View Full Version : Detailing Business Venture

09-12-2006, 08:50 PM
I've made some moves into turning my auto detailing into more of a real business. The website was launched this morning and business cards are being printed. I don't think there is enough demand to do this full time so I am keeping it part time but I am posting because I would like your suggestions. I've met up with many local Chicago-land members and have gotten some business from a couple (Big Joe P x2, ADE 1000) and have heard a whole lot of compliments but now that I am expanding my work into a Portfolio and I have used more words to describe my detailing business online so I want to make sure everything looks great before I start distributing business cards to friends and customers.

So take a look if you have a minute:


I would prefer suggestions to be private messaged...I tried my best on the website and although I am asking you if areas can be improved I don't really want to be embarassed in front of the whole forum and it's guests. I know of a couple dead E-mail links so far.

I appreciate it, thank you everyone.

Donny Carlson
09-12-2006, 09:09 PM
Dude, I am not joking here. If you moved to Atlanta, you could do your magic to high end cars in Buckhead full time... and be a wealthy man in no time. Your talent and eye for detail would be greatly rewarded.

Chicago has a lot of high income earners with expensive cars, but the weather is not so kind. You may need to find a shop to work out of, but I think that even in winter you will find clients that want their prizes detailed.

Seriously. I wish you did have a shop in ATL. I'd be a customer.

Bradley G
09-12-2006, 09:28 PM
I wish you all the best of luck in your business venture!

09-12-2006, 09:41 PM
Nicely done site...and nice work. I wish you well. :up:

09-12-2006, 09:59 PM
Good luck. Will you be detailing cycles too?

09-12-2006, 09:59 PM
Awesome site! Even more awesome detailing. If you want to take a working vacation in the Pudget sound we have 2 jobs lined up for you in my driveway alone. :)

09-13-2006, 04:10 AM
I have a suggetsion: raise your prices! The difference to a person between $75 and $100 is nothing. Most people think in terms of whole dollar numbers anyways, so the shock factor should not be a factor, but it could mean more $$$ for you to take home.

I sell to hundreds of people a day, it can work. :)

09-13-2006, 05:30 AM
Dude, I am not joking here. If you moved to Atlanta, you could do your magic to high end cars in Buckhead full time... and be a wealthy man in no time. Your talent and eye for detail would be greatly rewarded.

Chicago has a lot of high income earners with expensive cars, but the weather is not so kind. You may need to find a shop to work out of, but I think that even in winter you will find clients that want their prizes detailed.

Seriously. I wish you did have a shop in ATL. I'd be a customer.
Thank you very much Donny, I appreciate the compliments. Chicago's weather is very inconsistant, but you're right - I have customers calling me in the midst of Winter asking when I can schedule them in. They know as soon as they leave their car will be covered in snow and slush, but they are reassured that the paint is protected from that season's road salt. I'm glad to hear that you would be a customer of mine, I'd really enjoy doing that F-150 HD.

09-13-2006, 05:31 AM
I wish you all the best of luck in your business venture!

Thank you Brad! :beer:

09-13-2006, 05:35 AM
Nicely done site...and nice work. I wish you well. :up:

Thanks TAF. I put a lot of time into the site over the last few weeks and I'm glad you like it.

09-13-2006, 05:37 AM
Good luck. Will you be detailing cycles too?

Yes, I have already done six bikes. One chopper, one dirt bike, and four Harley-Davidson's (Incl. mine) See my Portfolio for those pictures. I may have two more Harleys coming up this Spring. Thanks

09-13-2006, 05:38 AM
Awesome site! Even more awesome detailing. If you want to take a working vacation in the Pudget sound we have 2 jobs lined up for you in my driveway alone. :)

Thank you Teamrope :beer:

09-13-2006, 05:49 AM
I have a suggetsion: raise your prices! The difference to a person between $75 and $100 is nothing. Most people think in terms of whole dollar numbers anyways, so the shock factor should not be a factor, but it could mean more $$$ for you to take home.

I sell to hundreds of people a day, it can work. :)
Rick - I've been getting those types of suggestions even from customers, I tell them to pay me what they think is right. There are people out there that do not want to spend so much money, or cannot afford all that much, but love their cars. I cannot justify more than $75.00 for the basic wax job and this is actually my first time offering something so basic. I've done 32 Vehicles total, all were my best "Stage Three" package but I felt I should offer more packages. This multiple packages idea is still in the beta process, I have yet to have a customer go with anything but Stage Three. Raising prices has been something I've milled over for a long time and I'm sure i'll continue to do so. I want it affordable so I can get that customer, but also, from my end - I have $85.00 overhead plus my current supplies from a $210.00 rate. In the end after about 8 hours I am making $125.00 ($16/hour for a hard labor-driven specialized service) but at this early point of making bigger moves to get customers (Website & Business cards) I don't want everyone to run off because the price is so high. Maybe what I'll end up doing is posting a notification that the prices will go up January 1st, depending on how many customers I have from now until then. For years my only advertising has been word of mouth, the best form possible, and it has served me well. I'm taking some larger steps, let's see what happens.

Keep the suggestions coming guys, I appreciate it.

09-13-2006, 05:57 AM

Good luck with your new endeavor. I know you have the talent and I envy you as this is something I would love to do, even on the side. Problems for me are:

1) Family of 4 that keeps me busy including my 15 month old
2) Location of where I live not condusive to where the nicer cars are
3) Same weather issues here in Iowa that Chicago has, maybe worse at times in the winter

Again, you do great work and I appreciate your comments and input on engine cleaning and interior detailing that you have provided me in the past.

09-13-2006, 06:08 AM
Jason, exceptional work and a very nice site with great photos. If you are looking for a nice place to spend very nice winters(?) come to Tampa and make a fortune. There is $630 in my driveway waiting for you. I would say good luck, but you don't need luck any more, you have found it. Something you love to do, can do well and the ambition to carry it through...Have fun and go man, go. dennis:2thumbs:

09-13-2006, 06:09 AM

Good luck with your new endeavor. I know you have the talent and I envy you as this is something I would love to do, even on the side. Problems for me are:

1) Family of 4 that keeps me busy including my 15 month old
2) Location of where I live not condusive to where the nicer cars are
3) Same weather issues here in Iowa that Chicago has, maybe worse at times in the winter

Again, you do great work and I appreciate your comments and input on engine cleaning and interior detailing that you have provided me in the past.
Eric, with what you've asked me in the past I'm sure you will do an excellent job in keeping your Marauder clean. Send me a PM if you have questions about problem areas or need suggestions on what product will do the best job in certain areas. Thank you for the compliments and I'm sure you have a good eye for detail too.

09-13-2006, 06:12 AM
Jason, exceptional work and a very nice site with great photos. If you are looking for a nice place to spend very nice winters(?) come to Tampa and make a fortune. There is $630 in my driveway waiting for you. I would say good luck, but you don't need luck any more, you have found it. Something you love to do, can do well and the ambition to carry it through...Have fun and go man, go. dennis:2thumbs:
Hey thanks Dennis...hmm...A vacation in Florida - isn't the Sunshine State the largest MM club? I could go all week :P Thanks again for the inspiration :beer:

09-13-2006, 06:14 AM
Killjoy's PM gave me an idea, what about a Zaino Stage Four? How much would you pay?

Door to Door service for an additional $20.00? Plus $1.00/mile anything over 10 miles range from my doorstep?

09-13-2006, 06:20 AM
I worked for a detail shop here and we charged any where from $175.00 for cars and $225.00 for trucks ( your definition may vary on the truck) and added a little extra for extra dirty vehicles. Included every thing but the under carrage. Exterior consisted of a decontamination bath, D1 was an acid wash, D2 was a neutrilizer for the acid wash and D3 was a non harsh soap. Then dry and then claybar the whole car and then wash again. Before that we would clean and dress the engine bay. Interior consisted of removing the seats, vaccume, shampoo carpet, shampoo seats (cleaner and conditioner for leather), clean all surfaces, dress all surfaces, put seats back in let dry. After drying use an ozone machine to pump in cleaned air in to the closed up car. and of coarse glass cleaned, mouldings and tires dressed and the wax. Usually took about 5-8 hours depending on the car and if you had one or two people working on it. When I go back to have my car detailed I get a $50.00 discount for being a former employee. Or I just do it myself for the cost of the products.

09-13-2006, 06:33 AM
I worked for a detail shop here and we charged any where from $175.00 for cars and $225.00 for trucks ( your definition may vary on the truck) and added a little extra for extra dirty vehicles. Included every thing but the under carrage. Exterior consisted of a decontamination bath, D1 was an acid wash, D2 was a neutrilizer for the acid wash and D3 was a non harsh soap. Then dry and then claybar the whole car and then wash again. Before that we would clean and dress the engine bay. Interior consisted of removing the seats, vaccume, shampoo carpet, shampoo seats (cleaner and conditioner for leather), clean all surfaces, dress all surfaces, put seats back in let dry. After drying use an ozone machine to pump in cleaned air in to the closed up car. and of coarse glass cleaned, mouldings and tires dressed and the wax. Usually took about 5-8 hours depending on the car and if you had one or two people working on it. When I go back to have my car detailed I get a $50.00 discount for being a former employee. Or I just do it myself for the cost of the products.
If I may ask, what does it pay to be an employee? and how big of a shop was it? PM if you don't want everyone to know, but I'd be interested in hearing what the starting pay is for the job you did. Salary, hour?

