View Full Version : My thoughts on the Yankee loss...

O's Fan Rich
10-10-2006, 03:34 PM
Ok, here goes,
As most of you know, I enjoy baseball. I absolutely love watching a live game. Yeah, sometimes I'll even stop and watch a high school or LL game with no connection. Michelle and I can be found at every Friday home game for the Reading Phillies and wheneever the Baysox are up here, we are there.
I'm a Baltimore Orioles fan. I have been since I knew what a baseball was. I will not change that, as long as the O's are in Baltimore, they are my team. My Marauders plate reads OHZ FAN, my basement is full of O's stuff. I wear something with the O's logo everday, especially during the season.
I am NOT a stats guy I do no know the current up to date average of every player... I don't have the time and need to draw the line somewhere. I do have a life to live.

You also may realize that I am NOT a New York Yankee fan, in fact I enjoy watching them lose. If that organization falters, is embarassed or falls short, I break out in a big smile.
The series win by the Detroit Tigers was pleasureable to me, almost euphoric. All that money spent and no ring is exhilerating!! I did not have alot of time to revel in the Yankee ouster, as I was struck down by an intestinal virus ( if I'd have been the only one hit... I'd have suspected sabotage/revenge by some of my Yankee backing contemporaries).
But, I had some time to reflect on it once I got my $h*t together. (pun)

I began meditating on why I have such strong negative emotions directed towards the Yankees. Because it's year long, not just for the season, you know? I even put my own personal curse on them to never win a World Series as long as Mussina is on thier roster. And I have been correct so far.

Why should I hate the Yankees? I should admire them. They have an owner who is not afraid to spend his money to win. They have a rabid fan base that supports them. They have a rich history. They have produced a multitude of Hall of Fame players and careers. There is no disputing their success in winning not only American Leauge Championships, but World Series Championships. They consistantly ( ok if you skip the 80's) compete for a playoff position. And they market themselves better than any team in the country.

So, I asked myself, why? Why the venom, why the twisted gut, why enjoy the pain of others, even my friends who happen to have the Yankee bug have seen my joy over the past few years of the failure of the Yankees to win the series again.

I could only reach two conclusions. And one is obvious... I am jealous, yea that's right I'm envious. I want an owner for the O's who will invest in the team, heck I know it's his money and he can do what he wants, but I'm the reason they play right? I'm the fan, the guy who spends his cash on their stuff, let alone the tickets. I go to the Yard and drop a couple of hundred on food and drink as often as possible ( only 10 this year :depress: ).
I don't expect them to win them all, but I don't want to go to the park with the expectation of them losing... and that's what I'm coming to. I imagine the Sox, Yankees, Jays and even the Ray's looking at the schedule in spring, circling the O's games and saying "We got that one." And probably, they are right. It's depressing. I want to have hope again. I want to have that September excitement again. I envy Yankee fans that.

The second is that I am simply an Orioles fan. I cannot in any way shape or form give good wishes towards any of the teams in the divison the O's play in. Can't do it. When the Sox and Yankees play each other, I check to see who would benefit the Orioles the most by the loss or win and back off on the whammy sending to achieve my goals. I will always cheer for whoever is playing against any of them, I am a Baltimore Orioles fan.

So, I hate the Yankees, it's nothing personal, I have to. I have no choice. I will not waiver. I will never make it about you, the Yankee fan, even when after elimination you say " Yeah, how many rings YOU got?" as if we as fans have that much to do with it. ( I've often wondered if the Yankees give out rings to all their fans....) I'll even keep it to myself when you wear that Red Sox shirt, Phillies hat, or maybe now even a Tigers bandana now, and then your Yankee stuff when they win again... you know who you are, you bandwagon hoppers you. ( you people make me sick!!)
But, I will continue to hate the Yankees, then the Red Sox ( btw their fans are the worst behaved when the visit The Yard), the Blue Jays ( ha- ha BJ you left and still lost and we got a decent closer yet!)and yes even the Devil Rays ( sorry Jim, but I know you understand).

I am an Orioles fan.

Derek Jeter is welcome to come on over and wear an O's uniform... It would be fine with me.

10-10-2006, 04:07 PM
That's ok Rich. I hate the "Yankees" for the same reason I hate the "Lakers" and my very own "Red Wings".

P.S. I hate the "Detroit Lions" for another reason.:lol:

10-10-2006, 04:15 PM
You are probably the first and only person that can explain why they hate a certain team. Boston fans hate the Yankees and if you ask them why, you'll never get a straight answer.
Bravo and Kudos to you! :beer:

You have every right to hate the Yankee's.
After watching them play like a little league team in the Detroit series, you'll have many NYer's supporting your hate of them.:down:

I never thought the fate of NY taking a World Series title this year would be in the hands of the Mets. :shake:

10-10-2006, 04:25 PM
I share that same hate you have, but only with the Steelers. I don't get much into baseball, I don't find it exciting enough, but thats another argument, I am though glad to see the Yanks sitting at home now.

