View Full Version : deer whistles

09-25-2006, 06:03 PM
do these things actually work? i have done some reading online and it is about 50/50.........are the electronic ones better than the "i have to get to 40 mph for it to work" ones? it s getting to be that season and i dont have much of a chance of avoiding one doing the 50 yd hurdles when i m half asleep sucking on a coffee in the dark at 5:30 a m fumbling for a bridge token.....

09-25-2006, 07:21 PM
do these things actually work? i have done some reading online and it is about 50/50.........are the electronic ones better than the "i have to get to 40 mph for it to work" ones? it s getting to be that season and i dont have much of a chance of avoiding one doing the 50 yd hurdles when i m half asleep sucking on a coffee in the dark at 5:30 a m fumbling for a bridge token.....

Can't help you much here, but do agree that 50/50 is best case, and have heard that for years, but cannot verify that.

With your auto-lock feature bypassed, slow down and give 'em a ride?



O's Fan Rich
09-25-2006, 07:35 PM
I've had them for years... no major deer damage on any car I've put them on.
They even lift their heads up an watch me go by.
But.... I look gooooooddddd!!!

09-25-2006, 07:37 PM
Even if the answer is maybe, for $5 I can't imagine they'd hurt anything!

In theory, they don't scare the deer... supposed to just confuse it so it stands still instead of jumping in front of your car.

The deer I hit during the OnelapofAmerica was standing still, in the fog, on the dotted line. Not sure how the whistles helped on that one, but in 4800 miles of driving we did only hit one deer!

Thanks for reminding me to pick up a few sets.

09-26-2006, 05:50 AM
One of my acadamy class mates worked for the Connecticut Dept of Environmental Protection and was considered the state's expert on deer. He used to laugh when peole would talk about the whistles. He said that they are useless because deer have poor hearing and rely on their sense of smell and their eye sight.

09-26-2006, 06:13 AM
I'm city raised, don't know much about wildlife.

Didn't know deer could whistle, what does that sound like?

09-26-2006, 06:32 AM
I'm city raised, don't know much about wildlife.

Didn't know deer could whistle, what does that sound like?

Well everyone knows the sound a wolf makes when it whistles at a good looking babe !

A deers whistle in the same circumstance is more a of soft, low, constant tone slightly fading at the end !

09-26-2006, 07:01 AM
Now that is the first I heard that deer can't hear well.
'Have you ever seen how BIG their ears are.

Also, why are they always taking off 80 yards ahead of me when I walk around the woods hunting them, walking slowly and wearing cammo? Did you know they can hear a bow string at 30 yards, and often duck in time to escape certain death?

Yes, they can see very well, movement anyway. Did you ever see how BIG their eyes are?

I do keep deer whistles on my car. 35,000 miles and only 1 (fawn) was in the road looking very confused. (poor young'n didn't know what to do) I have seen them on the side of the road as still as can be. (Yes, alive)

I'm the 50% that believes, at least at this point in my life.

09-26-2006, 07:48 AM
One of my acadamy class mates worked for the Connecticut Dept of Environmental Protection and was considered the state's expert on deer. He used to laugh when peole would talk about the whistles. He said that they are useless because deer have poor hearing and rely on their sense of smell and their eye sight.

Deer depend mostly on their sense of smell and hearing, they are color bind and their eyesite is best for seeing movement.

09-26-2006, 08:07 AM
Deer depend mostly on their sense of smell and hearing, they are color bind and their eyesite is best for seeing movement.

Hey, Thanks for having my back Haggis. Next deer I get, I'll save you the inerts..... Get it???? Haggis...???? :bagpipe2: :tongue:

O's Fan Rich
09-26-2006, 08:12 AM
One of my acadamy class mates worked for the Connecticut Dept of Environmental Protection and was considered the state's expert on deer. He used to laugh when peole would talk about the whistles. He said that they are useless because deer have poor hearing and rely on their sense of smell and their eye sight.

Has he EVER hunted Whitetail?
I'll trust a backwoods readneck over a State Employee any day. And says your academy mate is full of crap!!
Watch one of them outddoor hunting shows, they always whisper... why?
They use antlers clacking together to draw the deer in. WhY? Cause the deer can see the hidden hunter in the blind moving them around? NO they can HEAR it!
And yes they even have deer calls that work most excellent!!