09-13-2006, 08:01 AM
This was about 5 years ago and starting pay was about 8.50 an hour plus great medical and dental and 401K. We had 2 wash bays with pressure washers just like at a do it your self car wash with out the coin op or the dial for different soaps or tire cleaner or stuff like that...just treated filtered water. (treated for spotless drying) we also had a recycling system for the used water. The shop was fairly large. Two large garage doors on the washbay (entrance) side then it opened up in to a large bay almost like a small wharehouse. Could fit about 7 or eight cars with plenty of room to work around them with seats sitting in areas around the cars. We had air hoses and electrical haging down to each parking area in the building, a single large garage door to exit to the parking lot. The inside work area from door to door...kind of a rectangle shape was about 10,000 sq. ft.

09-13-2006, 08:03 AM
This was about 5 years ago and starting pay was about 8.50 an hour plus great medical and dental and 401K. We had 2 wash bays with pressure washers just like at a do it your self car wash with out the coin op or the dial for different soaps or tire cleaner or stuff like that...just treated filtered water. (treated for spotless drying) we also had a recycling system for the used water. The shop was fairly large. Two large garage doors on the washbay (entrance) side then it opened up in to a large bay almost like a small wharehouse. Could fit about 7 or eight cars with plenty of room to work around them with seats sitting in areas around the cars. We had air hoses and electrical haging down to each parking area in the building, a single large garage door to exit to the parking lot. The inside work area from door to door...kind of a rectangle shape was about 10,000 sq. ft.
Thank you very much! Great information to know.

09-13-2006, 08:06 AM
It also housed our home office which was seperate square footage in the same building with an awning out front for the customers to pull under to have their car inspected for previous dammage, and for us to take delivery and to redeliver the car to the customer when we were done. I dont know how I lived on that wage but I made it work. Oh yeah I didn't have a car payment or any other bills other than rent. We mostly did overspray claims and got to travel alittle to out of town sites where we set up mobile shops and got paid by the car instead of by the hour.

09-13-2006, 08:08 AM
There was also only two detailers and one shop manager who also worked on the cars when we got real busy. On a good day we could get 3 1/2 to 4 vehicles done.

09-13-2006, 08:19 AM
We were also closed on all major hollidays and the shop was closed for the last 2 weeks of the year including New Years. Those two weeks were paid by end of year bonus. Hours were M-F 830-530 and some times on Saturday. When we were on the road hotel was paid and booked by the company and we got per diem for 3 meals a day. Company vehicle (Econo Line deisel vans) to carry all the equipment including generators, and if we had to, we even brought our own water to use on the cars. ( if there was no water source around)

09-13-2006, 08:20 AM
Dayum!!! I am really boosting my post count on this thread!!:D

09-13-2006, 08:27 AM
We were also closed on all major hollidays and the shop was closed for the last 2 weeks of the year including New Years. Those two weeks were paid by end of year bonus. Hours were M-F 830-530 and some times on Saturday. When we were on the road hotel was paid and booked by the company and we got per diem for 3 meals a day. Company vehicle (Econo Line deisel vans) to carry all the equipment including generators, and if we had to, we even brought our own water to use on the cars. ( if there was no water source around)
This is all good to know, especially for myself. It sounds like there was alot of overhead with employees, bonuses, meals, hotels, the shop, water, electrical, supplies...if you did 3 cars a day @ 175.00/ea the shop made $525/day, $2625.00/week, and about $126k a year if kept consistant. That doesn't sound so bad, although the rent for the shop plus $32,640 for employees (not incl. owner) and all the other bills probably kept the owner busy. Keep in mind my calculations are not including any taxes, which will be a killer. Not saying there isn't profit, I know there is, there is just a heck of a lot of overhead, especially with what you guys have done (Vans, Generators, Motels, 10k sq/ft shop, etc..) Something to think over. Thanks again

09-13-2006, 02:51 PM
Yeah, that was the detailing part....the real money was in overspray removal. Depending on how bad the overspay was could be upwards of $300-$400 a car and those you could do with a crew of 3 or 4 guys and they could do 15 -25 cars a day....no detailing involved....just clean the overspray and use the exterior process I described above....lots of money in this cause not a whole lot of places do this kind of work....money is guaranteed in part because most are insurance claims.

