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10-03-2006, 04:52 PM
Interesting news clip....

<dd>http://mfile.akamai.com/12924/wmv/vod.ibsys.com/2006/0503/9152183.200k.asx </dd>
Myself,....I have never used this vendor.

10-03-2006, 05:18 PM
Interesting news clip....

I saw this posted somewhere else before .... I have no use for theives and liars .... looks like they qualify on both counts. :mad:

10-03-2006, 05:42 PM
I have also seen this. I have never used their services and never intend to do so.

10-03-2006, 05:47 PM
Holy crap!

I hope Mac sees this. He takes his car in for this kind of service.


10-04-2006, 04:40 AM
/sarcasm on
Wow, bet they're glad they took it to the inexpensive aftermarket place and not to the stealership!
/sarcasm off

10-04-2006, 04:49 AM
just another reason not to go there..........

10-04-2006, 04:56 AM
The truck shop i work at has a parts man former Jiffy Lube employer. Talk about cutting corners.. after seeing hin in action i sure wouldnt ever go to jiffy lube or other shops of the sort.. :puke:

10-04-2006, 06:07 AM
It appears to travel all the way up the management chain!

10-04-2006, 06:29 AM
/sarcasm on
Wow, bet they're glad they took it to the inexpensive aftermarket place and not to the stealership!
/sarcasm off
I usually end up getting mine done at the dealer. Even if they don't do the work, OASIS shows the oil was changed at regular intervals if I have any oil relaed issues.

10-04-2006, 06:39 AM
Never-ever Take Any Of Your Cars To These No Frill Places. They Will Only Rip You Off!!!. Better To Take It To The Dealer. And Try To Watch The Tech. Who Is Working On Your Car. I Hate Liars And Cheaters.

10-04-2006, 06:57 AM
I've never taken my car to a Jiffy Lube...Now I'm glad I didn't...The place I take my car into is awesome, but I still watch over them.

10-04-2006, 07:04 AM
Holy crap!

I hope Mac sees this. He takes his car in for this kind of service.

Bastards!Mac doesn't need to see it, 'cause Mac knows that there are crooks and shysters in every field. Mac also knows that investigative "better government/citizen watch dog" groups have been conducting sting investigations longer than Mac has been alive.

Lazy, careless and shifty mechanics, drug addicted doctors that cut off the wrong limb, stupid laywers blowing cases and leaving innocent folks in jail, drunk firemen late to a fire, and a grand variety of dirty/corrupt cops, as well as a glut of parents who abuse their children, including selling them into the slave market. Pick one, there's good guys and bad guys everywhere in our world.

My Jiffy Lube has a deal going with the local tech high school, and they hire fresh "talent" every semester. Over the years, some have gone on in the automotive trades, the general auto repair shop at the end of the block is doing very well, and it was started up by a former student/trainee and his father. And they hire girls too...EEEWWWWW!

I use them for certain tasks, and I spell out what I want done when I visit. I tend to be more aggressive than the norm in vehicle maintenence and I save money on these tasks. In all honesty, paying more from a speciality shop or dealership isn't protection from fraud, or, malpractice. Y'all don't like Juffy Lube, don't patronize them, it's that simple.

Eventually, the word gets around and the bad business closes shop for lack of customers. Happens every day, even a Burger King in the area closed because of declining product quality. Jiffy lube may be the dregs of the market and the bain of automotive specialists, but when United Airl Lines mucks up, they kill 250 people at one time.

10-04-2006, 07:14 AM
I usually end up getting mine done at the dealer. Even if they don't do the work, OASIS shows the oil was changed at regular intervals if I have any oil relaed issues.

You are a smart man.:beatnik:

10-04-2006, 07:40 AM
Thats cool!!!!!

10-04-2006, 08:31 AM
I never go to these types of places.
They had a big sign up at there locationS saying:
[get rid of "check engine light forever" only 49.99]
OK....This is how they were fixing the "check engine" problem,

10-04-2006, 08:49 AM
Hey, now that's evil. Everytime I take my "CVLX Sport" to the dealer, I stand there and hawk it. Some techs don't like it, and others don't mind. But when a tech ask you do you have any place to go. I say, Hey would you leave your love ones in an emergency room alone?

Bill Lalk
10-04-2006, 09:22 PM
I was going to go to Jiffy Lube tommorrow to have my 11000 mile oil change done. Could you imagine if they didn't actually change it?:nono:

Thats not true, I change my own oil. Just not often enough!:down:

10-04-2006, 10:42 PM
Mac doesn't need to see it, 'cause Mac knows that there are crooks and shysters in every field.

It's ok Mac, I use Jiffy Lube too cause I'm usually in a hurry, and refuse to pay twice the price for a job that simple. But you can bet I watch the tech open and pour the Royal Purple I bring with me into the vehicle. NO service is any better than the person running the shop.

10-04-2006, 10:50 PM
Sorry, double post...server was over loaded...didn't there used to be a delete button?

Mac doesn't need to see it, 'cause Mac knows that there are crooks and shysters in every field.

It's ok Mac, I use Jiffy Lube too cause I'm usually in a hurry, and refuse to pay twice the price for a job that simple. But you can bet I watch the tech open and pour the Royal Purple I bring with me into the vehicle. NO service is any better than the person running the shop.

10-05-2006, 04:16 AM
Newsflash...Date line 5 October, 2006, 0545 Hours...This just in from Phil Johnson, live from the scene...

Thanks Don, sources inside the Penzoil corporation, parent company to Jiffy Lube, have decided that in response to a public outcry, all current Managers and all future managers of any Jiffy Lube facility must be convicted felons...In a press confrence held just moments ago, CEO Jon "thick headed mug" Smith stated...

"I'm tired of the tom foolery, I want experienced and skilled management at the helm. If you haven't done three to five at the state or federal level, I can't use you on the team. Good gawd, a man that's not wearing a home monitoring device just doesn't have the seat time to maintain our present course!"

An unidentified Human Resource spokesman at his side added..."There should be no disruption in service, we have a sufficient number of qualified personnel on duty now, and a strong history of customer service to guide us through the storm. No one is getting fired, we're not cleaning house on a wholescale level. Incumbent management will be granted a grace period to update their qualifications. If you can attend a local university near you (and steal a student's car) and earn the credits needed for a degree, we have a grandfather clause in the language. Naturally, some managers will not be able to comply, and new positions are opening. Please...No more applications from inmates on death row, c'mon get a clue, dudes. However, we do have a few positions near local schools which are ideal for registered sex offenders".

The sound of an approaching siren interrupted this press confrence, and both CEO Jon "thick headed mug" Smith and the unidentified HR spokesman left the room...Via a window, and fire escape to the ground.

Film at eleven, Don, back to you...

10-05-2006, 05:24 AM
:o I too have used JiffyLube in the past, but have always kept an eye on the cars as they have been worked on (just a matter of their reputation). But with the MM it has always gone to the dealer. Just a little more particular this time around.

10-05-2006, 05:33 AM
My Wife took her Maxima to a Jiffy Lube and then called me at home because they wanted to change her air filter. She said that the one they were showing her was disgusting It had leaves and feathers stuck in it. I then explained to her how I had just replaced he filter with a K&N Filter a week before. I had her stay there until I got there to make sure that they didn't steal the K&N. When I pointed this out to the manager he said that they had confused my wife with the owner of the car that they were actually working on. We got a free oil change (if they actually did it) and have never gone back.

10-05-2006, 11:56 AM
Do not take your "MM" to any "Jiffy Lube" centers. If you own this great machine, It always should be serviced in the dealer. "Shame" on you guys.

10-05-2006, 12:06 PM
.... I have no use for theives and liars ....

Does this mean that we're not friends anymore? :(

Dr Caleb
10-05-2006, 12:12 PM
She said that the one they were showing her was disgusting It had leaves and feathers stuck in it. I then explained to her how I had just replaced he filter with a K&N Filter a week before.

You have to wonder where the ookie filter came from, and if they actually confused the car it came out of with your wife's, if someone in the next bay drove away without an air filter.

Scratch that. No one confuses air filters, unless there are two identical cars sitting in adjacent service bays. No, scratch that too. You don't carry the filter from one bay to the next.

Apparently, crime does pay.

Power Surge
10-05-2006, 12:18 PM
I usually end up getting mine done at the dealer. Even if they don't do the work, OASIS shows the oil was changed at regular intervals if I have any oil relaed issues.

OASIS doesn't show oil changes. OASIS just shows warranty work, and it only goes back 1 year.

However, your CPL work (customer paid labor) will still be in the dealers internal system, so you'd still have a dealer record of oil changes.