Paul T. Casey
10-10-2006, 04:33 PM
As a Yankee fan, it's time to step up and admit we (the team, not the fans), have failed miserably, again. At least now I know why. Mr. Long has stricken us with a curse. Is it as easy as just letting Mussina go, or would it require more for you to "un-curse" the beloved Bronx Bombers? Did you have anything to do with the Massive choke job by all but 2 members of the team? (Jeter batted over .500, and Wang won a game, otherwise we sucked!). Let's talk, maybe we can work out this little situation. :(

10-10-2006, 04:40 PM
"You also may realize that I am NOT a New York Yankee fan, in fact I enjoy watching them lose."

That's really the only thing I read....
I Really Hate that your Ravens lost too...

Derek Jeter is welcome to come on over and wear an O's uniform... It would be fine with me.[/quote]

10-10-2006, 04:43 PM
As Boog Powell would say...."I'll drink to that....and take this little honey with me."


10-10-2006, 04:46 PM
Rich, I understand and I hate them too, but then I hate them all including the O's. Billionaire owners fielding millionaire primadonnas playing little boys games...in front of fans that have to pay hundreds of dollars for seats and hot dogs for their family...give me a break. I even have trepidations with college athletics. I support HS ball of all kinds (altho we have local HS coaches caught recruiting other HS players-time to nuke the entire competitive HS scenario?) and local sand lot teams. I will attend pro games again when they figure out how both teams can lose. Now I really love senior softball...It feels just like HS and is a lot more fun. You can drink legally after the game. Sorry for the bummer but pro athletics and athletes of every stripe have turned me off for life. AND I don't miss them at all. Dennis:beer:

10-10-2006, 04:59 PM
Rich, I understand and I hate them too, but then I hate them all including the O's. Billionaire owners fielding millionaire primadonnas playing little boys games...in front of fans that have to pay hundreds of dollars for seats and hot dogs for their family...give me a break. I even have trepidations with college athletics. I support HS ball of all kinds (altho we have local HS coaches caught recruiting other HS players-time to nuke the entire competitive HS scenario?) and local sand lot teams. I will attend pro games again when they figure out how both teams can lose. Now I really love senior softball...It feels just like HS and is a lot more fun. You can drink legally after the game. Sorry for the bummer but pro athletics and athletes of every stripe have turned me off for life. AND I don't miss them at all. Dennis:beer:

Dennis, I really would like to take your stance on this.
It's just that I grew up rooting for the Braves, then the Devil Rays, and of course my loveable Bucs since 1976.
I know the money is obscene, but I can't help it. I have to be a fan...
And to be a Bucs/Devil Rays fan is a serious fan...
or a stupid one...depends on the year, and this hasn't been a good one.

Joe Walsh
10-10-2006, 05:36 PM
But, I will continue to hate the Yankees, then the Red Sox ( btw their fans are the worst behaved when the visit The Yard), I am an Orioles fan.

I hear ya Rich!

I once relished getting tickets to a Yankees or Red Sox game at Camden Yards.
The last few years it is embarrassing to go to one of those games,
as Orioles fans are outnumbered 2:1 by obnoxious Yankees fans and annoying Redsox fans in our OWN ballpark!
You feel like the visiting team as you walk around in Orange and Black.
It is our own fault because of all the Orioles ticket holders who gladly sell their tickets to the opposing teams fans!
I find it harder and harder to attend Orioles games, not because of their win/loss record, but because I know that I am supporting Peter Angelos.

10-10-2006, 07:34 PM
The Yankees lost?

Hmmmpf, and all this time I thought the baseball season ended October 1st when the Astros got eliminated.

10-10-2006, 08:43 PM
You are probably the first and only person that can explain why they hate a certain team. Boston fans hate the Yankees and if you ask them why, you'll never get a straight answer.
Bravo and Kudos to you! :beer:

You have every right to hate the Yankee's.
After watching them play like a little league team in the Detroit series, you'll have many NYer's supporting your hate of them.:down:

I never thought the fate of NY taking a World Series title this year would be in the hands of the Mets. :shake:This is not right. I am a Yankees fan Grew up in NY, born and bred so to speak. Your comment of being a little league team is BS. What you're really doing is not giving any credit to the Detroit Tigers, especially their pitching. Enough of how the Yanks blew it. Detroit played pretty darn well, and I believe it continued tonight. So..good luck to your Mets. I'll take them secondarily now to do well. Enough said.