09-13-2006, 03:49 PM
Thanks again Sid. Your stories gave me insight I had not known before.

09-13-2006, 03:57 PM

I have seen many images of your detailing expertise, and I could learn a few things from you. That's for sure!

You would be successful in this venture.

Before you raise your costs, do mine!



ps. I have to ask of your technique in cleaning the door hinges/jambs?

09-13-2006, 04:00 PM
ps. I have to ask of your technique in cleaning the door hinges/jambs?

If I tell everyone ya'll will ask me dry and I won't have a customer left :)

Soapy water in a spray bottle. Spray on, wipe off, followed up with a spray on detailer. Stay away from the really greasy areas because they're supposed to be that way, but you can always clean around the edges.

Thanks Mike

09-13-2006, 06:03 PM
Very nice work!

The website has a nice layout, and describes your service(s) well :cool: I have no doubt you will start building a good cliental base with that work!

I see you mentioned "Final Inspection" as part of the exterior treatment, I take it you use primarily Meguiar's Mirror Glaze products? I normally use M/G on ours, and client's cars that I detail. They are definitely nice products :cool: I only recently ventured (http://www.supermotors.net/vehicles/registry/7603/50447) to Zaino's offerings, as well as Klasse, but I tend to stick with what I know best ;)

Should you decide to offer a Zaino application service, keep in mind the longevity/fewer return visits when you calculate your pricing. Right now, for what you provide, you seem very reasonably priced for the end result, that should help you build a good rep/grow pretty quickly.

BTW, M/G #26 Yellow Wax smells freakin' great! :D

09-13-2006, 06:06 PM
Should you decide to offer a Zaino application service, keep in mind the longevity/fewer return visits when you calculate your pricing.

Now if THAT ^^^ is not a fantastic testimonial of the superiority of the Zaino product...I don't know what is....

09-13-2006, 07:21 PM
Very nice work!

The website has a nice layout, and describes your service(s) well :cool: I have no doubt you will start building a good cliental base with that work!

I see you mentioned "Final Inspection" as part of the exterior treatment, I take it you use primarily Meguiar's Mirror Glaze products? I normally use M/G on ours, and client's cars that I detail. They are definitely nice products :cool: I only recently ventured (http://www.supermotors.net/vehicles/registry/7603/50447) to Zaino's offerings, as well as Klasse, but I tend to stick with what I know best ;)

Should you decide to offer a Zaino application service, keep in mind the longevity/fewer return visits when you calculate your pricing. Right now, for what you provide, you seem very reasonably priced for the end result, that should help you build a good rep/grow pretty quickly.

BTW, M/G #26 Yellow Wax smells freakin' great! :D

I bounce between a whole slew of products. Meguiars and Mothers mostly. But you're right, if I were to offer any Zaino package or upgrade I would need to adjust the pricing accordly and plan on not seeing that customer as soon (or so I hear?) I have no experience with Zaino, none whatsoever, so it isn't a system I will be offering soon. I tried ordering a long time ago and they did not accept American Express, I'll check it out though.

Zaino may be tops, but I stand by my current non-Zaino work. I, as well as my customers, love it.

Thanks guys!

09-18-2006, 04:24 PM
Just an update for ya'll...

I changed my Packages page to include a list of services that may soon include Overspray Repair. I've ventured into some new products that should be at my doorstep soon.

What do you think of the new page?


I will also be doing gift certificates, buy two get 10% off Stage Three. Also considering removing the Stage 1 and Stage 2 packages and putting a price on the services I list.

I met a guy today and he suggested going around to local car dealers and offering a mobile service and that the market is begging for good overspray removers and detailers. He said he had his truck in for overspray repair and some other stuff and the guy that came around did a bad job of removing it. He took my website address, name and phone number :D

For a week or so the E-mail address on the site wasn't working. It was forwarding to my hotmail account, which according to my host, was "Holding" the e-mails and not sending them straight through. Forwarded to my work, all is well. I also added an online form to the Contact Me page..

09-19-2006, 05:44 AM

It sounds like you are on your way to being a true success. You apparently are not afraid of hard work and getting your hands dirty. You have skills that are clearly evident. I think your prices are amazing. I think your customers may feel the same, especially since they all go for the high end package. When I retire I would like to do the same thing just to keep busy.

09-19-2006, 11:54 AM
Thanks JR, but, what do you think of the site? If you were looking for a detailer, is it convincing?


It sounds like you are on your way to being a true success. You apparently are not afraid of hard work and getting your hands dirty. You have skills that are clearly evident. I think your prices are amazing. I think your customers may feel the same, especially since they all go for the high end package. When I retire I would like to do the same thing just to keep busy.

09-19-2006, 01:07 PM
Thanks JR, but, what do you think of the site? If you were looking for a detailer, is it convincing?

I think your site is well put together. It is complete and tells me what your services are, as well as the pricing. All one stop shopping. Well done! I think the testimonials are also a nice touch. I know I'm sold!

09-20-2006, 06:19 AM
Hey Mike, Another good thing to get into with your detailing and overspray removal is paintless dent repair. If you can find a reputable tech, then you can advertise for it and take a percentage. No work, just referal and you get paid. You have to know what is involved in the repair so you can bid the rapair. If you want to look in to this route give me a call and I can explain the whole process to you. I have to get a refresher from one of my friends as I have not done it in a long time. I didn't actually do the repairs but I did bid the jobs for the tech.


09-20-2006, 06:31 AM
Hey Mike, Another good thing to get into with your detailing and overspray removal is paintless dent repair. If you can find a reputable tech, then you can advertise for it and take a percentage. No work, just referal and you get paid. You have to know what is involved in the repair so you can bid the rapair. If you want to look in to this route give me a call and I can explain the whole process to you. I have to get a refresher from one of my friends as I have not done it in a long time. I didn't actually do the repairs but I did bid the jobs for the tech.

Good idea, I'll do some research on the net and send a PM if I need to call you. BTW I'm Jason....


09-20-2006, 07:45 AM
Good idea, I'll do some research on the net and send a PM if I need to call you. BTW I'm Jason....


Sorry I was thinking of my own name for some reason....LOL

Bradley G
09-20-2006, 08:04 AM
I took a look at your website.
You never cease to amaze me, with your talent Jason! :bows:

09-20-2006, 08:33 AM
Your prices are a bit too low. Don't undersell yourself. If you do quality work, don't be afraid to charge quality prices. I wish you were in Orlando.

09-20-2006, 09:04 AM
Thanks ckadiddle, thats it, prices are going up soon...

09-20-2006, 09:06 AM
Thanks ckadiddle, thats it, prices are going up soon...

Raise them AFTER you do MY car!!



09-20-2006, 09:11 AM
Jason, I just took a look at your page over lunch and studied it thouroughly.
I must say, very nice work on the page and the vehicles.

We alway promoted that we never wore buttons, buckles, watches or rings when we worked on the vehilces.....as to not accidently scratch them....and let me tell you the response to that was amazing....mostly because no one had every used it before and they just didn't relize till it was mentioned.

Just a thought. It all looks great!!!


09-20-2006, 09:16 AM
Oh yea,....Do I get a small discount for all the helpfull advice I have been giving? Just kidding......


09-20-2006, 09:19 AM
If I may, I'd like to offer a suggestion:
Having been a car stereo head for over 20 years and having been around shops, shows, and competitions, I have come to appreciate what they call 'alignments' in that business. This is when a shop is an 'authorized dealer' of a particular line of products and uses and sells that line primarily. Often, there's an advertising incentive and a protected 'territory'. Further, it allows the business to use the logo of the product line which adds prestige, recognition and clout to the business. Last, but not least, often the line can then be purchased with price breaks or in bulk.
In my time in car stereo, I have created several alignments between manufacturers and shops by being acquainted with both parties and just matching them up. I have also benefitted by being sponsored by 3 different audio manufacturers over time by having created these type of alignment relationships.
I understand your industry is different which is why I have given so much detail. Perhaps, though, an 'alignment' with a company like Zaino is better than simply purchasing the product.
Hope this provides some food for thought.
Good luck.

09-20-2006, 09:23 AM
If I may, I'd like to offer a suggestion:
Having been a car stereo head for over 20 years and having been around shops, shows, and competitions, I have come to appreciate what they call 'alignments' in that business. This is when a shop is an 'authorized dealer' of a particular line of products and uses and sells that line primarily. Often, there's an advertising incentive and a protected 'territory'. Further, it allows the business to use the logo of the product line which adds prestige, recognition and clout to the business. Last, but not least, often the line can then be purchased with price breaks or in bulk.
In my time in car stereo, I have created several alignments between manufacturers and shops by being acquainted with both parties and just matching them up. I have also benefitted by being sponsored by 3 different audio manufacturers over time by having created these type of alignment relationships.
I understand your industry is different which is why I have given so much detail. Perhaps, though, an 'alignment' with a company like Zaino is better than simply purchasing the product.
Hope this provides some food for thought.
Good luck.

Indeed it does Rich, Definately something to think about over lunch today. Thanks for the great idea my friend.

09-20-2006, 09:26 AM
Jason, I just took a look at your page over lunch and studied it thouroughly.
I must say, very nice work on the page and the vehicles.

We alway promoted that we never wore buttons, buckles, watches or rings when we worked on the vehilces.....as to not accidently scratch them....and let me tell you the response to that was amazing....mostly because no one had every used it before and they just didn't relize till it was mentioned.

Just a thought. It all looks great!!!


Another great idea Mike. I never rub up against the car with my clothes because I'm 6'2" and have a pretty good reach. For SUVs I have a nice ladder that I use if I need it. I'll add that to the site as soon as I stop working these 15-16 hour days...maybe with that overtime I'll be able to get a nice apron too :D

09-20-2006, 09:27 AM
Oh yea,....Do I get a small discount for all the helpfull advice I have been giving? Just kidding......

Sure you do, I'm sure you and I could carry a good conversation in person too. Unfortunatly Texas isn't so close.

09-20-2006, 10:19 AM
I'd say you're on the right track and making good time!

See if you can advertise in the local Porsche Club of America or BMW Car Club of America newsletters. Some clubs would be happy to have the ad revenue while others might frown on anything from a non-member.

Anyhow, you'd be getting your name in front of some folks with nice cars who would appreciate your efforts and be unphased by a price increase.

Also, and this may sound corny, but pay attention to what your customers see besides the great job you do cleaning their car. Us nutball Marauder owners would judge you by your work, but others who merely like their cars might pay attention to how you dress, how quickly you return phone calls, how eager you are too offer special attention, etc.

Most of the folks using your service are acclimated to top-notch service, perhaps from their Lexus dealer, perhaps from a fine resort or maybe their own country club. If you can make them feel like premium, they'll be quick to pay you a premium.

Read "Raving Fans". Its cheap, short, and priceless. If you're really good at what you do, you'll be able to make a living with satisfied customers. But if you'd like to be wealthy, you'll need Raving Fans.

Best of Look in your business!

09-20-2006, 10:27 AM
Some great ideas gpfarrell! Soon I will print this thread and go over it all again. I appreciate it! Advertising in some local clubs' newsletters would be a great idea and I will be looking into Raving Fan shortly.

Thanks everyone :beer: :beer: :beer:

09-20-2006, 10:48 AM
I think I found a typo on your website. ;)

Chenille Wash Pads, Microfiber Towels, chamois, wax/polish applicator pads, clay bar kits, all purchased new to eliminate the possibility of your ride getting scratched by an overlooked spec of dirt.

Should be "speck"? :confused:

The site looks good and I think your rates are good....for the customer. ;) They definately get their money's worth. :up:


09-21-2006, 07:07 AM
Sorry I am late to this thread, but you have my sincere and best wishes for a successful venture. Web site looks good too.

Any plans to go mobile? If so, put me on the list for a Stage III treatment. I bought my present Marauder used, it needs help and I've been too busy on other stuff.

09-21-2006, 07:15 AM
Sorry I am late to this thread, but you have my sincere and best wishes for a successful venture. Web site looks good too.

Any plans to go mobile? If so, put me on the list for a Stage III treatment. I bought my present Marauder used, it needs help and I've been too busy on other stuff.
I used to do mobile service for Joe P - I could do so again but I have decided there will be a charge based on mileage. Not per mile immediately, but say per mile after 10 or 15 miles away from my home? We can work something out, of course, drop me a line if your interested.

09-22-2006, 09:42 AM
A Zaino only package will be available soon :beer:

I just ordered the Zaino Ultimate Protection Show Car Kit off their website. It includes:

ZFX™ Flash Cure Accelerator Additive
Z-2 PRO™ Show Car Polish for Clear Coated Car Finishes
Z-5 PRO™ Show Car Polish for Swirl Marks and Fine Scratches
Z-6™ Ultra Clean Gloss Enhancer Spray
Z-7™ Show Car Wash
Z-9™ Leather Soft Spray Cleaner
Z-10™ Leather in a Bottle
Z-16™ Perfect Tire Gloss
Z-18™ ClayBar
Zaino Metallic Silver Decal
& TWO Zaino Custom Polish Applicator for FREE!

This will be the introduced as a new package as soon.

I have a guy dropping off his Blue Z06 in a couple weeks and he is interested in the Zaino Package.

