View Full Version : TV Buying Frustrations

10-07-2006, 09:10 PM
Well, early in the week I had the boob tube on while I was doing some things around my place after work. All of a sudden, I noticed it had cut off. I went to investigate, and looks like a transformer fried...TV tries to turn on but the tube won't fire up. Bummer...was a pretty decent 27" Sony Trinitron...sure not the greatest but did it's job.

So TV is dead, off to buy another. I spent time searching online, and Friday and Saturday nights I stopped by a few stores, mainly Best Buy.

All that made me, was annoyed.

A few years back the TV market was quite different. But like everything the manufacturers and retail outlets are getting rid of the decent cheap stuff and really putting an imbalance in television availability.

2 years ago I nearly bought a 36" square flat-tube HDTV. Was a tad pricey at the time, so figured, OK, I'll let the prices drop. They didn't - instead those types of TVs vanished.

When a lightning strike fried my folks TV a few months ago, they bought a 32" JVC standard flat tube TV (not HD) and honestly it's very nice. Not HD yeah, but gets digital signals and has a very nice 480i picture. Guess they got lucky.

All of those are gone. There are 3 32" SDTV's with flat tubes on BestBuy's site - non are readily available in the store. And if they are, they're way over priced. These TV's are priced at $450+. My parents paid 380 just 3 months ago for their nice JVC unit. So 3 months even though the technology aged rather than get cheaper they went up 70 bucks.

Ok, well, I'll take a deep breath, let's see what they have in HD tube TV's, those should be cheap by now, right?

Nope. Oh and apparnetly they forgot how to make them bigger than 27".

LCD TV's, I hear lots of good things about those...OK, nice picture, but damn that's awfully small for $800. Best Buy salesman "Well, it's 32 inches!" Me: "Hey moron, stop trying to trick me, that's measured diagonally across a 16:9 widescreen, that's no where near as big as a 32" square tube in terms of height. My feeling is, if it's below 42" widescreen, it's not going to be big enough. Sure it'll look great for 16:9 format shows or movies, but when you watch a 4:3 show at that aspect ratio your nice 32" widescreen shirnks to a 24" 4:3......


So bascially here's the deal, you can buy a junky 27" TV for about 250-300 bucks for a flat tube, 150-200 for a 1980's wanna be round tube.

Next you have larger SDTV screens, 300+ for roundies, 400-700 for flats.

Then you get to HD, and everything is 800+, and the 800 dollar ones are LCD TV's that I'd more expect to see behind the headrest on a Hummer than in my TV room.

Best buy is the worst for this, they actually HIDE the older TV's 2 aisle away from their main TV display. And although online they show 2 CRT Projection HDTV's for reasonable prices (about 900 bucks) they are no where to be found in the store. In the main display (not even in the high end "Magnolia" room) all they have are $1500+ plasma's and DLP projection units. They had about 30 plasma screens on the wall for sale, all different models. But, they did not have ONE 32" flat tube SDTV in stock...oh wait, yeah they did, it was a very poor looking Sony "WEGA" (Not HD) that had a $700 price tag.

So I feel this is a huge rip off in the market. There is no mid range. It's either a junky TV, or a very expensive HDTV - HDTV's that should have dropped in price over a year ago.

What slim pickings there are for middle-teir are already either being discontinued or are heavily overpriced for what they should be.

Technology should drop in price as time goes on, but some of these older-style TV's are doing the exact opposite. As HDTV moves more into the market, this is to be expected as folks migrate away from SDTV to HDTV. But - it's too early because HDTV's still cost too much and lower cost HDTV tubes around 32" - 36" vanished 2 years ago.

I hate to say this folks, but just another area in which we as consumers are taking it on the chin...

I still haven't selected my new TV yet. I'll be borrowing a little 13" mono TV so I can watch Seinfeld reruns incase I can't decide by the end of the weekend.

I know, I know, I could easily by a similar TV like I had for cheap, but I figured this was the perfect excuse for a bit of an upgrade...good excuse, bad market timing...

10-07-2006, 09:51 PM
I see the see similar BS with washer/dryers and fridges lately.

Donny Carlson
10-07-2006, 11:25 PM
A second hand TV. There still are repair shops out there with old sets that they've fixed up. Also, thrift stores such as Good Will and Salvation Army have donated sets. Not to mention, ye ol neighborhood pawn shop.

10-08-2006, 05:15 AM
Well, early in the week I had the boob tube on while I was doing some things around my place after work. All of a sudden, I noticed it had cut off....
Mike, I have two 25 inch Magnavox console TVs in the garage and a 19 inch Philips B&W ". Come on down and you can have your pick -- gratis. Take one or all three. I'll throw in a free set of rabbit ears, too !!! :D Don't ask why I still have them. :rofl:

jim geary
10-08-2006, 05:50 AM
Go on line and take a look at Costco or Sam's club. Overstock is pretty good
for selection also.

jim geary
10-08-2006, 05:51 AM
Sorry about that Overstock.com

10-08-2006, 06:48 AM
Really stinks, doesn't it? Our government at work. Force a new technology on the consumers so they don't have much choice. Creates a virtual monopoly, not by brand but by product.