10-10-2006, 09:19 PM
No reason with the team they had to not make it past the 1st round. They fawked up my wet dream to have a subway series...:mad2:


This comming from a Mets Fan. :D

10-11-2006, 05:36 AM
I did not have alot of time to revel in the Yankee ouster, as I was struck down by an intestinal virus ( if I'd have been the only one hit... I'd have suspected sabotage/revenge by some of my Yankee backing contemporaries).
But, I had some time to reflect on it once I got my $h*t together. (pun)

I began meditating on why I have such strong negative emotions directed towards the Yankees. Because it's year long, not just for the season, you know? I even put my own personal curse on them...
...I hate the Yankees. I should admire them. ...They have a rabid fan base that supports them.
So, I asked myself, why? Why the venom, why the twisted gut, why enjoy the pain of others, even my friends who happen to have the Yankee bug have seen my joy over the past few years of the failure of the Yankees to win the series again.

I could only reach two conclusions. And one is obvious... I am jealous, yea that's right I'm envious.
So, I hate the Yankees, ( you people make me sick!!)
But, I will continue to hate the Yankees...

Rich...Rich...Rich, release the hate, the anger. This is what is making you sick, this is what sent you to the Hospital. This time and the last time with the heart trouble. If you don't let go of the anger and hate it will do a lot worse to you in the future. I care about you and don't want anything to happen to you because of the hate and anger. So please Rich release it now before it is too late.

One more thing I need to ask you, is why did they name the team after a cookie...ie, 'OREOS'????

10-11-2006, 05:54 AM
One more thing I need to ask you, is why did they name the team after a cookie...ie, 'OREOS'????

Now at last a meaningful topic for discussion about pro sports. Why would anyone spend that kind of money and name his investment after a cookie. Damn, that cookie isn't even made by elves. Torre keeps his job, A-Rod will get his 25 Million and the Yankees will win again till they lose and and and...with any luck I will still be playing 3rd on the community softball team in front of about 25 OR 30 people who get in for free and bring cook out food for everyone...for free and have a beer with the real sports stars in my firmament..the other old farts I play with and against.

O's Fan Rich
10-11-2006, 06:45 AM
Rich...Rich...Rich, release the hate, the anger. This is what is making you sick, this is what sent you to the Hospital. This time and the last time with the heart trouble. If you don't let go of the anger and hate it will do a lot worse to you in the future. I care about you and don't want anything to happen to you because of the hate and anger. So please Rich release it now before it is too late.

One more thing I need to ask you, is why did they name the team after a cookie...ie, 'OREOS'????

I thought I kinda was, Gordon. I'm looking to get a little balance here, is all....

You really got to get a handle on this english language thing though, it's ORIOLES...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriole

10-11-2006, 07:02 AM
I thought I kinda was, Gordon. I'm looking to get a little balance here, is all....

You really got to get a handle on this english language thing though, it's OREOS...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oreo

How do you eat an oreo?

10-11-2006, 07:04 AM
who get in for free and bring cook out food for everyone...for free and have a beer.

You mean they eat and drink while you play softball? The nerve of them to do that while your out there on the field....:mad2:

10-11-2006, 10:33 AM
You mean they eat and drink while you play softball? The nerve of them to do that while your out there on the field....:mad2:

Actually, Gordon; they cook while we play and then we all eat and drink after the game. We all win, even the losers of the game.:D

And no we do not eat Orioles, they are tourists who come for the season to enjoy the beautiful weather. There is a State Law in Florida prohibiting eating tourists. Now Rich takes Oreo's arpart and eats the filling first and dunks the BROWN part in raw milk from Lancaster county. :lol: except when he is busy blowing his deer whistles. Poor Michelle. A guy who has won her has no business worrying about baseball games. Just a thought :)Dennis

O's Fan Rich
10-11-2006, 10:46 AM
Actually, Gordon; they cook while we play and then we all eat and drink after the game. We all win, even the losers of the game.:D

And no we do not eat Orioles, they are tourists who come for the season to enjoy the beautiful weather. There is a State Law in Florida prohibiting eating tourists. Now Rich takes Oreo's arpart and eats the filling first and dunks the BROWN part in raw milk from Lancaster county. :lol: except when he is busy blowing his deer whistles. Poor Michelle. A guy who has won her has no business worrying about baseball games. Just a thought :)Dennis

She's right next to me at the games.... no worries! In fact she brings me beer.:beer: :beer:
BTW- Oreo Double stuff is the way to go!

10-11-2006, 11:00 AM
I once relished getting tickets to a Yankees or Red Sox game at Camden Yards.
I still like to go to The Yard when the Yankees, Detroit, or the Red Sox are visiting. Yankee fans do get quite vocal in their bragging of the team; but sur quiet up quickly when the score gets lopsided. I had the privilege of going to a game last year when the O's stomped the Yankees 12-2. Despite all the pre=-game bravado from some of the visiting Yankee fans, I didn't hear a peep out of them after the 1st inning. And you're darn right that I "rubbed it in" every pitch til the end of the game. :D

They would have done the same if it was the other way around. :rolleyes:

Unlike Rich, I don't hate the Yankees. I don't hate the Red Sox or any other team for that matter. I don't lay curses on the opposing teams. I do like to see the Orioles win and I am also an O's fan. I have the hats and the shirts. But I don't wear 'em every day. ;) I have been an Orioles fan since 1956 and my first game. Anybody remember Willie Miranda??? How'bouat Gus Triandos??

10-11-2006, 11:14 AM
Boston fans hate the Yankees and if you ask them why, you'll never get a straight answer.

Unfortunately this is so true. For the longest time I was a Boston Red Sox fan simply because my best friend is a huge Red Sox fan. I had no team to really root for, Philadelphia Phillies and the Orioles were the closest Major League team near me, but I don't like rooting for a team that I have no business rooting for.

It took the franchise movement of the Expos moving here to DC for me to open my eyes and realize that I don't hate the Yankees. I don't support Boston anymore. I love watching and supporting the Nationals now. they are my team.

And Rich, I understand how you feel about obnoxious fans in your stadium. I knew we were going to have a huge turnout for Yankee fans back in June when the Nationals hosted them at RFK, but I can't imagine those 3 or 4 series you have to play each year because they're in your AL East. The only fans that ticked me off have been Phillies fans, but they were just getting annoying because they thought they were going to end up in the post-season.

I even went up to Fenway in June to see the Nats play the Red Sox, and Boston fans are very nasty and very condescending. I feel sorry for fans that have to get caught up in the mob-like mentality of booing every team your Red Sox plays.

Enjoy the game, support the players, applaud their accomplishments. I must've been the only (Washington National Fan) person at RFK Stadium to clap and stand for Derek Jeter when his name was announced because I respect him as a ballplayer. He's incredible and I enjoy watching him. Same for Matsui and Posada. They are incredible players that I have the utmost respect for.

now I'm rambling.... what was I saying? Oh yes, to hell with Peter Angelos.

10-11-2006, 11:22 AM
And no we do not eat Orioles, they are tourists who come for the season to enjoy the beautiful weather. There is a State Law in Florida prohibiting eating tourists... :)Dennis

You mean 'Snowbirds', right??? ;)

10-11-2006, 02:58 PM
This is not right. I am a Yankees fan Grew up in NY, born and bred so to speak. Your comment of being a little league team is BS. What you're really doing is not giving any credit to the Detroit Tigers, especially their pitching. Enough of how the Yanks blew it. Detroit played pretty darn well, and I believe it continued tonight. So..good luck to your Mets. I'll take them secondarily now to do well. Enough said.

As a Yankee fan watching dumb errors, stranding runners on base and horrid pitching throughout the series, I stand by my comment of playing like a little league team. We have the highest payroll in the major league. The Yankees are practically a all-star team and to see them go down to the Tigers proves they weren't playing up to par.
Sorry no credit to the Tigers unless they go all the way.

10-11-2006, 03:07 PM
Let's give a moment of silence to the Yankee Orginazaton:


Yankee Cory Lidle on NYC Plane; 4 Killed

By COLLEEN LONG, Associated Press Writer

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(getElapsed("20061011T213225Z"));</SCRIPT>34 minutes ago<NOSCRIPT>UPDATED -2 MINUTES AGO</NOSCRIPT>
http://www.comcast.net/data/br/2006/10/11/br-19919.jpg (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/496763.html)New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle reacts to a ... (http://www.comcast.net/data/news/photoshow/html/news/496763.html)

NEW YORK - A small plane with New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle aboard crashed into a high-rise condominium tower Wednesday on the Upper East Side, killing at least four people and raining flaming debris on the sidewalks below, authorities said.

O's Fan Rich
10-11-2006, 03:12 PM
just saw that on Fox....

10-11-2006, 03:33 PM
Wow, Cory was an ex Devil Ray; got his autograph a few years ago.
May God rest his soul.

10-11-2006, 05:27 PM
Our prayers for his family. This crash is hard to understand, where it happened and how and why the emergency rescue system parachute wasn't deployed. A puzzle to me. Almost all crashes are the result of a chain of bad decisions. Looks like this one too. To bad.