09-22-2006, 10:01 AM
I think I found a typo on your website. ;)

Chenille Wash Pads, Microfiber Towels, chamois, wax/polish applicator pads, clay bar kits, all purchased new to eliminate the possibility of your ride getting scratched by an overlooked spec of dirt.

Should be "speck"? :confused:

The site looks good and I think your rates are good....for the customer. ;) They definately get their money's worth. :up:

I'll get that typo fixed soon, Thanks Randy

10-22-2006, 10:20 PM
If I may, I'd like to offer a suggestion:
Having been a car stereo head for over 20 years and having been around shops, shows, and competitions, I have come to appreciate what they call 'alignments' in that business. This is when a shop is an 'authorized dealer' of a particular line of products and uses and sells that line primarily. Often, there's an advertising incentive and a protected 'territory'. Further, it allows the business to use the logo of the product line which adds prestige, recognition and clout to the business. Last, but not least, often the line can then be purchased with price breaks or in bulk.
In my time in car stereo, I have created several alignments between manufacturers and shops by being acquainted with both parties and just matching them up. I have also benefitted by being sponsored by 3 different audio manufacturers over time by having created these type of alignment relationships.
I understand your industry is different which is why I have given so much detail. Perhaps, though, an 'alignment' with a company like Zaino is better than simply purchasing the product.
Hope this provides some food for thought.
Good luck.

Rich, this is something I am still working on just so you know. Thanks!

10-22-2006, 10:32 PM
Just letting giving you folks a progress update.

Some new services:
I have purchased a top of the line Electric blower capable of 230 MPH wind speeds to dry every panel and crevice of your vehicle.

No chamois, towels, "Jelly Blades" or physical wiping/rubbing is done to your vehicle during the precious period of drying. An electric blower capable of speeds up to 230 MPH is used to blow every last drop of water off your vehicle before the real detailing begins. Every other method of drying can lead to scuffing or scratching your clear coat. Jason's Automotive Detailing Spa will not take any of those risks on your vehicle and this service is standard.

Steam Vapor Cleaning & Sanitizing

The process of cleaning and sanitizing by steam vapor can be safely used on your vehicle's interior. Jason's Automotive Detailing Spa utilizes a steamer that heats up near 298ºF to clean & sanitize (without damage) almost any surface including but not limited to: Cloth seats, leather seats, door jambs, door panels, door handles, dashboard vents, gear selectors, steering wheels, dashboard buttons & knobs, floor pedals, arm rests, cup holders, ash trays, and glass. Steam is hot enough to kill bacteria and germs, emulsify grease and oil while removing other surface contaminants.

Hot Water Carpet Extracting

An automotive carpet extractor breaks up dirt, stains, and odors by attacking them with 210ºF water and pulling the dirt off the carpet with an amazing 140" of water lift at 100 PSI. The most stubborn stains are no match for a worthy hot water carpet extractor. This method of stain fighting and carpet cleaning will rejuvenate your interior leaving it looking and smelling like new. Can be used on cloth seats, door panels, and carpet.

Black Light Odor Detection & Removal

By using a portable black light, Jason's Automotive Detailing Spa is able to zero in on any odor that has been left to embed itself into your vehicle's carpet or seat. This method will reveal any old stain or odor-causing fluid that is invisible to the naked eye. Once the odor-causing stain has been detected, special procedures will be taken to make sure it is removed, leaving you with a fresh smelling interior


A Stage V Package has been added but will not be completed until enough requests by customers have been made. This package has been formed around exotic cars, collector cars, and show cars only by using Zymol Estate Glazes and other Zymol products.

On top of those I have been given/offered some wonderful opportunities:

A local Meguiars Rep/Salesman will be handing out my business cards to every customer.
I have a 5x7 business card display up at a local speed shop. This shop houses the worlds fastest Mitsubishi Evo VIII (8.97 @ 165.3 MPH, 988 AWHP) and sees a lot of business.

I also have a great opportunity coming up this week, that could possibly put my business in a beautiful new shop detailing exotics such as Twin-Turbo Porsches and Ferrari's, even an Enzo. The shop owner called and offered this to me, but a meeting will be held soon to discuss specifics. I'll let you folks know if something happens with this.

I have also been requested to detail fiberglass boats from a Yacht broker, which is a possibility, and asked to detail used cars for a local dealership.

So far, I'd say this is going very well :beer:

10-23-2006, 05:59 AM
Looking good......So far I have been unable to find that information....still woriking on it....

10-23-2006, 06:40 AM
Looking good......So far I have been unable to find that information....still woriking on it....

