View Full Version : To the moon, Alice!

09-19-2006, 06:19 PM
I only hope to live long enough to see it


09-19-2006, 07:33 PM
I would like to see an accounting of the billions of dollars spent on NASA. Maybe I am a nay sayer, but other then TANG and some other minor scientific discoveries attributed to space exploration, how has the money benefited the general population? I am not flaming here, if someone can give a cogent explanation, I would be the first person to defend it. I spent some time at Redstone Arsenal, and it seemed like a lot of folks sat around and speculated about how the research they did was going to change history. Maybe we should spend those billions of dollars in job training and tax breaks. Just my .02

09-19-2006, 11:10 PM
I would like to see an accounting of the billions of dollars spent on NASA. Maybe I am a nay sayer, but other then TANG and some other minor scientific discoveries attributed to space exploration, how has the money benefited the general population? I am not flaming here, if someone can give a cogent explanation, I would be the first person to defend it. I spent some time at Redstone Arsenal, and it seemed like a lot of folks sat around and speculated about how the research they did was going to change history. Maybe we should spend those billions of dollars in job training and tax breaks. Just my .02

For the same reason none of us are content with the plain 'ole factory 4.6 under the hoods of our cars...:beer:

09-20-2006, 02:19 AM
For the same reason none of us are content with the plain 'ole factory 4.6 under the hoods of our cars...:beer:


09-20-2006, 03:36 AM
I would like for them to go and retrieve the flag that was supposedly left there the last time.....It ain't there....Never was!!:shake:


O's Fan Rich
09-20-2006, 04:20 AM
It's my opinion that if we do return to the moon it would be the first time we were there.

Get a big telescope and look for the equipment left behind.... see it? Can you find any sign what so ever? Kinda strange that we went there with computers as powerfull as my old Palm M500, but can't get backthere with systems able to put a 10 meg nuke within 6 inches of their target area.
What? The cheese was not good enough? The Man in the Moon put out "Trespassers will be shot" signs?
Wait.... "No Dumping" thats it, since we cannot leave our trash up there we won't go back.

In case you don't get it ( especially our Carbieann friends) I'm sceptical!

09-20-2006, 04:33 AM
Hey Rich.....

There were too many inconsistencies, technology was not there and NASA was about to be dropped from Federal funding.....SOOOOOOO......THE GREATEST "SCI-FI" MOVIE EVER was created....at least for that time:shake:

Just a few months ago NASA stated that the tapes of the entire "Moon Mission" had been misplaced.....How timely??:rolleyes:

I think today's technology could easily reveal the "SPOOF" and cause BIG black eyes for our leadership!!:eek:


O's Fan Rich
09-20-2006, 05:03 AM
Hey man.... I saw Capricorn 1.....

This is why Hoffa really disappeared.... he arranged for all the stage propos and such to be trucked around.
Heck, they can't even keep the space station running smoothly....
I truly feel that we do not belong "out there".

09-20-2006, 05:19 AM
I would like to see an accounting of the billions of dollars spent on NASA. Maybe I am a nay sayer, but other then TANG and some other minor scientific discoveries attributed to space exploration, how has the money benefited the general population? I am not flaming here, if someone can give a cogent explanation, I would be the first person to defend it. I spent some time at Redstone Arsenal, and it seemed like a lot of folks sat around and speculated about how the research they did was going to change history. Maybe we should spend those billions of dollars in job training and tax breaks. Just my .02

I don't remeber any details but I have taken a couple of tours of the kennedy Space Center and one of the exhibits lists all kind of things that we use now a days that were created by or for NASA. My personal opinion is that we need to spend more on NASA and less on aid to countries and people that would kill us if they got the chance.

09-20-2006, 05:41 AM
You are kidding, aren't you????
If you gave up everything that has stemmed from NASA research and the development of technology that spun off of the billions we spent on the space program you would be sitting in your living room watching Howdy Doody on a black and white tv waiting for the mailman or your three party phone-line to ring to communicate with the outside world.

Well maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but not much!:)

I would like to see an accounting of the billions of dollars spent on NASA. Maybe I am a nay sayer, but other then TANG and some other minor scientific discoveries attributed to space exploration, how has the money benefited the general population? I am not flaming here, if someone can give a cogent explanation, I would be the first person to defend it. I spent some time at Redstone Arsenal, and it seemed like a lot of folks sat around and speculated about how the research they did was going to change history. Maybe we should spend those billions of dollars in job training and tax breaks. Just my .02

09-20-2006, 05:55 AM

O's Fan Rich
09-20-2006, 06:26 AM

Hey that's a neat site.
Golf balls..... who'da thunk it.

09-20-2006, 06:32 AM
Maybe a little bit, but maybe NASA should get a decent PR department and let the public know what benefits they are getting for their trillions of dollars spent. I have no doubt that there have been significant scientific advances related to NASA, but like any other collossal government agency, there is very little oversight on spending. Make NASA a private enterprise where they would actually have to have some pain for failure, and I'm sure we would see some giant leaps in discovery.
You are kidding, aren't you????