View Full Version : Stylin' with Mercury

Bobby Clobber
10-06-2006, 06:44 AM
Check this out, any more thoughts about Mercury and performance?:mad2:


10-06-2006, 07:43 AM
So much for a new Cougar.

Mercurys new slogan should be: By woman, for women.

Until more than 50 to 60 Marauder owners pay attention to their cars like we do, this is the way it will be. We are not the Mustang market.

I nominate Steve Babcock for Mercury CEO!

10-06-2006, 08:05 AM
I love this part:

Ford is reinventing Mercury as a niche marque designed to appeal to more women, minorities and shoppers who typically don't consider Ford products.

The first 2 groups could be considered niche customer segments, I suppose, but doesn't shoppers who typically don't consider Ford products include nearly everybody?! :lol:

10-06-2006, 08:08 AM
Most of these "decision makers" have advanced degrees. I think this sheds light upon what exactly these people are learning in the hallowed halls of academia. They are so out of touch with reality, that they create their own alternate reality to fit their marketing models. :shake:

10-06-2006, 08:18 AM
Sounds like Mercury will be making bling-mobiles :puke:

10-06-2006, 09:04 AM
So much for a new Cougar.

Mercurys new slogan should be: By woman, for women.

Until more than 50 to 60 Marauder owners pay attention to their cars like we do, this is the way it will be. We are not the Mustang market.

I nominate Steve Babcock for Mercury CEO!

Second! :beer:

10-06-2006, 09:20 AM
Beleive it or not, it sounds alot like what Toyota did a few years back. Its no secret that they pushed marketing to women and minorities. It has worked nicely for them.

Got to have products ppl, want and have faith in 1st tho.

To me, there are certain cars and models within a model line that would benefit from this approach. To say that the whole division should be marketed this way is idiotic though.


10-06-2006, 09:51 AM
Do thay have a 22" dubs option on the Mariner now?

10-06-2006, 10:06 AM
"Past Mercury models have sometimes offered improved powertrains and performance, but future vehicles will be differentiated entirely by appearance and amenities."

Honestly, how many of us would own a Mercury were it not for the Marauder? The name plate lost its edge long ago. When we heard of the "performance" that the Marauder offered to the Mercury brand again and we jumped on it, but not enough of us did to make it profitable.

You cannot blame them. They must adjust to the market which, sadly, is all about bling.

10-06-2006, 10:10 AM
How come all the out of touch to reality jerks get to deside what to sell us? If they keep up the :bs: I will stop buying Mercury stuff all together. I want the rear wheel drive V8 performance, and all of Ford is not doing it right. Other than the truck and a Mustang there is nothing good to buy.:mad2: I like the stang but its a belly button car, everyone has them. Lets get the idiots at the top to make unique cars!

10-06-2006, 10:13 AM
Honestly, how many of us would own a Mercury were it not for the Marauder? The name plate lost its edge long ago. When we heard of the "performance" that the Marauder offered to the Mercury brand again and we jumped on it, but not enough of us did to make it profitable.
I and my son would still have Mercurys. Of course, those are over 40 years old, so perhaps I am helping make your point! :cool4:

10-06-2006, 04:41 PM
I nominate Steve Babcock for Mercury CEO!

At which time I will gladly give him my "MARAUDERMAN" name he wanted when attempting to sign on this board..........why not.....after all he really was the original Marauderman.....right!!!!!!!!

10-06-2006, 04:45 PM
Ford is not addressing the RWD segment.
GM and DC are...

Bruce Wayne
10-06-2006, 05:04 PM
we want a new and styish cougar, a real mans car! are you listening Mulberry, or Mullrooney, er whats his name?

10-06-2006, 07:50 PM
My first car was a 70 Cyclone Spoiler w/a 429 CJ. Now that was a unique step above the Torino and equal to or above the top of the line Mustang. I want a performance car that has luxury and handling plus makes this styling distinction they say they are going to attempt attaining. Now get after it L/M or you will force me to buy German again.

10-06-2006, 08:33 PM
The Holden Commodore SSV when it comes here as a Pontiac will probably be my next car. Dunno if I will get it new or used but that's what I am aiming for right now! Maybe, just maybe that 09 Panther refresh will still happen. Until then, no clue.

10-07-2006, 04:36 AM
Any company's primary responsibility is to it's stock holders and all the stock holders want is a professionally run unit that is PROFITABLE!!:beer:

Performance markets are very small and could never support a multi-billion dollar company so the real delima is what will sell vehicles and do it profitably??:help:

Ford, GM and Chrysler all have to appeal to the masses with fuel economy....durability....comfo rt....safety....styling...etc. :rolleyes:

I would hate to be in Mullaly's (sp?) shoes (except for the $$$'s he is guaranteed)......he really has a tough job ahead of him just "un-screwing" the past "screw-ups" at Ford!!:shake:

I do think that a "Performance Segment" should exist at Ford with a completely separate management team.....almost as a separate company!!:beer:

No matter what happens.....I HAVE MY CAR.....and probably couldn't afford todays SVT offerings anyway......:shake:

Thanks for the Marauder.....SVT or NOT!!:banana:
