View Full Version : ProRauder is leaving...

10-26-2006, 08:41 AM
I sincerely wish the new administration all the best. I know that the changing of the guard will be a challange for them all. My final word of advice to the ADMIN is to make sure you know which hat you have one when you begin to reply to messages. It would certainly help the members know which hat you wear by the Avatar you display.

I have decided to leave the existing threads on ProRauder available to the members here. Blocking them from Referral from here would just be a knee-jerk reaction to the On the Rack thread. I could and actually did for a day, but there is no point.You can find future ProRauder links on www.motorcitymarauders.com (http://www.motorcitymarauders.com) and on ProRauder's own web site, http://prorauder.frieltek.com. If anyone feels the need for contact, my personal email is marauder@frieltek.com and my MSN Live is john@frieltek.com

I will look in from time to time to see if the boat is indeed moving in the right direction, I mean, who doesn't want to see how this all plays out. I might pop in for chat once and a while too if that ever gets fixed.



10-26-2006, 08:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving...I enjoyed your threads

I'm starting to feel that this website is going to come to an end.. A lot of people are pissed off, and some are leaving..it seems like the ***** storm is getting thicker.:depress:

10-26-2006, 08:53 AM
So long, and thanks for the fish.


10-26-2006, 08:55 AM
So long, and thanks for the fish.


Yeah really. Why does everyone want to jump overboard so bad?

You'll miss us. You as much as said so already!!!

10-26-2006, 09:01 AM
I'm starting to feel that this website is going to come to an end..

Doubtful. I've been around here awhile and seen these kind of conflicts several times. Sometimes folks go away and come back, sometimes they stay gone. Similar events happened during the Secret Project. Tempers flared, people went off to other websites and vented, several people let their true feelings be known and ruined some friendships, then things settled back down.

If Todd and John don't want to participate here, that's a shame and they will be missed.

10-26-2006, 09:10 AM
Doubtful. I've been around here awhile and seen these kind of conflicts several times. Sometimes folks go away and come back, sometimes they stay gone. Similar events happened during the Secret Project. Tempers flared, people went off to other websites and vented, several people let their true feelings be known and ruined some friendships, then things settled back down.

If Todd and John don't want to participate here, that's a shame and they will be missed.

you have a very good point...you got a couple years on me ..this is the first Admin/member pissing match that i've seen...seems to be growing...but i'm sure that you're right, it will die down after a while...I enjoy this site, but lately all I see is threads about how people are upset with how the site is going.....oh well I guess. ............TO EACH HIS OWN:cool4:
I just wish we would get back to why we are all here....The love for the Marauder

10-26-2006, 09:42 AM
Farewell John, your threads were great and I will be checking on your site for a video of Prorauder. Take care in your ventures.

10-26-2006, 10:01 AM
This honestly pisses me off.

10-26-2006, 10:02 AM
John, loved seeing the pics of the progress of ProRauder. You will be missed, but hey come back and visit (often).

Macon Marauder
10-26-2006, 10:22 AM
Yep, seriously a pisser: 2 great members driven away in just a few days. It seems obvious that a new day is dawning at mm.net. And it's a dark, dreary day at that. Makes me mad and sad at the same time...

10-26-2006, 11:52 AM
Notice ProRauder's post was edited...a website link was deleted. I believe it was www.motorcitymarauders.com (http://www.motorcitymarauders.com)??? :confused: Hope its not porn...:rolleyes:

Macon Marauder
10-26-2006, 11:57 AM
Notice ProRauder's post was edited...a website link was deleted. I believe it was www.motorcitymarauders.com (http://www.motorcitymarauders.com)??? :confused: Hope its not porn...:rolleyes:


Now why would anyone want to delete mention of that website?

10-26-2006, 11:58 AM
2 great members driven away in just a few days.

If I read the Donny Carlson's thread correctly, TAF (Todd) is still a member in good standing and posting.

TooManyFords is the only member that has formally resigned. His reason(s) are not entirely clear to me, maybe just a protest to management.

Regardless this site lost only one of 3100+ members to the "On The Rack" issue.

Statistically that's insignificant.

Now if I was to resign the Sun would darken and Trumpets would blow and there would be signs in the heavens. But, I'm happy and don't plan on going anywhere except to MV IV.

Macon Marauder
10-26-2006, 12:17 PM
If I read the Donny Carlson's thread correctly, TAF (Todd) is still a member in good standing and posting.

TooManyFords is the only member that has formally resigned. His reason(s) are not entirely clear to me, maybe just a protest to management.

Regardless this site lost only one of 3100+ members to the "On The Rack" issue.

Statistically that's insignificant.

Now if I was to resign the Sun would darken and Trumpets would blow and there would be signs in the heavens. But, I'm happy and don't plan on going anywhere except to MV IV.
Technically correct about Todd. He and John are both still "here" and posting, though. But they've both made their intentions clear: they are leaving. I suppose they could change their minds. I also suspect others will just leave without saying anything. Or just participate less and less.

