View Full Version : My offer was sincere...

10-26-2006, 06:05 AM

In case some or all of you thought it was a joke, I was sincere in purchasing mm.net. I'm not really sure of the motives you all had but I do feel this ship needs to move in a new direction

Should you 9 feel there is just too much controversy and just want to get back to being "members" and not having to wear 14 different hats, having to explain your every move, being under the microscope all the time, well you get the idea, then I'm ready.

This offer has no strings attached. A gift, if you will.



10-26-2006, 07:42 AM
The pages have turned and a new chapter begins at MercuryMarauder.Net. Whether we call it Chapter Two or Second Generation, nine long-standing Members have stepped up to ensure the viable long-term future of MercuryMarauder.Net.

We call this site "Home," as many of you do. Having our "Home" turned into a vacant lot would have made us all nomads, roaming around cyberspace with no direction. We banded together to ensure we would always have a place to hang our hats.

We hope to do some redecorating to enhance the features and value of the website.

Our overall focus is to keep you coming back. Our goal is to keep the windows clean, the floor vacuumed and empty the trash once in a while.

With the help of the Membership and Supporting Vendors, our aim is to keep the lights on and the door open. Your financial support is needed to accomplish this so please consider becoming a Supporting Member. http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/payments.php As finances permit, our ultimate goal is to support the Membership in the form of contributions to regional events and the National Meet.

Thank you for your continued support.

MM.Net Administration<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->This ship is moving in a new direction and we are very sincere about making this place viable. "As finances permit, our ultimate goal is to support the Membership in the form of contributions to regional events and the National Meet." This has not changed amongst us, as owners. We are not moving at "Go-Fast" speeds, maybe more at river boat speeds, but Board distractions are preventing us from taking care of the necessary business at hand. The website has only been in our hands less than three weeks, for God's Sakes!

Just like testing the limits when you get a new teacher or babysitter, we all have a tendency to push the envelope to see how far the tether reaches. At that point, we either recoil in or break away. No one can make that choice for you. We understand change is difficult. Not one of us on this Board is perfect. Instead of us being reactionary, give us time to be visionary.

Thank you, no, John.

10-26-2006, 08:28 AM
Thanks for the reply, Mary.

Just keep in mind that there will be no expiration on the offer. When you are ready, you can reach me over at motorcitymarauder.com.

