guard Hess. He hung himself on August 17, 1987.

09-02-2006, 10:31 PM
No my high school didn't have ROTC but a number of kids went to Ivy league schools!

I am thinking of signing up for 6, it's an extra two stripes and $350 a month in my pocket.Money is nice but don't let that be the only reason you do 6. If you like it at 4 you can always re-enlist

09-02-2006, 11:28 PM
It's not. I said I'd make two more stripes...E-3. But I guess I can see the logic in waiting to see if it's even something I want to do long term.

09-03-2006, 04:31 AM
It's not. I said I'd make two more stripes...E-3. But I guess I can see the logic in waiting to see if it's even something I want to do long term.


James, great deal! Wishing you the very best in your upcoming endevors in the Air Force. You'll be an outstanding addition. Very cool. . .:cool:

Thank you in advance for your service.

Mike Poore
09-03-2006, 08:29 AM
I'll save you the trouble:

You were one of the last persons to guard Hess. He hung himself on August 17, 1987.

Hopefully, Gordon, you were able to account for all of your belts and neckties. :rolleyes:
Zey know vhere to find you! :rofl:

09-03-2006, 05:40 PM
James, We spent the day today hanging out with my daughters boyfreind over at Lackland.He graduated Friday and ships out to Goodfellow for Fire Fighter training Monday.

In less than an hour 4 SF students stopped by our table to talk with Jordan and all where happy he wasn't going to be a COP.They where all in SP/SF school at Lackland.

I know you don't know me from squat,we only talked about 15mins at MVII,but think hard about that SP thing.
MY wife is Active Air Force (med. feild HQAETC) I asked her about the retraining after 4 years (on a 6 year enlistment) you can only cross train into a field that has a current opening,or shortage sometimes by rank. Having meet you and "seeing" you here I have no dought you'll be ready to sew on E-5 in four years,that "could" screw your cross training dreams.

With your ASVAB scores go for the most advanced training you can get,work on jets first,if you hate it then cross train.

Deployments to the "sand box" are a constant at our base with SF,be ready for that.Most Air Craft maintainers tend to stay away from the flying lead,"Go GET 'EM,SIR" is our motto. Chicken s#@t,well yes but I come home everynight.

09-03-2006, 06:13 PM
They are puling from other jobs as well. The combat convoy course we taught also had admin and supply guys in it. I would tell the recruter to let you go to a base near and see what the job is that you are getting into.

09-05-2006, 07:14 AM

Google Internet Search

I'll save you the trouble:

You were one of the last persons to guard Hess. He hung himself on August 17, 1987.
Donny, well at first I thought you you were going to tell me you were there also and I was trying to remembera Donny Carlson in my company. Anyway I had my years confused I was on guard detail at Spandau in August of 1986. From seeing Hess close up and the condition he was in, he did NOT hang himself. Whomever was in tower three at the time was able to see the whole thing it had a clear view into his little garden patio where the incident took place.

Sorry about the hijack James, but I know you understand. Good luck!!!!

09-05-2006, 02:50 PM
ah, good ol' Lackland Air Force Base. saw some of the weirdest looking animals in my life while there.

I graduated from Bootcamp out of the good ol' 322 Training Squadron on June 16, 2001.

"three twenty second, second to none! Hoo rah!!!"