View Full Version : Out-of-state "points"

09-17-2006, 10:27 AM
Do "points" from speeding tickets transfer from one state to another?

I met a very nice gentleman with the South Carolina State Troopers yesterday... he was kind enough to write me for 79 mph in a 70 zone... told me it would be $77 and 2 points.

I say kind enough because I was clocked at (ahem) a bit over that... it was a real sweet speed trap on eastbound I-26, about half way between Charleston and Columbia.

I don't know where/how they clocked me... I'm hoping it was from the sky becuase my V1 barely beeped, but they had about 5 chase cars that all had customers. I had a great rabbit out front, but I think he snuck through the net.

With such an organized speed trap I felt lucky to talk my way down from my actual speed. The $77 seems like a screaming bargain... I might speed there again next year!!! But the points... will they follow me to Pennsylvania? Or to my insurance company?

Thanks for any answers,


PS. First ticket in over 7 years and probably 150,000 miles! What a lucky streak!

09-17-2006, 10:32 AM
This kind of communication between states is unpredictable.

Good thing you got a little break.


09-17-2006, 11:01 AM
I travel in SC frequently, never go above 79 mph.
Lots of troopers set up on the interstates, looking for drug runners, so you have to be careful.
Lucky for you the officer didn't really nail you.

09-17-2006, 02:05 PM
Years ago I received a speeder in NJ and after paying the fine, No points ever showed up on my licence.

09-17-2006, 05:35 PM
As stated earlier, very unpredictable but New York State, ever vigilant; never picked up an out of state point and they had many over the years to pick up. Don't know about Pa. but can say a lot of Troopers in Pa. Ma. Me. NJ. Conn. RI. Oh. took the opportunity to lay paper on me and NY State never knew. Perhaps no outgoing, no incoming? :D Dennis

09-17-2006, 05:52 PM
May be just standard LEO-violator talk, I think it would be a difficult challenge for any LEO to know the impact of a speeding citation in your home state.

However, speeding violations at large often have a "treshold" for severity. "1 to 20" MPH over posted limits can be handled informally by the officer roadside. "20 over" often requires a higher fine/bond, and as the rate of speed over the posted limit climbs to excess, eventually there is no recourse for the LEO but to book you on a felony. Here in Illinois, it called "aggravated speeding", and it's as serious as a DUI. Pic, prints, impound, the "whole nine yards".

LEOs running a systematic enforcement program do not want to lose time by leaving the road for booking, or, bonding issues, so, higher speeds are often brough down to minimize the down time between citations. Think "assembly line"? There is a rate of production, and a minimum expectation of enforcement. One "25 over" is not worth five "10 over" citations.

You prolly made the right decisions, and I would not expect your home state to learn of the citation.

Personally, and IMHO, I think this is a good plan. I speed too, and when I get caught, I'm happy to pay the fine, as long as it's just that, a fine. Pay as you go. But if it's going to affect my driving record and eventually my insurance rates, I may feel differently.

Knock-on-wood, I haven't been caught (stopped just for speeding ala an organized enforcement program) in a very long time, maybe 30 some years now. But, if I ever do get snagged in that, I'd be happy to just fess up and pay my dues.

I never liked it when a fellow LEO throws his ID in my face as if all is okay, and I won't do that to a brother LEO myself. If you catch me fair and square, I'm John Q. Public.