It saddens me that you reduce John and Todd to statisitcs, though.

10-26-2006, 12:24 PM
It's beginning to look more and more like a coup with all of this editing going on. :censor: :censor: :censor: :censor:

10-26-2006, 01:45 PM
Well I'm not leaving like it or not. Wish you weren't either, but what you choose to do is your own business. Wish you all the best.

10-26-2006, 02:51 PM
Logan was a "Tyrant" and rightfully so!! It was his site and what he said went.....End Of Story!!:shake:

It is hard for a group (8-9-10??) to have a uniform policy and when one spouts off and takes issue with someone the rest are compelled to comply through association.....I understand that and don't even know who the new owners are??:cool:

Problem is none of us....VENDORS included are getting rich off of MARAUDERS...actually it is just the opposite (at least with me)!!:D

I hate to see this fine site in such disarray and hope that egos and greed don't completely destroy it!!:shake:

I have to agree with Marty....This whole thing pisses me off!!:mad2:


10-26-2006, 03:02 PM
What a shame. I honestly can't believe this.

It just all seems so strange that you are leaving the way you are.

You and the new "9" seemed to be such good friends at a meet I attended for just a few minutes in Ohio this past summer. If I'm not mistaken...all but just 1 or 2 of the new site owners were at that meet.

What's going on here?

I missed everything, as usual being away in Oklahoma with limited internet access. Let's just say, I've been doing a lot of reading.


John, I'm happy to have met you, if for just a few minutes. I'm glad I got to see your car...as cool, and as radical as it is. Good luck with it. I guess I'll catch you on those other sites sometime.


10-26-2006, 03:05 PM
.I understand that and don't even know who the new owners are??:cool:

Well Logan posted who we are in the goodbye thread on the home page.
We have posted also who we are.

10-26-2006, 03:26 PM
This honesty pisses me off.

Lawyers! (OK, so I took the "l" out of it)


10-26-2006, 03:36 PM
No more "On the rack" threads and now no more threads on the progress of Prorauder.

I guess I can always find entertainment in answering all the questions about the difference between the 300a and 300b.

I guess the joke of the day thread is next to get the axe.

10-26-2006, 03:44 PM
I guess the joke of the day thread is next to get the axe.

It had better not, 'cos after 3 years, I just posted my first joke!!!

10-26-2006, 03:51 PM
[quote=Blackened300a;435893]No more "On the rack" threads and now no more threads on the progress of Prorauder.

Right here dude,...




10-26-2006, 03:53 PM
Which one are you, then?

Well Logan posted who we are in the goodbye thread on the home page.
We have posted also who we are.

10-26-2006, 03:55 PM
There is currently an unprecedented amount of editing and posting deletions by moderators.

I wish this power trip thing would go away before more members are singled out and driven away.

Just like the ratings dictate advertising rates on TV and Radio, the membership here determines vendor success, not the other way around.

To all members and vendors: Let's keep MM Net going strong for all of us.




Power Surge
10-26-2006, 04:18 PM
There is currently an unprecedented amount of editing and posting deletions by moderators.

I have noticed this today as well. A lot of posts dissapeared today, some of mine included (which I have no reason why, I did not post anything that special or offensive in any way).

I have not been here for very long, but I am a veteran web forum user, on over a dozen Ford related forums, and I have been a moderator on a few as well. I can tell you one thing.... censorship and post/thread deletion does not go over well with members. It's the worst thing that a site owner/admin or moderator can do, and it will usually degrade the forum much worse than what's actually being deleted.

Just my 2 cents.

10-26-2006, 04:42 PM
Are we having fun yet? Anybody?


10-26-2006, 04:43 PM
Are we having fun yet? Anybody?


If you're having fun,...

I'm having fun!

:burnout: :burnout:

10-26-2006, 05:38 PM
Just don't EVER censor my BBQ!


10-26-2006, 06:04 PM
I never thought I'd say this....

I'm glad I traded my Marauder,...

now I have no reason to be here.

Y'all take care.

10-26-2006, 06:18 PM
I never thought I'd say this....

I'm glad I traded my Marauder,...

now I have no reason to be here.

Y'all take care.

So Long and thanks for the fish - again

That makes 3.. do I have that right.... :hmmm:



Will someone please unlock my thread in the Members Area and move it back into an open forum please

10-26-2006, 07:18 PM
Generally people hate change. But in the long run change always turns out good. John (& Todd), I really think your leaving is wrong. Let things settle down around here. Take a personal vacation. A lot of people are dealing with emotions (just read all the posts on SVT.com). I had some issues here a while ago as well and went over to the dark side. I liked it there, just not the same. Entertaining at times, but just not as informative as here. MM.NET is my adopted home. Come on everyone, lets sit back, enjoy what we love and once again, let things around here settle down. It is the people here that makes this site great. Personalities are just that and we are all different. Lets not forget the one dimension side of things here on the cyber world........just my .02 worth.