10-08-2006, 07:14 AM
Look Harder, I do a 32" Flat HDTV 1080i for like 440 from Best buy... just ask for a discount (it works trust me)

10-08-2006, 07:16 AM
I agree on how Best Buy "sets" you up to buy a higher priced tv there's no doubt about that...they always push for the bigger sale....But as for the pricing......I know for a fact that Best Buy pretty much sells all of thier tv's at cost, so blame the manufacturer.....Best Buy makes most of thier money on the little accessories, thats what's got a 200-800 percent mark up on it.
Doesn't change the fact that tv shoppin sucks..just fyi

10-08-2006, 07:28 AM
I came across a 27" Toshiba TV for $200 at BJ's. It had the hookups for the DVD player and the Home Theater.

10-08-2006, 07:53 AM
I like expensive TVs. :D

10-08-2006, 08:57 AM
Mike, I have two 25 inch Magnavox console TVs in the garage and a 19 inch Philips B&W ". Come on down and you can have your pick -- gratis. Take one or all three. I'll throw in a free set of rabbit ears, too !!! :D Don't ask why I still have them. :rofl:

Console TV..are those the ones in the big wooden cabinet? I remeber helping someone move a 25" one of those a few years back, that was a heavy set!

10-08-2006, 09:09 AM
Well I'm thinking about it today, I'm taking tommorrow off so I can go out and look for something. I figured Best Buy sells nearly at cost, and yeah cables and accessories is where the markup is. Still a bummer these places won't sell anything the mid-range...

The odd part is, it's not just them. WalMart, Target, even according to online resources Costco and BJ's have the same gap.

There are plenty of decent 27" TV's for a cheap price, a few 32"ers for decent prices, so I'm thinking I may grab something like that and be happy with it for a year or so and try again to see if the TV marketplace changes.

I think this will be fine, as I have a homebrew solution for stuff like movies. I made my own LCD projector that plays HD-quality and when running currently the screen is 120" measured diagonally...oh and it cost a total of $240. http://www.neuralimpulse.com/tech/lcd.html

10-08-2006, 10:32 AM
I was shocked to see what the local wal mart is selling for TVs now. It looks like a best buy wall in our store. The top of the line they sell is a plasma 50" for $1995 or something close to that. If I was in the market, I would seriously consider something from wal mart. It seems to have a lot of bang for the buck. Myself, I have a 55" HD RPTV from Mitsubishi (diamond series), and I spent close to $5k for it 3 or 4 years ago. Wow. I'd never do that again!

My son has a 27" tube HDTV for X-box and I recently made a wired extension from my HD cable box to the other set, and, well, the 27" TV in 1080i, 16:9 mode, is like watching a 13" TV, so a minimal set for viewing HD content, in my opinion, would be 42" or so.

As far as the HD viewing goes, I would only look for a TV that can do it. The cable HD package is very affordable and the upgrade in picture quality is tremendous, especially when viewing professional sporting events. Talladega is going to look nice on NBC HD this afternoon!

Good luck.

10-08-2006, 04:59 PM
Not sure about what it is you are looking for but Wal-Mart still has flat screen CRT'S.

10-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Console TV..are those the ones in the big wooden cabinet? I remeber helping someone move a 25" one of those a few years back, that was a heavy set!
:rolleyes: I take it that you are not interested. :rofl:

10-08-2006, 06:10 PM
Not to plug a vendor or hijack this thead...but I buy my cables at http://www.mcminone.com/ web site maybe a pain to find things, but they have decent deals on cables. The best deals come via the flyers they send out.

10-08-2006, 06:47 PM
:rolleyes: I take it that you are not interested. :rofl:

Well, my back isn't atleast. ;) Thanks for the offer though! :beer:

Some of those are made with REAL wood, not that particle board stuff, kinda neat really...

10-09-2006, 07:41 PM
Well, problem solved today, I bought a 27" flat tube HTDV made by RCA at WalMart for $348 - for the price it was a steal!

10-10-2006, 10:37 AM
That sounds like the TV I have in my bedroom. Only mine is Samsung....

I perchased mine from Sams club last year... I got it for somewhere between $300-$400.

I don't recall exact price and don't wanna have to deal with girlfriend more then needed to find out trival info.

Well she just called me.... go figure... she says it was $275.00 + tax... so

I guess We got a good deal... Women they just know when you happen to put a thought in your head about them.... She called out of the blue just like that... LOL

well anyway how the new tube works out for you....