View Full Version : got a ticket

08-29-2006, 12:05 PM
ok last night coming from the QT i got pulled over and got a ticket for laying drag.....WTF is laying drag ...never heard of this sht before someone enlighten me.....

08-29-2006, 12:16 PM
Did you fish tail it out of there? Could be like exhibition of speed for peeling out.....thats my guess....never heard it termd that way before though.

08-29-2006, 12:16 PM
Never heard that expression. Were you WOT out of the QT??

08-29-2006, 12:22 PM
the police said it sounded like i was going to fast

08-29-2006, 12:22 PM
and no i wasnt at wot coming out of the parking lot

08-29-2006, 12:24 PM
Sounded like you were going to fast? So I guess if you sat there and revved your engine that would sound like you were going to fast also?

08-29-2006, 12:24 PM
.....WTF is laying drag ...never heard of this sht before someone enlighten me.....
What were you wearing at the time?? :rofl: I don't think it has anything to do with speed or cars ...... ;)

08-29-2006, 12:25 PM
this is my first ticket since dec '98 should i fight or pay?

08-29-2006, 12:34 PM
What were you wearing at the time?? :rofl: I don't think it has anything to do with speed or cars ...... ;)

:laugh: Awesome Charlie.. even I didnt catch that one :D

08-29-2006, 12:36 PM
this is my first ticket since dec '98 should i fight or pay?

If ya got time fight it................if your busy pay it............

08-29-2006, 12:38 PM
i would fight...but i would find out what laying drag actually means before you fight it.

08-29-2006, 12:45 PM
Kenneth...was it Cobb County?

Take the time and fight it...ask the judge for a definition of "laying drag"...and whatever it is...you weren't doing it.

08-29-2006, 12:46 PM
ok last night coming from the QT i got pulled over and got a ticket for laying drag.....WTF is laying drag ........
Apparently this is a code violation in Georgia ... has something to do with "Drifting" and "car control". Do a search on Laying Drag and there are loads of folks in Georgia asking about it ..... :rolleyes:

Laying Drags

Gwinnett County Police
OFFENSE: Laying Drags
Violation of Code Section: 40-6-751(9)

Here's a quote from the "Drifting.com" boards ....

Originally posted by Ripper
fill me in, what does it mean to lay a drag?

burning out, doing donuts, leaving tread marks, pretty much if a cop see's your tires smokin

08-29-2006, 12:48 PM
Apparently this is a code violation in Georgia ... has something to do with "Drifting" and "car control". Do a search on Laying Drag and there are loads of folks in Georgia asking about it ..... :rolleyes:

Laying Drags

Gwinnett County Police
OFFENSE: Laying Drags
Violation of Code Section: 40-6-751(9)

They could sit out on S. Cobb Drive in front of my shop and write that up all day long..... :burnout:

08-29-2006, 12:49 PM
it was smyrna

08-29-2006, 12:56 PM
it was smyrna

Darn...wish it was Cobb...we do ALL their vehicles and I could possibly "help". Smyrna stopped sending their cars here years before I bought it over some disagreement...although over the last 6 months I've done a few cruisers for them...just not as "connected' as I am with Cobb County.

08-29-2006, 01:10 PM
Bid Deal I got a ticket for having too much fun! ie, open beer on the Woodward Dream Cruise rd. now that is really BULL*****. I guess the Jaguar police car is just not enough.:censor: pigs.
oh yea $150 too

08-29-2006, 01:14 PM
I would strongly recommend to anyone that gets a ticket that has a good driving record to go court and fight it. My last ticket was July 1999. I took the morning off from work to go to traffic court to fight it. The judge lowered the fine from $70 to $20. $70 for a speeding ticket. I think it's about double that now. Worth a 1/2 day vacation. It was actually quite interesting to watch all of the other cases in court that day. I think in MN if you have multiple offenses, for example speeding and no seat belt, I think it's a mandatory court appearance. Be polite and hopefully the judge will throw out the ticket or atleast reduce the fine. I've even heard of situations where if you don't get another ticket within a year, this ticket will come off your driving record. Good luck.

08-29-2006, 01:28 PM
I'd fight it most likely this is going to be a high level ticket if not reckless driving it will be improper driving. The COST of the actual ticket is of NO concern or consequence - the cost of higher insurance the next 5 years IS.

Especially if you didn't do it, fight it. If you didn't do it why would you want any offense on your record?

08-29-2006, 01:36 PM
Even if you DID DO IT.... DENY! DENY! DENY!



08-29-2006, 02:18 PM
Here in NY anyways, Smoking tires off the line is known as a "unsafe start" and anything else like drifting or burnouts is seen as reckless driving. You do not want one of those on your licence.

I say fight it, as soon as you go to court for it, its automatically going to be lower then what it is if you just pay the fine,

08-29-2006, 02:57 PM
Provided you were not doing what the members described here (Especially what Bluerauder described- Sick depraved mind there :lol: ), I would fight it. A LEO who writes you a ticket based on what he hears, and does not see? I gotta tell ya. Thats afirst for me.

I guess thats what you get if you have a Chevy Lumina or a Dodge Intrepid for a Police Car.

If it was a CV that pulled ya, well he was just jealous.:coolman:

Good luck!

08-29-2006, 05:58 PM
Laying drag? Sleeping with a transvestite is all that comes to mind. Tell him your car is equipped with traction control and is impossible to even make the tires slip in rain. It is okay to lie in this case - it is a victimless crime.

09-01-2006, 10:16 AM
Find out what it is. If it is laying rubber down and there are no pictures there is no proof. If the cop heard you but didn't see you..how does he know? Challenge that. Is the cop an expert on your car? Does he know what it is supposed to sound like? I'd fight it. In most cases, I think that they will drop the charges if the officer doesn't show up to testify anyway. Good luck!!

09-01-2006, 11:09 AM
As with any offense. You are innocent until PROVEN guilty. The burden of that proof is on the state. In a traffic case, the officer is the representative and the witness for the state. He must have PROOF of your offense.
Did he SEE black marks? Did he witness the rear of your car moving laterally? Did he see white tire smoke? If he is any way a non-credible witness, he's out, just like any other witness in any other case. The witness has to WITNESS the offence.

I have beaten so many tickets this way it's a shame. Guilty as sin, but lack of proper witnessing and it's over. 'Bout the only ticket I can't beat this way is speeding.

Read the law. It has to be listed by number on your ticket. If it ain't, that right there beats it. Review the scenario in your mind. Ask what he thinks he saw, heard or smelled. And remember, not only does he have to prove it happened. He has to prove it was you! An just because you have to POTENTIAL to do it, doesn't men you did!

Example: Got busted for too loud stereo (I know, I know). I was definately guilty. Took my ticket like a man. Went to court. I asked the officer where it happened - in traffic - at a light. Were there other cars? -Yes. Bout how many? 25-30. How do you know it was me? -Saw a big stereo in the back. Did you see any parts on my car vibrating? -No. Did you HEAR any parts on my PARTICULAR car vibrating? -No. Did I pull over? -Yes. Did you see any other cars with big stereo's? -Didn't look. So, how can you be sure it was me? -You had a big stereo. It has an off switch and a volume knob. Was it loud when you approached my window? -No. Then that proves I have control of it's volume and you have no way of being sure my car, in the company of approximately 30 stopped at the light, was the one that was loud. -Guess not. See ya.

FIGHT IT!!!!!!

09-01-2006, 11:24 AM
Example: Got busted for too loud stereo (I know, I know). I was definately guilty. Took my ticket like a man. Went to court. I asked the officer where it happened - in traffic - at a light. Were there other cars? -Yes. Bout how many? 25-30. How do you know it was me? -Saw a big stereo in the back. Did you see any parts on my car vibrating? -No. Did you HEAR any parts on my PARTICULAR car vibrating? -No. Did I pull over? -Yes. Did you see any other cars with big stereo's? -Didn't look. So, how can you be sure it was me? -You had a big stereo. It has an off switch and a volume knob. Was it loud when you approached my window? -No. Then that proves I have control of it's volume and you have no way of being sure my car, in the company of approximately 30 stopped at the light, was the one that was loud. -Guess not. See ya.
Now I have my get out of jail free speech, I'll be ordering my big stereo today! :D

09-01-2006, 11:34 AM
Since insurance is the big issuse and not the fine talk with the cop right before the hearing explain you can't afford the points on your record and your insurance will go up. But you'd be happy to pay the fine if you didn't already send in the money.

Ussually in PA. they will reduce the ticket to something that doesn't have a precident of having points associated with it....

When the reduce the charge the fine will also be reduced....

Speeding 16mph over limit => 6mph over (no points, reduced fine)
Reckless driving => Careless Driving (no lose of license)

09-01-2006, 11:40 AM
You can always try using the Get Out Of Jail Free MM.net card :D

Seriously... fight it. I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (in NC you can lose your license for 20mph over the limit :eek:). I went to court, the prosecuter(sp) talked to everyone that was in court for moving violations. Almost everyone was allowed to plead giluty to 6mph over the speed limit, including me :D:, you paid a fine and court costs but no insurance points because it was 6mph over the limit. This happens all the time.

09-01-2006, 12:02 PM
You can always try using the Get Out Of Jail Free MM.net card :D
Where can I get some of those? :help:

09-01-2006, 01:54 PM
I'd fight it too. 'Course round here the cops could say you were going 150 in a 25 and if there are not other witnesses, you automatically lose.

Ask me how I know . . .

09-01-2006, 04:22 PM
Oh, yea...the street just outside the driveway was wet, had oil, loose gravel, yea, that's it. My rear end slipped a little from the positrac engaging and the motor rev'ed and then the traction control kicked in....yaada yaada. Good luck.

09-01-2006, 04:48 PM
I'd fight it too. 'Course round here the cops could say you were going 150 in a 25 and if there are not other witnesses, you automatically lose.

Ask me how I know . . .
I'm askin' :confused:

09-01-2006, 05:53 PM
Because, uh, the cops around here can get away with it. The law reads that if you don't have a corroborating witness to tell your side, and it's you vs. officer "ticket happy I have a quota for today and damn I'm behind already" you automatically lose.

Or so said the judge at my last hearing. Go figure.

I'm askin' :confused: