View Full Version : Take home getting put down.

10-16-2006, 07:23 PM
Eulogy for my take home...
The 99 started out as a patrol car. Its shiney blue reflective markings over white paint with blue, red and white lights on its head. It patrolled the mean streets of New Orleans for three long years. Driving through pot holes the size of Mini Coopers, rolling over many a spent bullet casings, and getting police men and women safely to calls for service. It's been in chases, its hit a few curbs, and gone over a few due to some new recruits. But it served the city well.
After three long years as a patrol car and transporting criminals to lock up, the 99 lost it's markings, its overhead lights and became part of the detective squad. A promotion I guess.
The 99 transported detectives to many a scenes to investigate burglaries, shootings, and homicides. It transported its detectives to and from work and home.
The 99 survived one of the worst natural disasters ever,(Katrina), and asked for more.
After 120000 miles and seven good years of service the 99's tranny finally went out. Due to the city's lack of money they cant afford a $2000 tranny fix and they marked the 99 up for scrap. :(
She will be missed. Thanks for the service.

Here's to my next ride.:beer:

10-16-2006, 07:29 PM
I know how you feel.

I once processed a burglarly of a habitation scene at a city councilman's rental unit, and while I was talking with him he started looking at my 1996 CVPI and saying, "You've taken really good care of this car, but don't worry because we're going to buy y'all a bunch of new ones in another month or two."

That was in 2000. My 1996 CVPI was in flawless condition - it was always assigned as a take-home car in the Crime Scene Unit - and it only had about 40,000 miles on it at the time. I fought and begged them not to take my car from me, but eventually I lost. It was a very sad day for me. :(

When you're a cop and you have a take-home ride, sometimes you get attached to them.

10-17-2006, 03:45 AM
How much do they want for it????

10-17-2006, 04:35 AM
The CVs serve and protect those who serve and protect us. I hate to see them abandoned by management.

10-18-2006, 06:09 AM
I have no idea when the city is holding the next auction. They should do it soon though, Tons of cars have been "deleted" recently. When I find out I'll let you know. I can't bid, city employee.

10-18-2006, 06:45 AM
I know how you feel.

I once processed a burglarly of a habitation scene at a city councilman's rental unit, and while I was talking with him he started looking at my 1996 CVPI and saying, "You've taken really good care of this car, but don't worry because we're going to buy y'all a bunch of new ones in another month or two."

That was in 2000. My 1996 CVPI was in flawless condition - it was always assigned as a take-home car in the Crime Scene Unit - and it only had about 40,000 miles on it at the time. I fought and begged them not to take my car from me, but eventually I lost. It was a very sad day for me. :(

When you're a cop and you have a take-home ride, sometimes you get attached to them.

My first take home car, Car 60 was given to me brand new. A treat since most guys get a used car. She got me everywhere I needed to be and never complained. The worst part about transferring to my current assignment was giving up the 02 CVPI Car 60.

I tried to get the bosses to take the light bar and stripes off and let me keep her. They didn't go for it.

By all means, the newer 04 unmarked CVPI I was assigned is a nicer car... unmarked, you all know the upgrades Ford did with suspension, chassis, and brakes, better seats, and the color of the interior is the same color as the Marauder.

Car 60 was reassigned to a Balto. City lateral (like me) She runs as good and strong as ever. Her miles are starting to add up and is shows. Though, if she was available, I'd take'r back.

A good rule of thumb:
"Treat her like a lady and she'll always bring you home."

Dont forget, even ladies like to be driven hard and put away wet once in awhile. ;)

10-19-2006, 05:08 AM
I know how you feel.

When you're a cop and you have a take-home ride, sometimes you get attached to them.

You are lucky that you have a take home car. I supervise our Detective Division and my boss still doesn't let me have a take home car.

10-19-2006, 06:13 AM
My first take home car, Car 60 was given to me brand new. A treat since most guys get a used car. She got me everywhere I needed to be and never complained. The worst part about transferring to my current assignment was giving up the 02 CVPI Car 60.

I tried to get the bosses to take the light bar and stripes off and let me keep her. They didn't go for it.

By all means, the newer 04 unmarked CVPI I was assigned is a nicer car... unmarked, you all know the upgrades Ford did with suspension, chassis, and brakes, better seats, and the color of the interior is the same color as the Marauder.

Car 60 was reassigned to a Balto. City lateral (like me) She runs as good and strong as ever. Her miles are starting to add up and is shows. Though, if she was available, I'd take'r back.

A good rule of thumb:
"Treat her like a lady and she'll always bring you home."

Dont forget, even ladies like to be driven hard and put away wet once in awhile. ;)
Nicely said!