View Full Version : Checking in from what's left of Hawaii...

10-16-2006, 07:17 PM
Coupla threads on paradisecruisers.com forum:



They'll probably get merged soon.

As for me, I spent the day tending to my wife...those Illinois girls don't know from earthquakes. She got a little nervous;
I was able to keep her calm but it was still a long day. No power=no air conditioning, and no air conditioning + 2nd trimester =
one rather overheated and somewhat pi$$ed wife. Our two cats weren't thrilled either...took us a full hour to coax them out from
under the bed.

Oahu didn't get it too bad...we lost power because the power stations automatically tripped when the shakes got too bad. I ended up
spending today 1) rebuying the groceries...we were w/o power for 17 hours and 2/3 of the fridge soured, spoiled, or just plain went bad, and
2) doing the six loads of laundry that didn't get done yesterday. Ended up having to cancel the service on my car because of all this, and the
shop's computers were still out at 8 this morning.

Pearl Harbor ran on aux generators all day and into the night until HECO (the local power company) finally managed to coax our ancient power grid
back into operation.

Haven't heard from Tommy (ROADWARRIORSVT) or MADDOG; being that they're law enforcement, I imagine they spent the entire day and night on duty.
Traffic lights were out...city was a mess. The Big Island got it much worse, but because there's only a fraction of the people living there that live here, whatever
casualties we had were light. Still...the hospitals took a bad hit, and the one two-lane road circling the Big Island is still closed in a bunch of places.

10-16-2006, 08:19 PM
Good to hear you and your wife are doing ok, thanks for checking in. The inconvenience of living without power really sucks but coming through it safe and sound is the important thing. We had to camp out in a house running a generator powering the essentials via extension cords for a week after a big ice storm came through KC a few years back, so I can relate. I hope life gets back to normal quickly over there.

10-16-2006, 08:36 PM
Glad to hear no one was hurt out there.
Atleast that's the word here stateside.

Ironically I am in Sacramento on business and thought about those earth moving events.:rolleyes:

Hang in there guys...or atleast HANG ON !

10-17-2006, 04:13 AM
Glad too hear no one in your family got hurt. I'm sure things will go back to normal is a short while. Stay safe & keep us updated. Best wishes!

10-17-2006, 04:19 AM
Our prayers are with y'all for a quick and complete restoration. Our member Kailuaz is from the "Big Island" I presume. I'm not sure if he has family out there still or not. If so I hope everything's okay!


10-17-2006, 05:38 AM
Glad to hear all is MOSTLY well, and few were injured.


10-17-2006, 08:01 AM
JMan is correct, we lived in Hilo, actually Keaau. I remember getting hit with these two earthquakes while living there;

November 16, 1983
Epicenter: Kaoiki
Magnitude: 6.7
Maximum Intensity: IX
Damage: Extensive-Southern Hawaii, more than $6 million

November 29, 1975
Epicenter: Kalapana
Magnitude: 7.2
Maximum Intensity: VIII
Damage: Extensive-Hilo, $4.1 million

The 1975 one knocked down our out of ground pool and shook the house almost off its foundations (most homes in Hawaii are on blocks so the air can circulate under the home). All our cabinets were emptied and the house was a mess. I was three in 1975 but I can remember that in detail, I thought the world was ending. Then we could see the lava from our kitchen window,,, wow what an adventure.

It looks like there were no fatalities, best of luck out there!!
Madam Pele strikes again....

10-17-2006, 10:48 PM
It looks like there were no fatalities, best of luck out there!!
Madam Pele strikes again....

Yup...I guess somebody tried to take a lava rock home with 'um. That's a no-no...:nono: ...Madame doesn't like that.

You're right on the fatalities...we appreciate the best wishes. We went to Hilo and the Kiluaea (sp?) Military Camp for our honeymoon this past summer...even in the middle of June, the temps at KMC were still only getting to the seventies, and the nights were balmy cool.

I'm sorry to report that one of the old historic sugar mills got destroyed...the shakes just blew it apart. Local newspapers today had a picture of some tourists standing on a cracked road somewhere around Kailua-Kona. The big thing now is that the powers-that-be are seriously considering opening an investigation into HECO as to why it took 'um so long to get power back on Oahu...Maui and Molokai both had power fully restored in about 6-8 hours.

10-17-2006, 10:50 PM
Forgot to mention: Heard from ROADWARRIORSVT over at paradisecruisers.com...sounds like he's okay. Still haven't heard from MADDOG yet, but I ain't worried...for now anyway. He's probably busy.

10-18-2006, 09:02 AM
Any one from Hawaii know if the Hilton Wailkelowan (spelling all wrong) on the big island was damaged ?

That was by far the most interesting hotel that I've ever stayed in (after you check in, you don't take the elevator to your room, you take the boat or the train!).

10-18-2006, 09:06 AM
Glad to hear FEMA threw $46 Million at you guys in Hawaii....

Many here in Buffalo are still without power and are hoping to get $5 Million from FEMA.

It's said I may get electricity by Sunday night. That would be 10 day without.

10-18-2006, 03:00 PM
Marauder 307 was right. HPD was real busy. On Sunday, I just got home from my night shift when the quake hit and was exiting my M.M. Then everything started to shake, house, the ground right under me was shaking real bad. Well after a shower and breakfast I was called back to work :mad2: This has been a very tiring week :sleepy: .

In the absence of light, Darkness Prevails

10-18-2006, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the update. My plane arrives in Oahu next Thursday and I will be there for two weeks.