And I'm still very interested :) Take your time, thank you for looking into this.

10-23-2006, 07:08 AM
Your Website is very nice and surely will attract people.
If you ever decide to have a vacation in Canada come...I'll pay for a night at an hotel ;)

10-23-2006, 10:14 AM
website looks GREAT! my car needs your help! lol :D

12-14-2006, 10:25 PM
Well from creating this thread, to updating, and giving the next update. A lot has changed, a lot of work has been done, and a lot of hours have been put into marketing, graphics, the website, and even a few public encounters at the parts store.

I have quite a few cars scheduled for Spring, including a Mercedes SL500, a few Marauders, A couple Cadillacs, a 300C, possibly 3/4 of the Motor City Marauder chapter, and a handful of others I have written down here. Another plus is the cars I am detailing are for owners that own multiple cars, and like has been said before, they often bring their other vehicles in to me. Before I never established myself like this, I had one car every 6-8 months - and before snow fall I was at about five times that. I get website feedback from members here, people down the street, people five towns over, all wanting to know a little more information and after all is said and done they are ready to be scheduled. The information they ask, gets added to the site - For example, the new Before & After Page (http://www.jasonsautospa.com/beforeafter.html).

My business cards have been circulating and my one physical public advertisement, at this local speed shop:


Which houses the worlds fastest Mitsubishi EVO and IIRC, the most powerful SRT-4, has been getting good feedback and people seem to enjoy my approach. Click here to see my counter-top advertisement. (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=31076)

Snow has fallen, business is slowing down, but has not halted. It's expected, but it gives me time to save up for different supplies for different services and dedicate more time to my website.

I think I may have mentioned this before, but I still get a kick out of it every time it happens. The parts store is a mile away, and I constantly head back there to clear their racks of any supplies I go through quickly such as foam polishing pads and deep chenielle wash mitts. I often grab every Clay Magic clay bar system they have while I'm there, and each time I do this there is usually someone else in the isle. They must notice me grabbing this and skipping that, etc.. and they ask If I know anything about detailing...:eek: Next thing you know, I'm outside looking at a brand new red F-250 Crew Cab that has some minor, clayable, overspray on the surface from a fender bender. Cards are exchanged, numbers, and the handshake. The walk from his vehicle back to mine is the most rewarding...

Most of all I would like to thank not only the customers on this board, and the future customers, but those that have taken the time out of their lives to submit some feedback and message me compliments, suggestions, ideas, etc... I really appreciate it all.

So that is my update, business has been doing pretty well given the time allowed and I am looking forward to Spring!

12-14-2006, 11:14 PM

You're a rare breed, my friend. And that's an understatement.

I would kill to find someone as dedicated as you in the Houston area! And I'm sure most MM.net members and mcm.com members feel the same way.

Someday....someday....your skills will grace my car. :)

02-22-2007, 07:54 PM
I am a professional detailer in Louisiana and your website is the bomb...you could definately make enough money in Chicago full time if I can in bum**** Louisiana...I do it full time and am comfortable...I especially like your answer to why you think you are better than going to those big carwashes...Keep up the good work and Keep shining...

02-22-2007, 10:31 PM
I am a professional detailer in Louisiana and your website is the bomb...you could definately make enough money in Chicago full time if I can in bum**** Louisiana...I do it full time and am comfortable...I especially like your answer to why you think you are better than going to those big carwashes...Keep up the good work and Keep shining...
Thank you very much, sir. I really appreciate it :beer:

04-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Feeling as many of the members at mercurymarauder.net are a part of my venture with the ideas, feedback, etc... I hope you don't mind my periodic updates from time to time.

I am now a vendor/sponsor at three sites - MM.net, MCM, and a Chicagoland Mustang board. Business is doing great. I am booked SOLID throughout the entire month of April (And it's only April 3rd so far) and have some customers looking at May. I need to make a lot of changes to my website, but my main computer took a dive and I need to re-install many programs (Thankfully I have most of my data) but expect some big changes - Including a page full of ideas in case the vehicle getting detailed is your daily driver (Such as near by large shopping malls, hotels, taxis, restaurants, car rental agencies, etc...) as it is pretty much the most asked question of all.

I have some pictures of detailed vehicles to post, as soon as I get my camera & computer working together...also expect a thread about fixing paint chips - with pictures!

So for those members that are booked for detailing this month, consider yourselves lucky! Not only that you're locked in this month, but because your Marauder is getting detailed by someone that takes a whole lot of pride in his work and will not let you down.

Thanks everybody :beer: