View Full Version : TAF...."Welding 101"???

09-07-2006, 04:13 AM
While at Grand Muffler yesterday to have Bryan install the final stage of my exhaust system I was able to see some of Todd's handy work!!:help:

Bryan said he was teaching Todd to fabricate and weld up exhaust systems.....but his first "Solo" job left a little to be desired......See Photos!!:eek:

Please pay special attention to the driver's side muffler hanger and custom "H" pipe!!:cool:

Hang in there Todd......You'll get it someday.....After all Bryan has 30 years experience on ya!!:bows:

BTW......My system is an absolute WORK OF ART and sounds GREAT!!:beer:

Thanks Guys!!:bows:


PS: Perhaps Todd should donate his first attempt to a "Modern Art" studio??;)

09-07-2006, 04:59 AM
Kinda scary, are you leaking oil?

09-07-2006, 06:01 AM
Naw......That's not my car!!:rolleyes:

It is a "RAGGED OUT" Mustang that rolled in there for Todd to work on??;)

It was leaking from everywhere but the radiator!!:help:


09-07-2006, 06:10 AM
Naw......That's not my car!!:rolleyes:

It is a "RAGGED OUT" Mustang that rolled in there for Todd to work on??;)

It was leaking from everywhere but the radiator!!:help:

It shows, it almost has a full oil undercoat job

09-07-2006, 06:18 AM
Real funny Jack.....REAL funny....

How was the drive home?

09-07-2006, 09:19 AM
Hey Todd.....It looks way better than I could do!!:beer:

Did ya get the major leak fixed??

My drive back was nice......every car I passed looked at me like "WTF is dat"!!:bows:

I even think the fuel mileage is better.....IT'S A WIN-WIN...HOOOOOORAY!!:bows:

I'll call you in a few days after I run around town a bit!!:D

Thanks again!!


09-07-2006, 11:45 AM
The exhaust leak was a breeze....

Long-story short though was explaining to him that the serpentine belt he had on that Mustang was routed wrong spinning the waterpump BACKWARDS....due to the fact of the smogpump being deleted....with the extreme language barrier...was a trip, needless to say.

We ran to the store and got him a new belt...installed and hooked up some other misc. things under the hood that were just hangin there for him.

No charge,,,just wanted that POS off my rack :mad2:

09-07-2006, 11:56 AM
The exhaust leak was a breeze....

Long-story short though was explaining to him that the serpentine belt he had on that Mustang was routed wrong spinning the waterpump BACKWARDS....due to the fact of the smogpump being deleted....with the extreme language barrier...was a trip, needless to say.

We ran to the store and got him a new belt...installed and hooked up some other misc. things under the hood that were just hangin there for him.

No charge,,,just wanted that POS off my rack :mad2:

Ahh, cars like that will only make my '90 pretty-much-untouched Fox more valuable. High mileage but never modified, never wrecked, and not beat to shreds. :)

With all those leaks that one looks like a rolling environmental disaster! :eek:

09-07-2006, 12:00 PM
No charge,,,just wanted that POS off my rack :mad2:
Doesn't that comment seem out of line to anyone else? Sure you didn't make a thread about how nice the car is, but I'll bet he paid you for your service and wouldn't appreciate the way you are talking about his car. He may not have as much money as your other customers, but any amount he paid probably helps keep your lights on longer.

09-07-2006, 12:13 PM
Doesn't seem outta line to me one bit. He may have paid money for the car and like it but you can't remove the fact of what a car is.

Let's face it plenty of Fox 'stangs these days are POS's. Just look at that one, come-on like so many others smog delete and done incorrectly to boot...

It is what it is.

Now as for Todd not liking Fox's not sure what we can do about that. :)

09-07-2006, 12:31 PM
Believe us guys....THIS WAS A "POS" CAR!!!:cool: If anything it had a negative value!!!:rolleyes:

I simply posted this to pull Todd's leg a little.....Now don't try to make something ugly out of it!!!:argue:

The average shop would not have helped this guy at all but Todd hopped in this NASTY thing and drove it onto the rack to fix it for him!!:beer:

Some of you folks seem to go looking for trouble??:shake:


09-07-2006, 12:33 PM
Yeah maybe I took it the wrong way, but I wouldn't want a shop calling my car a POS is all..

09-07-2006, 12:34 PM
Doesn't that comment seem out of line to anyone else?

Which part bothers you the most....

The fact that we spent 20 minutes fixing an exhaust leak....and over an hour & a half trying to re-route his existing serpentine belt which was on backwards...cut and measured the wrong size existing belt...went to the auto parts store and got a new smaller size...installed it...and plugged up his missing idle air-control, and other items under the hood...etc. To make this car safe to even drive down the road without blowing up. And didn't charge one red cent....

Or...the fact that I said this car was a POS.

09-07-2006, 12:50 PM
I finally understand...

It is the PENNY's FAULT!

have you ever noticed that when we get screwed, that damn penny is always RED? WE HATE RED PENNIES!

But if it something to be proud of, it is a PRETTY PENNY!

Just food for thought...


09-07-2006, 01:58 PM
Back to the welding topic,.....as a novice weldor, I'll say this,....if welding was that easy, everyone would do their own welding. Its not rocket science, but it does take hours and hours of practice. No one starts out being a great weldor.:cool4:

09-07-2006, 02:40 PM
I agree....You should see Bryan weld......ABSOLUTELY ARTWORK!!:bows:

My system looks so good the car should have mirrors under it so folks could see it!!:beer:

BTW Todd.....You know how Bryan comments about how much SS expands with heat....Well this system "grows" enough so the "Megs" is clearly visable on the tips when it is hot and not visable cold!!:confused: I guess about 3/4" or so....It never did this before or at least I never noticed.:shake:
