View Full Version : Parking Lot Dangers

09-25-2006, 12:20 PM
What is it with Parking Lots anyway?? :dunno: Many folks here on the MM.Net choose to park near the back of the lot where they can stay clear of the “dingers” and the “door throwers”. Its best to stay away from those who fight for the parking space nearest to the door to the store. However, I have noticed that there is a relatively new phenomenon even more annoying and dangerous. :(

In the past 2 weeks, I have almost been clipped or broadsided in a parking lot by people who cut through the lot without regard for the painted lanes or lines. These people can come from any direction at anytime. :mad: So, a full 360 degree check is needed before pulling from your parking spot.

At our local grocery food store, I am quite amazed at the parking lot anarchy that has evolved in recent months and years. People cut across the lanes, between parked cars, and make their own lanes in the lot. I’ve had people pop out between parked cars at 20 mph and drive right across the lane ahead of me like they had the right of way. Seems that they do this to create a “shortcut” to the nearest exit or to their privileged parking spot up front. :mad:

I continue to park in the back of the lot away from other cars; but this seems to make it more prone to be side-swiped by these lot runners. So be careful out there opening your doors. You might just be clipped by a short-cutter. Same goes for walking through the lot – gotta keep your eyes peeled for folks approaching from all directions.

Anyone else notice this ?? :confused:

09-25-2006, 12:28 PM
I don't know what it is...but anarchy is rampant on the roadways (and parking lots). You wouldn't BELIEVE how many folks pull out in front of 'Big Yeller"....yeah...an 8,000lb bright yellow truck...and they pull right out. And the folks who try to ‘get-ahead” by going down the clearly marked turn lane so they can just “zip” back in…..I let them see nothing but chrome & yellow in their rear view mirrors (not that they actually use their mirrors)….but I get within an inch of them and like to watch them get REAL nervous.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[IMG]http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/ /><o:p></o:p>
<font color=" /><o:p>
<FONT color=black>My wife says I've just become the quintessential "middle-aged, angry white male"....<o:p></o:p>
<FONT color=black><o:p></o:p>
<FONT color=black>I tend to agree...and wear that with a badge of honor.

<FONT color=black><o:p>:mad2: </o:p>

09-25-2006, 12:52 PM
What is it with Parking Lots anyway?? :dunno: Many folks here on the MM.Net choose to park near the back of the lot where they can stay clear of the “dingers” and the “door throwers”. Its best to stay away from those who fight for the parking space nearest to the door to the store. However, I have noticed that there is a relatively new phenomenon even more annoying and dangerous. :(

In the past 2 weeks, I have almost been clipped or broadsided in a parking lot by people who cut through the lot without regard for the painted lanes or lines. These people can come from any direction at anytime. :mad: So, a full 360 degree check is needed before pulling from your parking spot.

At our local grocery food store, I am quite amazed at the parking lot anarchy that has evolved in recent months and years. People cut across the lanes, between parked cars, and make their own lanes in the lot. I’ve had people pop out between parked cars at 20 mph and drive right across the lane ahead of me like they had the right of way. Seems that they do this to create a “shortcut” to the nearest exit or to their privileged parking spot up front. :mad:

I continue to park in the back of the lot away from other cars; but this seems to make it more prone to be side-swiped by these lot runners. So be careful out there opening your doors. You might just be clipped by a short-cutter. Same goes for walking through the lot – gotta keep your eyes peeled for folks approaching from all directions.

Anyone else notice this ?? :confused:

Unfortunately everything you said is TRUE.....
That's why it is necessary to drive a "beater" for going to work,
shopping and routine driving around town...and a CHEAP BEATER at that!

Gotta Love It!:pimp:

09-25-2006, 01:11 PM
yep I already am but find myself in the mm cause it feels better. I love how people are in a rush to cut you off and won't even bother to speed up to your speed or at leas the legal traffic speed.

09-25-2006, 01:18 PM
I hear ya'. YEAH!

The ones I hate are those guys who park way away from everybody, as if their car is so damn special they can't park it next to my '73 Dodge pickup, so I make it a point to park within one inch of their door.

I was weaving in and out of the parking rows yesterday and TOTALLY cut off this guy in a black Crown Vic. He had these pimp rims on it and the bumper lettering read Mercury Murder or something like that. I bet he was pizzed when I parked right next to him. Man those cars are slow anyway so I love messing with them.

09-25-2006, 01:57 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I hear ya'. YEAH!

The ones I hate are those guys who park way away from everybody, as if their car is so damn special they can't park it next to my '73 Dodge pickup, so I make it a point to park within one inch of their door.

I was weaving in and out of the parking rows yesterday and TOTALLY cut off this guy in a black Crown Vic. He had these pimp rims on it and the bumper lettering read Mercury Murder or something like that. I bet he was pizzed when I parked right next to him. Man those cars are slow anyway so I love messing with them.

I didn't realize you were up here on a visit ..... BTW --- nice truck !!! :rofl:

09-25-2006, 03:58 PM
The REALLY funny part about parking out on the end is walking by all the idiots who are circling the three good spots waiting for someone to leave.

09-25-2006, 04:29 PM
This ought to make a few of you feel better..

A few weeks ago, I am traveling on a 4 lane roadway with two lanes in each direction. I am in the right lane that ends in about one mile. The signs are posted merge to the left. I check my drivers rear view and see a green Toyota about 8 car lenghts back. I signal my intention to merge and begin to slide over.

Luckily I checked the rear view again 'cuz the genious in the Toyota was closing fast. His bumper was inches from my left rear. He had this :mad: look on his face like I slapped his ol' ladies ass. I quickly swerve back into the right lane as this guy sails past.


Yup, you know what came next..... Red :fire: and Blue :shake: .

He promptly stops, has this:alone: says he's sorry and says he was in a hurry :blah:.
He didn't try to give me some half baked :bs: , so I cut him a warning (means nothing to the driver - documents the stop with the agency) and he kept his sparkeling driving record.

09-25-2006, 05:18 PM
i will never understand the 45 mph min in a shopping plaza parking lot...........you need eyes on the sides as well as the back....:confused: no wonder everyones insurance rates are through the roof.....get a quote now and it s "have you been in
an accident in the past 3 , your fault or not? used to be "accident in the past 3 ,your fault"? .... get off the cell sister, it aint that important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2006, 05:55 PM
Unfortunately everything you said is TRUE.....
That's why it is necessary to drive a "beater" for going to work,
shopping and routine driving around town...and a CHEAP BEATER at that!

Gotta Love It!:pimp:

The light blue 4 door Dodge pickup truck in the movie National Lampoons Christmas Vacation comes to mind.

09-25-2006, 07:20 PM
People are just effin crazy nowadays. It just spills over into their driving. I am nearsighted and drive a large car up eight floors in the parking garage. I go slowly due to all corners being blind and SOBs cutting corners short. People try to crawl up my tailpipes and get all pi$$y because I am not haul a$$ing up the ramps. It's because of them that I have to drive so danged carefully. Otherwise the garage would be a hoot at 60 mph.

09-25-2006, 09:28 PM
I've actually been laughed at for trying to stick to the painted lanes in shopping mall parking lots!

09-26-2006, 08:43 PM
I try to park in a different time zone when possible.


I've made plans to go some where - get there - don't like the parking situation & have left.

Kinda OCD ... but at least I will be the first to admit it.

The Dakota has helped(which handles most daily duties), I am a bit more flexible in regards to parking that somewhere ... but I'm far from being 100% care free about it. It's a nice truck(knock on wood) & I still want to keep it that way.