View Full Version : How NOT to autoX your Mustang

10-06-2006, 09:55 AM
This guy has something to prove :rolleyes:

http://videos.streetfire.net/search/how+not+to+autocross/0/wm/c498a697-0432-48e4-8122-6fb0247637a9.htm (http://videos.streetfire.net/search/how+not+to+autocross/0/wm/c498a697-0432-48e4-8122-6fb0247637a9.htm)

10-06-2006, 10:00 AM
Great video!

10-06-2006, 10:01 AM
My mom can drive better than that in her Kia Sorento!

10-06-2006, 10:20 AM
My mom can drive better than that in her Kia Sorento!

at least she would finish the course!

That Mustang is a beast but I love when the guy kept screaming "dam!t."

10-06-2006, 10:57 AM
Honestly, that guy should have been politely kicked off that course and told to come back and try another day. It's clear that he went on full tilt and was a danger to everyone there, including himself.

I've done courses like that before, and I can't imagine any instructor allowing that guy to keep driving. He was purely concerned with speed, regardless of how many cones, trees, cars, or people he took out along the way. He should've slowed down and focused on trying to complete the course without losing control. Is that too much to ask?

10-06-2006, 11:43 AM
Well that car has got some balls.....but I think that car needs a new owner.

Great video!

10-06-2006, 12:15 PM
It was horrible,Little bits of Pylons everywhere..
It was a massacre I tell you..They didn't have a chance:alone: :cry:

10-06-2006, 12:25 PM
That was funny. After he crashes, he just does donuts. Pointless!

10-06-2006, 12:32 PM
I went off course but thats a new meaning LOL! I spun out the 6 a few times and FWD plow almost got me to hit a light pole. I'll take notes for 22nd when I run the mm.

10-06-2006, 01:14 PM
U.....G.....L.....Y.....and he ain't got no alibi. :down:

10-06-2006, 01:28 PM
What was the boy driving on...slicks??? Someone should have pulled him off the course and told him "don't come back" until you learn how to drive!!!

10-06-2006, 03:37 PM
Scary. Like STUPID scary. Man I wouldn't feel safe anywhere on the parkign lot, in the woods, up a tree....

Goes to show you, max HP, without skill or traction is worthless. 331 makes some mean power, but combined with a big gear (3.55/3.73) your gonna be crowned the cops best friend.... the donut king

10-06-2006, 03:39 PM
oooh the horror, cut down in the prime of their little lives, it looked like a little kid at halloween tripped and candy corn went everywhere...ohhh the horror!!!!

It was horrible,Little bits of Pylons everywhere..
It was a massacre I tell you..They didn't have a chance:alone: :cry:

10-06-2006, 04:06 PM
It was horrible,Little bits of Pylons everywhere..
It was a massacre I tell you..They didn't have a chance:alone: :cry:

I heard the pylons saying :help: as he backs up and the course marshall pulls one out from under the front bumper.

I think the car had a loose nut behind the steering wheel:lol:, that is why he kept spinning out, mowing the grass, trees, fences.


Joe Walsh
10-06-2006, 04:15 PM

Nothing like SMOOTH steering inputs and careful modulation of the throttle!;)

That DORK (another one for you Bob) makes all Mustangers look like idiots!

He should go join the Ricers at Drifting because he sure has that down pat!

10-06-2006, 04:16 PM
Reminds me of NASCAR on Nintendo.

10-06-2006, 08:52 PM
Waste of a Stang. The guy wasn't even trying, SMOOTH is fast, fast is SMOOTH, what an imbecile! I too agree he should have been kicked off. You cant drag race from corner to corner!!

10-06-2006, 09:55 PM

10-06-2006, 10:06 PM
...SMOOTH is fast, fast is SMOOTH...

This is *EXACTLY* how I was taught.

Going on tilt serves no useful purpose and only makes you drive worse. This guy showed us a perfect example of that. He's lucky he didn't kill someone (including himself).

10-06-2006, 10:10 PM
This guy has something to prove :rolleyes:

He is proving he cannot drive.:P

10-07-2006, 12:58 AM
Does running over the cones damage the paint or front bumper at all? Not like he would matter after those off-road excursions :P

10-07-2006, 03:07 AM
That was just bad. :shake:

They should tell him to come back in a FWD because he obviously can't handle the RWD ones. Much less a high powered one.

Does running over the cones damage the paint or front bumper at all? Not like he would matter after those off-road excursions :P

It just leaves black scuff marks on the paint. It comes off. Hard to get off but it's not permanent.

10-07-2006, 03:36 PM

My wife did better auto-xing the merc in a super tight course than he did.

How to fix him?

Detune that car by about 200hp, and give him some valium to his twitchy ass down.

10-08-2006, 10:52 PM
I ran the SCCA KY Region autocross for several years in my turbo Dodges. Don't recall ever seeing anyone that bad.

10-09-2006, 12:46 AM
Does running over the cones damage the paint or front bumper at all? Not like he would matter after those off-road excursions :P
some tard at the mercedes love tour course @ fed ex field took the side skirt off form hitting cones at reallllllly high speed LOL!

10-09-2006, 12:08 PM
That reminds me of how stupid someone can be, I mean I would of rather watched FWD ricer cars trying to drift. Can I have my 5 mins of life back? lol