View Full Version : Memorial day - remember

05-25-2003, 10:04 PM
I will remember those who have left us too soon for having willingly placed themselves in harms' way, so that we would not be.

I will call my family and friends who serve and TELL them how much I appreciate what they do, and remind them I love them very much.

I will visit with some families of my friends who serve now, and need some support and to remind them this country is grateful for their sacrifice.

I will say a prayer for ALL, that they come home soon, safe and sound.

I will NOT forget the only thing FREE and FREEDOM have in common is 4 letters. Freedom is not free, there has been, is, and always will be, a human cost to be free. And, to have true FREEDOM.

I will try to remember that not matter how inconvienient and difficult my life gets, I am still provided the ability to lay my head down each night, and rise each morning, in peace.

And I thank GOD for all those who give us that privilege and blessing.

There is a reason that so many use the phrase "The American Dream" . For many, what we have, is but a dream. Let us not forget what it takes to have that be a reality.

05-26-2003, 07:20 AM
Gerry - Well said, I couldn't agree more.

05-27-2003, 01:02 AM
So true!!!!! Amen!!!!!!

Long Live #3
05-27-2003, 08:12 AM
Amen gja.