View Full Version : Pray for my dog?

10-15-2006, 04:39 PM
Life's funny.

And, at times, quite sad.

I'll differentiate in a minute...Today was a prototypical Sunday. A morning split between Home Depot, and working in/landscaping the yard. The Bucs even won a game this afternoon. Some burgers on the grill, then Jen took Abby [our Austrailian Shepherd] for a walk. Coming around the block, Abby spied a serious threat to our security. Yep. You guessed it. A squirrel! She took off at top-speed, through my neighbor's yard. [Something she's done every day for four years and seven months.] The squirrel though he'd outsmart Abby, and ran under the boat/trailer, taking a shortcut to the nearby Oak Tree in my backyard. Abby was not deterred, having ducked under this trailer a thousand times.

This time, at full speed, she didn't duck quite far enough. I heard my wife screaming first, and ran to the backyard. There, my wife and neighbors were trying in vain to corral a badly hurt and badly bleeding dog.

You see, this time, Abby didn't duck down quite far enough, and laid herself open on the propeller. Badly. All the way down her back, where the skin caught and ripped her open like a bag of popcorn. Bleeding profusely, badly wounded, and probably scared to death, she only wanted to see one person. Daddy. I got her to hold still, while my wife ran to grab towels, and my neighbor grabbed the phone. Closest help was in Sarasota, 17 miles north on US 41. I managed to get her into the back of Jen's SUV [my wife is hysterical] and held her down while Jennifer ripped through traffic.

The vet estimated 200 stitches and sutchers to put her back together. She'll be in the hospital for a few days, but should make it. She lost a lot of blood. We'll know more in a few hours.

The funny part? Don't get me wrong-I love my dog. :lovies2: :dogrun: But, I had no idea how much until now.

10-15-2006, 04:46 PM
Im sorry to hear that Chuck. A love for animals is never truely known until something unfortunate happens to them. My dogs are like my kids. At least your dog had some quick thinking owners and responded immediatly...I hoipe she has a speedy recovery..

10-15-2006, 04:50 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your Dog Abby. I hope she gets well soon.

10-15-2006, 04:53 PM
Hope she gets well soon!!

10-15-2006, 04:54 PM
Very sorry to hear that. Hope she gets well soon.

10-15-2006, 05:04 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your Dog Abby. I hope she gets well soon.

I concur budd ....

10-15-2006, 05:05 PM
Sorry to hear about your dog Chuck. I hope she pulls through this a-ok. Having had dogs and cats most my life, loving and loosing them over the years, I know a scare like that really brings home how much they mean to us. Hopefully your dog has a lot of running years ahead of her.

10-15-2006, 05:24 PM
Sorry to hear about your "family member" Chuck. It is hard to think of them as pets. Most think of them as a member of the family. I hope everything goes well.

10-15-2006, 05:34 PM
Geez thats rough Chuck. All the best my friend.

10-15-2006, 05:37 PM
I will pray for Abby. Please keep her away from the squirrels.

10-15-2006, 05:37 PM
Don't get me wrong-I love my dog. :lovies2: :dogrun: But, I had no idea how much until now.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers until Abby is "out of the danger zone". Here's wishing for a full and speedy recovery.

We had to say goodbye to our 16 year old Bishon back in April of this year, so I can appreciate where you are coming from. I miss that dog almost every day. :( They do become part of the family. Hoping for the best.

What is it with dogs and squirrels. I am temporarily babysitting my daugther's 2-year old Chocolate Lab. She goes "absolutely nuts" when she sees a squirrel out front of the house. Guess they taste just like Chicken .... or meatbones. ;)

10-15-2006, 05:40 PM
Chuck, I hope that Abby recovers swiftly and that Jen and you do also, my friend. I am grateful that you were there to swiftly get things under control. She is young and healthy and there is every reason to expect a good result. Watch for infection. Pen and I send our best and our prayers. Dennis

10-15-2006, 05:54 PM

Quite a story, and my prayers are with your 'best friend'.

Keep us posted on her progress.


10-15-2006, 06:11 PM
Wishing you both the best, Chuck.

10-15-2006, 06:43 PM
Sorry Chuck, hope she gets well.
I just gave our Abby a hug.

10-15-2006, 06:51 PM
Dogs are amazingly resilient. Abby will recover.

10-15-2006, 07:15 PM
Chuck, I am sorry to hear about Abby but dogs heal very quickly.
2 years back something similar happened to my dog another dog grabbed the back of his neck and they had to sew him up and put a tube in to vent diseases(sp) again hope everything works ok for your family

jim geary
10-15-2006, 07:28 PM
Hi Chuck, I'm so sorry to hear about Abby. Our animals are very special to us
all. Those that don't have animals sometimes can't understand our grief.
Lets hope Abby will be just fine. Our dog Nicki is just as bad. Can't leave those squirrls alone.Must be an animal thing. Our prayers our with Abby,Jen,
and yourself. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to call. Anytime.

10-15-2006, 07:52 PM

Pulling for you both ! I had a dog that got seriously injured in the changing of the Alpha thing... Took $1k and 350 staples... a BUNCH of stitches... 3 sutures... and a month of care and bandage changing. She recovered and lived another 6 years!

10-15-2006, 08:11 PM
Wow, poor Abby! We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
All dog feel they must chase squirrels, but the hunting, herding and working breeds get over worked up over them. All four of my guys have a serious thing for anything that moves!

10-15-2006, 08:25 PM
Chuck with a nickname like big dog I can understand where your head & heart are right about now. I got 4 legged friend named "Odie Monster" a great mutt. 12 years old and he is my buddy! I can not begin to think what I would do in your place? My wife (Garfield) & I will will keep you and Jen + Abby in our hearts and thoughts. Good luck and wish all the best.
Please keep us all updated!
Big Dog

10-15-2006, 08:34 PM
Sorry to hear what happened.

We have a 16 year old Yorky and he tore an ACL, so he had not been getting around much.

The wife brought him to a friends to watch while we were out of town. As soon as she let him out the car he darts across the street, fortunately no car hit him.

We are now using the leach like we did when he was younger.

It's amazing how well his ACL has healed w/out surgery.;)

10-15-2006, 08:34 PM
Chuck: Stanley and Stella send their best for a speedy recovery! I spent the day working in the garage with them keeping me company. They are certainly this man's best friends.

Keep us posted, please.

10-15-2006, 09:00 PM
Our dogs- Cody, Lil Bit, Buddy, Fifi, Maggie, Buck, Lunky (Winston), Snowball, Henry, Sophie, Charlotte, Lillie and Wyle all send their best wishes to Abby for a speedy recovery.

Every animal deserves to have a family like yours that will go the extra mile for them.

I guess this is just another example of why MM.net is special place. My wife and I do rescue, and have seen time and again how cruel people can be to animals. Its nice to know so many people here do the right thing by their pets when cheaper, easier alternatives are available.

I am sure Abby knows how good she has it, and will pull through to get back to the good life:) .

Best regards, and all the luck!

10-15-2006, 09:49 PM

Consider it done.

Hope everything turns out ok & she's herself again real soon.

10-15-2006, 10:01 PM

Will keep you and your loved one in our prayers.

They are truly family members at our house as well.

Bradley G
10-16-2006, 03:09 AM
When they bleed, we bleed.
Sorry to hear your peaceful Sunday was ripped from you this way.
Patches snuck out yesterday(stupid, left the gate open), took two hot dogs to retrieve him.
Prayers for a speedy recovery, Brother!

10-16-2006, 04:43 AM
Thank you all very much for the well-wishes and good thoughts! She got out of surgery a little after midnight. Abby is home, but she's pretty busted up. Elizabethan collar, two drains for the wound, and a ton of stitches. She's in a lot of pain and is having trouble getting around, but she is going to be fine. With the collar and the wound drains, she shouldn't be left alone, so I've cleared my schedule for the rest of the week and will work from my home office.

I didn't sleep a wink last night. Thank you all very much. :bows:

O's Fan Rich
10-16-2006, 04:43 AM
Wow Chuck, hope it all works out.
The best part is, she'll get to 100% and chase squirrels again, never remembering the issue that slowed her down for a bit... it'll be great!!!!

10-16-2006, 05:20 AM

You will be surprised... in about a week... she will be feeling so well you will have trouble keeping her from doing too much!

It is really amazing how quickly animals recover if infection is kept at bay!

10-16-2006, 06:17 AM
Best of luck for a speedy recovery. It's a shame those things happen but I think you'll both appreciate each other even more by the end of the week.

Shelby, our 6 year old Siberian, offers a warm wishes and a wet cold nose.

Oh, in an emergency... use the MM, not the SUV!

10-16-2006, 06:21 AM
Chuck, sorry to hear that Abby got hurt. But glad to hear that she is still with you. She will pull through this, no problem and Abby is just waiting for the day she gets a hold of that squirrel.

Last Thursday evening my dog Smitty tore the tendon in his left knee. He could not put any weight on his leg and could not lie down or sit comfortably. Just glad it was not his hip. The Vet. told me Smitty is not to climb stairs for 5 days, that means I need to carry him outside when he needs to go and then carry him back in when he is done. He is 14yrs old now has arthritis in his hips and knees, hard of hearing and cloudy vision.

10-16-2006, 07:33 AM
Chuck my thougths are with you as we have dogs also. They are great friends. See you in Atlanta. John

10-16-2006, 08:16 AM
:( Chuck sorry to hear of Abby's mishap. It sounds like you and your family all responded to her needs and the doctors took it the rest of the way. You never realize how much or that you even cared until something happens to one of "your best friends". Most of the time pets just seem to be a pita, but they definitely become part of the family. Hope she gets better soon.

10-16-2006, 08:25 AM
Chuck, a sad story indeed but sounds like it will have a happy ending. I wish you and the pup the best, and a speedy recovery for Abby.

10-16-2006, 10:33 AM
Glad she is home, Chuck. Also glad you are able to reschedule stuff to keep an eye on her. As said above, keep a watchfull eye for infection. She may be hurting, but she DOES get to spend a lot of quality time this week with Daddy. :)

10-16-2006, 10:36 AM
Just read this. I hope Abby is healing well. Dog's are special as well.

10-16-2006, 05:02 PM
Yikes....what a story :bigcry:

Sorry to hear of this terrible accident with your Abby. I know our family would react much the same way if it were our dog. I'm glad to hear that surgery was a success and that she is on her way to recovery. As Dan said, dogs are amazing healers and she should be back up and chasing squirrels in no time.

10-16-2006, 05:54 PM

I just caught this story. Im sorry to hear of the accident. Any time awful things happen to animals, it really gets to me. I lose it if I see a squirrel get run over in the street. I don't know why, thats just how I am. I'm glad to hear she's going to be ok. It's pretty cool that when she was hurt, all she wanted to do was see you, and be with you. Thats a pretty special thing, and worth every penny to fix and try to keep around. Hope all works out for you and your family.


10-16-2006, 08:58 PM
Holy crap Chuck.

I would have passed out from the site.:depress:

Glad to hear she will recover.
And bet.
She won't do that again.

10-17-2006, 12:58 PM
Sorry to hear that, my dog is recovering from ACL surgery.

10-17-2006, 02:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear this news, but I'm glad the road to recovery has traffic. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This reminds me of all I went through when my mothers dog was hit by a car. He survived and for three days of his recovery we were inseparable.