View Full Version : Crackhead Car Wash (DUW)

09-28-2006, 02:55 PM
Ok heres the story on this one, A guy came down to our shop off the street wanting to detail our personal cars. He looked like he was homeless and possibly a crackhead so we were very hesitant to even let him touch our cars, After a lot of persistance, and him trying to convince us that hes really good and to just give him a chance, my Uncle went ahead and let him detail his Escalade.
The man spent a total of 8 hours detailing. I watched him sit there with a toothbrush cleaning the fine details in the rims, I seen him with a brush on his knees cleaning out the wheel well's. He then conditioned the leather, scrubbed the mats, and cleaned the rugs of the interior. The man also put 2 coats of wax top and bottom of the truck and even sat there and went over every inch of the running boards.
It was Very Impressive for only $100 for the complete detailing. There are local car washes that charge upwards of $250 for this type of work and that many hours of labor.

I figured since he did such a great job on the Escalade, Il let him have at it on my Marauder. He brought all his cleaning supplies and showed up on time at 8am this morning. It took him til about 3pm to have the car done. That was a wash, 2 coats of wax, complete detailing of the interior, conditioning my leather, cleaning the license plates, cleaned out the trunk, cleaned out the wheel wells, waxed the tail pipes, waxed the rims, and waxed all the door jams. He even put Armor all on the chin spoiler. all for a $100 and a 2 minute ride up to the bus stop. (which I gave him in the company truck. Ill let him wash my car but I wouldnt let him all sweaty have a ride in it)

I have to say, as anal as I am with my car, This guy did one hell of a job and I would have no problems letting him do my car again. I have to give him credit, He's honest, on time and did a great job. I just hope hes planing on using the money wisely.


09-28-2006, 03:01 PM

Does he have a crackhead brother in Houston?

09-28-2006, 03:09 PM
Productive one isn't he. instead of begging for money, he begged for a job! I'm liking this story!

09-28-2006, 03:29 PM
You know...this thread kind makes me feel good :D

I have an idea... if you see hobo detailer supreme again....

See if he would like a job. Seriously. If you are happy w/ his work, help him out ;) You get the customers, he does the work. Give him 3/4 the $$$. Charge something along the lines of Jason's prices. Every one is happy in the end, and just think....you are helping someone out who may REALLY need it.

Just my thoughts....


09-28-2006, 03:49 PM
In certain parts of our town that I frequent (Pizza Hut, Sam's Club, etc.) there's this same type of guy that walks around wanting to do the same thing. Usually he's just wanting to clean the windows. Maybe I'm missing a good opportunity. I just need to find someone else's car to be the guinea pig!

09-28-2006, 03:59 PM
Yeah, it's a feel good thing you did, bravo. Hope the money is spent on something good.

09-28-2006, 04:11 PM
we have those guys in jamaica too, in jamaica they are just poor and looking for a good way to make money. Maybe this is the case, it was good thing that happened overall I think. Better than begging or stealing and a job well done too.

09-28-2006, 04:13 PM
Great story!!! I like that he wants to work for his cash instead of begging for it on the street........very cool

09-28-2006, 04:16 PM
Productive one isn't he. instead of begging for money, he begged for a job! I'm liking this story!

^^^^^What he said. However, even though he looks like a crack head, I do not think he is (or at least not any more). The work that he is doing is (1) very hard work and (2) takes attention to detail.

Even I have never spent that many hours detailing my car and to the degree that he is doing it and it's MINE. You couldn't pay me enough to do someone elses the way he does.

What I like the most about this thread is that you guys gave him the opportunity to prove himself. Many times, the good people who try to help get taken advantage of.

I am glad that it turned out well. Kind gives hope for the world that we are living in.

09-28-2006, 04:48 PM
Hope that he doesn't have a computer and happens upon this site since you called him a "crackhead". :nono:

Crown Vicman
09-28-2006, 04:55 PM
Sweet pics but what led you to believe he was a crackhead?

09-28-2006, 06:12 PM
...suddenly there was a chill in the room.

09-28-2006, 07:26 PM
Man if this guy does one car a day and takes Sundays off he is making more then me and its tax free. And he doesnt have a car. This guy isnt a crackhead he is smart as hell. Probably looks like that cause I wouldnt expect someone to detail a car in a suit I always wear ripped up stained clothes. This guy has one hell of a little business venture for himself.

09-28-2006, 07:43 PM
Sweet pics but what led you to believe he was a crackhead?

He talks very slow, he moves very slow. Living in NY and seeing many crackheads up close, they all seem to have a certain look to them and he fit that description. If I took close up pics of him you would definitly agree.
He said he's been detailing cars since 1968 and hes just been hard on his luck lately. I didnt want to get too personal with him cause that usually ends up with a sob story and a guilt trip. The fact that he did such a good job made me want to hire him and let him earn more money then a usual couple of bucks I hand out if someone is begging in the street.
He even said that If I didnt like his work that I wouldnt have to pay him. I couldnt do that to a person, even if he did a lousy job, Id rather help the guy out and pay him just for taking the time to come out and even wash the car.

Crown Vicman
09-28-2006, 08:58 PM
He talks very slow, he moves very slow. Living in NY and seeing many crackheads up close, they all seem to have a certain look to them and he fit that description. If I took close up pics of him you would definitly agree.
He said he's been detailing cars since 1968 and hes just been hard on his luck lately. I didnt want to get too personal with him cause that usually ends up with a sob story and a guilt trip. The fact that he did such a good job made me want to hire him and let him earn more money then a usual couple of bucks I hand out if someone is begging in the street.
He even said that If I didnt like his work that I wouldnt have to pay him. I couldnt do that to a person, even if he did a lousy job, Id rather help the guy out and pay him just for taking the time to come out and even wash the car.
I like what you are doing for your community. Just be careful though because all crackheads cant be trusted.

09-28-2006, 09:02 PM
I really like this story. Kind of having a run of bad luck myself lately. Wish I had his talent!

Crown Vicman
09-28-2006, 09:10 PM
Mannnnnn I sure love the way those taillights look.