View Full Version : Federal Reserve Bank study concludes the main point of traffic tickets is increasing

10-14-2006, 07:31 PM

Study: Traffic Tickets Rise as City Income Falls

A Federal Reserve Bank working paper concludes that revenue maximization is a primary motivation behind traffic ticket enforcement.

A Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis working paper concludes that municipalities use traffic tickets as a means of supplanting falling local revenue. Economist Thomas A. Garrett and University of Arkansas at Little Rock Professor Gary A. Wagner explain that although there is ample anecdotal evidence to show that this is the case, no empirical studies have ever examined the question in detail.

Using county-level data from North Carolina between 1989 and 2003, the working paper analysis takes into account demographic factors such as population and traffic growth that could influence the number of tickets written for offenses such as speeding, failure to yield and following too closely. Some counties issued as many as one ticket for every resident, while the average was closer to one ticket for every ten residents.

Garrett and Wagner found that for each one-percent drop in local government revenue there followed a .38 percent increase in the number of tickets written, each worth between $5 and $250. When local revenue increased, however, there was no corresponding decrease in the number of citations issued.

"The fact that local governments increase traffic tickets during periods of revenue decreases but do not decrease traffic tickets in response to revenue increases reveals some degree of revenue maximization on the part of local governments," the authors concluded.

Check out the entire paper at the link.

10-14-2006, 07:41 PM
Interesting and no surprise. Dennis:cool:

10-14-2006, 08:28 PM
They had to conduct a study to figure that out!? I've known that for years!

10-14-2006, 08:57 PM
If tickets had to do with safety and not money... there is no reason a driver should not be allowed to do 120 down I 70 in west kansas in an AMG benz when there is no one else on the road.

where as drunk drivers, and people speeing on busy city hiway loops etc should be fined sky high amounts.

and if safety were the goal, there should be no way to change a moving violation into a faulty equipment type violation. yet it happens all the time in kansas city...

10-14-2006, 09:30 PM
:hijack:HA HA, 500th POST:hijack: