View Full Version : Question to 4:10 user's
05-23-2003, 04:35 PM
I had the 4:10's installed today. The megs tips as well. I made the mistake of doing them both at the same time. The new tips are significantly louder (in a good way), and even pushed out 1.5 inches, the cabin noise at 65 is much louder. This presented the problem of listening to the new gears at various speeds on the 100 mile drive home. (I stopped three times to let them cool down for break in. Besides the new exhaust grumble, and the new higher RPM's (about 400 rpm higher now), there was no unusual sounds that I could hear driving 65 to 75 all the way home. It was when I hit the city streets that something became VERY apparent.
I get a slight whine from the rear end ONLY once the tranny has shifted to 4, and ONLY at an approximate speed of 35 MPH. I'm guessing my speed as I have not re-programed my chip yet.
It's not super loud, but it is very noticable with all accessories off.
Have any other 4:10 users noticed a noise change from the rear?
PS: Gas milage out, 24.3......milage back after gears, 23.1
05-23-2003, 04:41 PM
I got a slight whine at around 55 - 65...but I had them installed by the dealer so I don't expect perfection. Done properly, they shouldn't whine at all. Anyway, I'm happy with them.....actually tickled pink with them.
05-23-2003, 04:44 PM
Mass: Do you STILL have that whine?
No whine here sure the backlash was set properly?
05-23-2003, 05:50 PM
If the noise is relatively minor don't do anything for about 200-300 miles as the gears will wear together and the noise should minimize. There are varying degrees of quality with different gear manufacturers usually in the final lapping.
I am proficient in 8.8 rear overhauls but alas was in a hurry when I did mine. Good backlash but my pattern was not centered on the coast side of the gear but not off by far. I purchased an economy gear set that appearred to have little or no final lapping. On a higher quality gear I may have gotten away with the minor adjustment flaw but I have a coast down whine from 55 to 48 mph that improved greatly in the 200 miles that i've driven it.
It's not hard work but it pays to be precise so I will set it up again and not compromise.
05-23-2003, 06:15 PM
Had Ford Motorsport 4.10's installed by a Mustang speed shop... 3/03. Heard a little whining noise on the ride home and since then it has diminished. Put a few hundred miles on the car so they break in
05-23-2003, 06:29 PM
Thanks guys....I will inform the mechanic and wait for wear in as well. I was permitted to sit in a lounge chair 10 feet away and watch the entire process. I asked many questions as well. He did fiddle with the backlash. These are genuine ford motorsport gears as well. As soon as the rain stops here, which may be 3 days or so, I will test the new launch. It does feel tight though, and I am excited for dry pavement.
I need to send the chip back to Dennis, like soon....we did hammer on it once in the test drive and the tranny shifted well into redline. THAT can't be good?
05-24-2003, 02:52 AM
I've had the 4:10s for almost 7K miles now, and my slight whine grew to be unbearable howl. Under a TSB, all my my bearings were replaced, and the pinion was the worst of them all. Now, everything is back to "normal," and I can still detect a slight whine, seems the loudest at 2500 drive shaft RPMs
It's a different whine now and I can tolerate it. At one time, the whine was present whenever the car was in forward motion, under power or just coasting in neutral. Now, it is there only while under power, and this is something I have been used too for many years. Taller gears will emit more whine.
Considering that it's all just gears and bearings back there, if something goes wrong, I will hear about it with enough time to get it fixed. If not, I can live with this noise.
05-24-2003, 04:57 AM
yikes! no whine here. whine's don't sound good. something not right.
05-24-2003, 06:08 AM
Brought it in this week. They couldn't hear the whine. Big surprise there. If it bothers me to much I'll bring it to the local Mustang performance shop.
On another note, they were finally able to pinpoint that little puff of blue smoke upon start up. They pulled a plug and found some oil on it. They believe the valve seal(s) are bad. I'm not happy about that...but as long as they fix it i guess I'll get over it.
05-24-2003, 06:09 AM
We have sun for 4 hours today...I am off for a test drive.
I will keep you informed as I break in.
ALL of your inputs have been helpfull and reassuring.
Thanks! :)
05-24-2003, 09:54 AM
No more test drives!!!!
Apparently with out the chip program change, the computer doesn't know when to shift on a WOT. The engine buries into redline until a sudden dead spot and then ferrociously shifts into second. I thought I blew the engine!!
It's parked until I get it back to Dennis.
05-24-2003, 03:52 PM
Cruztaker,something doesn't sound right.You're car should run fine,even with the chip removed.Drove mine for 2 long weeks before re-instaliing my chip[re-flashed for the 4.10s].Drove just like it did when new.You know,shifts into o-d too fast,feels sluggish when shifting,overall unimpressive.But, all WOT shifts still took place as normal,no over-revving.P.S., no whine noise in mine except a little bit in reverse.Need to back up more.
RF Overlord
05-24-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by CRUZTAKER
The engine buries into redline until a sudden dead spot and then ferrociously shifts into second. I thought I blew the engine!!
Sounds like you ran up against the did exactly what it was supposed to do...
05-24-2003, 04:57 PM
Thanks again...this type of upgrade is all new to me. Tommorrow I will pull the chip out, and try a WOT again. If it continues to bury into redline, (which it NEVER did before), I may have the gears removed. I love to hammer this car through it's paces, but this new redline thing takes the fun out it. I feel as though I am punching her in the chest and knocking the wind out of her. I am a former Rotary enthusiast, and redline was the name of the game for me - whilst the piston engines threw rods and what not.
It is genuinely disturbing. :(
RF Overlord
05-24-2003, 05:23 PM
Um, I don't think it's necessarily the most efficient way to drive a piston-engine car by hitting the rev-limiter every time, no matter what RPM it's actually set for...why do you want to have the 4.10s removed? I don't think you can drive it like a rotary...
05-24-2003, 05:28 PM
The biggest difference with the 4:10's, (besides awesome takeoff) is the fact that the car now redlines terribly high, like off the scale. It never did that before. I liked to hammer on it, now I am reluctant. That is the ONLY reason I would remove them.
Do your cars bury into redline on WOT since you changed gears?
If it's normal...tell me...and I will re-learn how to drive the beast.
05-24-2003, 06:15 PM
Gear change alone should have nothing to do with rev-limiter.
05-24-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by nomad
Gear change alone should have nothing to do with rev-limiter.
Not completely true.
What's happening is the trans is programed to shift so the shift finishs up at 6000rpm.To do this the Computer tells the trans to start the shift at,oh I don't know,say 5800rpm by the time it gets around to it,it happens at 6000.That way it stays out of the rev limiter.
So with 3.55:1 gears,at wide open throttle(WFO),lets say it takes the engine .4 sec to go from 5800-6000rpm.
Now put in 4.10's.
The engine(complete drive train really)now only takes .2secs to go from 5800-6000,but it will get to 6200+ in .4.
The STOCK programing says that it takes .4sec to complete the shift so with 4.10 you get into the limiter.
The temp fix with no chip is to lift a little and force the shift or shift manualy.
FWIW I tried shifting myself at 6000 and nailed the rev limiter,backed down to 5500 and still hit it,the trans a little slow.
All above times are for referance only,I have no idea how long it takes the trans to shift.
Mike M
05-24-2003, 10:11 PM
Mine shifts at 6000rpm with 4:10s just like it did with the 3:55s. Its perfect!
05-25-2003, 12:04 AM
^^^Nice answers!^^^
Reassuring, yet straight forward.
Not much of a motorhead myself, but in theory, that was on my mind. I wonder if Dennis has this 'shift time fix' in the new program I will order from him after the holiday? Afterall, the vast majority of you who did this, did the chip upgrade at the same time as recommended. My gear change was done at the spur of the moment. I wasn't fully prepared.
05-25-2003, 02:06 AM
Speaking of 4.10s, how much will this set me back? I'm not an automotive mechanic so I'll probably have to pay somebody else to do it. Any recommendations for what brand of gears?
05-25-2003, 04:31 AM
The Ford motor sport gears were about $180. The Three or four hours of combined labor took the out the door price to $470.
Not too shabby in my opinion. But I also made a 200 mile round trip, and may need to go back for adjustments if the issues don't clear up.
05-25-2003, 05:27 PM
For whatever reason, she has officially settled down and is shifting normally again. I blazed the backroads this evening and all is well. I now get a nice chirp on take off without applying any brake. It will take some time to get used to city driving again as it doesn't find overdrive as quickly. During one jaunt today cruising at 40, it never did go into OD even as I sped up to 65. I had to turn the ignition off at a stop lite, re-start, and all was well. It's tough relearning what took 6 months to learn in the first place.
Thanks to all again, and ......later :burnout:
05-25-2003, 06:49 PM
My car will approach redline and then shift firmly into 2nd gear..... 4.10's keep the rpm's in the powerband
Like I've said a hundred times here...(and some of you long-timers are probably tired of hearing it...)
It's like taking delivery ALL over again...'cept this time...the way it SHOULD have been the first time....
Please no flames from you "stocker-boys"....Uh...I'm sorry bunny, bc & jrzygirl..."stocker-folks":D
06-01-2003, 02:26 AM
Dennis Reinhart's crew installed my MotorSports 4.30 gears and I've NEVER heard anything out of them at ANY speed. If they were whining, I'd be a pretty unhappy camper!
06-01-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by TAF
Like I've said a hundred times here...(and some of you long-timers are probably tired of hearing it...)
It's like taking delivery ALL over again...'cept this time...the way it SHOULD have been the first time....
Please no flames from you "stocker-boys"....Uh...I'm sorry bunny, bc & jrzygirl..."stocker-folks":D Todd - To each his (her) own. What ever floats your boat. You are intitled to your opinion. No offense taken.
06-01-2003, 02:26 PM
Well, mine is fine--installed by TAF's own super tech in ALT...and like TAF says..ZOOM,ZOOM,ZOOOM,..Oh yeah...:banana2:
06-03-2003, 07:17 AM
The installer was not happy to hear from me I am sure. I just felt it over the phone. He said it's probably off by only a 1000th or so and won't cause any damage. Understandably he doesn't look forward to 3 more hours of tear down......
My MM has been parked ever since, with only 135 miles break in. Not for any particular reason. I am waiting on my chip, and it went to the body shop, and I want to put it up on stands to finish the calipers, and do the tail lites.
I told him that we would cross that bridge when we get there....
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