I declare shanagains on that!! Yes.... shanagains!!

Dr Caleb
09-26-2006, 08:27 AM
Has he EVER hunted Whitetail?

Yes, I call BS on that one too. I've hunted whitetail (this past weekend) and you can draw them in from 2km using antlers and apple juice.

Their eyesight is very keen up close, and they will spook at any small sudden movements, and ever fainter sounds or the slightest human smells. They are prey, and their senses are very keen.

And remember what Big Dog Jim taught me - don't put the whistles on backwards, or they just end up following you around.

09-26-2006, 08:28 AM
Hey, Thanks for having my back Haggis. Next deer I get, I'll save you the inerts..... Get it???? Haggis...???? :bagpipe2: :tongue:
Thanks, I will need the stomach, heart, lungs and liver. :bagpipe2::bagpipe2::bagpipe2:

09-26-2006, 09:09 AM
Just get a rhino wrap around and speed up. LOL! anyone see/have the Dash cam where the deer cleared the entire car?

09-26-2006, 09:14 AM
You "Trilogy Folks" have built in whistles!!:rolleyes:


Paul T. Casey
09-26-2006, 09:31 AM
Another vote for they work. I've driven well over 300K miles in the past 7ish years, throughout PA (the heart of dead deer on the road country) and haven't hit one. I've seen the "stop and stare" move as described before, but they won't bolt. Seeme to work on Moose also.

09-26-2006, 11:52 AM
+1 for push bumper?

09-26-2006, 12:11 PM
Just get a 'cowcatcher'

09-26-2006, 01:30 PM
I have deer whistles on my lawn tractor...:P

Damn things won't get out of my yard!

Last Sunday afternoon:


09-26-2006, 01:59 PM
I have deer whistles on my lawn tractor...:P

I think you need to be moving faster :P

O's Fan Rich
09-26-2006, 02:35 PM
I have deer whistles on my lawn tractor...:P

Damn things won't get out of my yard!

Last Sunday afternoon:


Wow that is one SKINNY little Bambi there. What no food around?
We got dogs bigger then that....

I know, I know it's just a fawn/yearling... but throw it a cheesburger will ya?

09-26-2006, 03:32 PM
Wow that is one SKINNY little Bambi there. What no food around?
We got dogs bigger then that....

I know, I know it's just a fawn/yearling... but throw it a cheesburger will ya?

You think that's skinny, ought to see the runts we have down here in FL...course we make up for it in Gators and Bass...

09-27-2006, 07:23 AM
+1 for push bumper?

I was going to say "+2" for the push bumper until I saw this footage of a cop car getting damaged by a deer @ 90 MPH. http://www.car-videos.net/videos/chases.asp

09-27-2006, 07:47 AM
Oh! Shoulda' had "Deer Whistels"

That looks nasty!. Looks like the driver tagged the brakes right away.....

09-28-2006, 05:21 AM
Has he EVER hunted Whitetail?
I'll trust a backwoods readneck over a State Employee any day. And says your academy mate is full of crap!!

Just say he is wrong without being such an a$$ about it.

09-28-2006, 08:06 AM
Just say he is wrong without being such an a$$ about it.[/quote]

You made coffee come out my nose when I read that and laughed.......

09-28-2006, 03:06 PM
I was going to say "+2" for the push bumper until I saw this footage of a cop car getting damaged by a deer @ 90 MPH. http://www.car-videos.net/videos/chases.asp The original intent was for you to walk away at least ;)

O's Fan Rich
09-28-2006, 03:30 PM
Has he EVER hunted Whitetail?
I'll trust a backwoods readneck over a State Employee any day. And says your academy mate is full of crap!!

Just say he is wrong without being such an a$$ about it.

Nope, I won"t. So there!!! Sheeshhhhhhh...... take a pill.

09-28-2006, 10:39 PM
Wow that is one SKINNY little Bambi there. What no food around?
We got dogs bigger then that....

I know, I know it's just a fawn/yearling... but throw it a cheesburger will ya?
think he wants to get rid of it not invite to come back for dinner.