View Full Version : Remember II

05-23-2003, 12:17 PM
Sorry to use your thread name again Paul. But for those of you who may be near the Detroit river between Grosse Isle and the Clinton river on memorial day will be treated to an ivasion of sorts. There will be a Chezk Jet followed by a formation of WWII vintage planes icluding a P51 Mustang (the car was named after the plane not the horse) a tbf and a B17 Flying Fortress (like the Memphis Belle).
This is also auto related for you post purist as the Jet will be flown by Mr. Lutz of General Motors fame ceo type guy you know. ; )
This Mustang is owned and flown by Jack Roush of Roush
The B17 is owned and operated by the Yankee Air Force. I have worked on this plane myself through Fords. It,s one of only 13 that are flyable.
This flight usually takes place in the late morning or early afternoon and is flown nice and low. Usually around 1500 ft.
If you like the sound of the Marauder (wich was another WWII Plane) you'll love the sound of the Rolls Royce Merlin in that toy of Jack's. The Yankee Air Force has a lot of vets in their ranks.

05-23-2003, 12:28 PM
Any approximate time, I'm at Venier and Jefferson?

Long Live #3
05-23-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by vaderv
This mustang is owned and flown by Jack Roushe (hope I spelled the name right) of Roushe Racing.

Just drop the "e". It's spelled Roush.

05-23-2003, 02:58 PM
Vaderv, what time approx?
I'll be on the Windsor side looking up, but not all day.

05-23-2003, 09:28 PM
I"ll get approx times today so you can watch Monday. Will post as soon as I find out.

05-23-2003, 10:03 PM
Flew the Mustang--what a bird--to a fighter pilot , we felt about the Mustang like you guys do about your hot cars--will never forget the thrill

05-24-2003, 10:36 AM
My old man flew a b 25.. If I ever hit the lotto id by me a Spitfire mrk 14.

05-24-2003, 05:44 PM
My Dad was gunner in a B-17, and has many stories about those days, some good and some not so good.
Vaderv, any times yet?

05-24-2003, 05:50 PM
My father-in-law was a GREAT man! Pilot on 35 missions in a
B-17E. We have his mission listing along with pics of him with his plane and his crew up in an area of the house. He was 18, had no idea how to fly, they taught him down in Alabama in just 3 months, sent him to England and he was one of the brave.

Yeah...he was a GREAT man!

I just wish he would have spanked his daughter more...I'm sure payin for it.

05-25-2003, 10:33 AM
wuuuhahahahaha ; ) TAF. Anyhow I'm still waiting on the time for the river run on Memorial Day. I'm being told it depends on clearances from air traffic controllers, i.e. stay clear of military ac that may be doing flybys and such. It's usually done late morning or early afternoon. Sorry gents I'm still working on it...

05-26-2003, 11:32 PM
Sorry Vaderv, I missed it as I had other commitments, but I heard them talking about it on WJR radio. Sounded impressive.