10-26-2006, 08:26 PM
Tom I couldn't have said it any better .Thank You !
Generally people hate change. But in the long run change always turns out good. John (& Todd), I really think your leaving is wrong. Let things settle down around here. Take a personal vacation. A lot of people are dealing with emotions (just read all the posts on SVT.com). I had some issues here a while ago as well and went over to the dark side. I liked it there, just not the same. Entertaining at times, but just not as informative as here. MM.NET is my adopted home. Come on everyone, lets sit back, enjoy what we love and once again, let things around here settle down. It is the people here that makes this site great. Personalities are just that and we are all different. Lets not forget the one dimension side of things here on the cyber world........just my .02 worth.

10-26-2006, 08:44 PM
Bye! :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

10-26-2006, 09:47 PM
No more "On the rack" threads and now no more threads on the progress of Prorauder.

I guess I can always find entertainment in answering all the questions about the difference between the 300a and 300b.

I guess the joke of the day thread is next to get the axe.

After reading 13 pages of "No more On the Rack...." and 2.25 pages of this thread i respectfully offer this observation and opinion:

Observation: Two or three members, albeit active and entertaining members, out of a stated membership of about 3,000 have said they are leaving. This is apparently because one of them was asked to pay a specified amount for forum support as a vendor, though he was not, according to the statements which i do not question, acting as a VENDOR.

Opinion: Though I am not a cash millionaire as apparently John is who made the public offer to buy this forum from its new owners (who apparently are not desiring to sell despite the morbid predictions of doom for their site), I do have experience in advertising in newspaper, television, radio, direct mail, billboards, etc., and many other types of business PROMOTION. Also i have observed the successful promotional efforts of many in my profession that would probably not at first glance by thought of by those who don't do such activites as ADVERTISING. Based on that, IMO the type of images as exampled by Mike Poor in his post, the photo of the exhaust with Todd's attractive business plaque neatly welded onto the exhaust, and photographed so that it is legible in its entirety, whether this was the entire original photo image or not, is ADVERTISING. This would be particularly true if this type of imaging, whether in the form of a product label or banner in the background, is done on a frequent and consistent basis. (That i do not know about, as i have not happened upon Todd's threads). What people in the advertising business have impressed upon me is that you never can TOTALLY track or predict who, when why or how people will respond to your advertising, or "getting your name out there", but in advertising by any medium, the important thing is to get your name/message seen (more than heard) by as many people as often as you can. Like injuries, advertising has long-term effects as well as short term effects, and can spread in effects.
Apparently Todd's efforts in posting pictures of cool cars and their exhaust systems has been appreciated by many on this forum, but as a member i cannot help but acknowledge that if he is posting photos often such as Mike Poor showed us, that is indeed advertising, and is not a fair thing to any vendor who is paying to advertise on this forum/site, regardless of whether their business is in competition with Todd's or not. He, Todd, is advertising his business by such displays, for no fee, and others are paying. He referred two paying vendors to the site? Great, and appreciated. Any of us in business appreciate and seek referrals, said to be the best and cheapest form of advertising. Sometimes we give reduced fees or even free goods or services in return for those referrals. But CONTINUED free goods/services over the long run for a limited number of referrals, I have not seen done. It doesn't seem to make business sense, though it might for some.
Therefore, i would not fault the present owners/admin's/moderators for wanting Todd to pay up as a vendor, because whether he is directly selling to site members or not, he is advertising on the site. What he is doing is apparently entertaining for those who have followed his posts. Does that mean it is NOT advertising. Why do the producers of TV and radio advertising go to great efforts to make their productions entertaining? ANSWER: so we will continue watching/listening, and so that the NAME will become an ENGRAM in our brains. Is that bad, or good? Regardless of that, it brings some of us to ACT on what we have seen/heard, not necessarily in driving to Marietta for exhaust work, but very possibly, and in some cases definitely, passing the name along, mentioning it in a positive light. Eventually it returns in the form of new business.
And perhaps Todd has not intended for his photos to be advertising, but again IMO, regardless of the intent, they are.
And since the gentleman chooses to not ackowledge his posted photos as advertising he has chosen to not participate in this site any further, and some are sad, and this has led to a certain amount of turmoil.
It seems this is the course of nature and the evolvement of organizations and families, and is nothing new.

As it happens, i have no recollection of ever viewing Todd's car pics, nor is that why i get on this site. I would likely agree his photos are good and the cars are even better eye candy, but photos of cool cars are not hard to come by. I get on here to read, and occasionally post about the Marauder, which I hope to at some point modify in a reversible and restrained way.
As for "Pro-Rauder", which i may misspell and which some are lamenting the loss of on this board, I have not read any posts/threads about that and have no idea what it is other than guessing it is an exotic Marauder project of John the shareware millionaire's. So even though ProRauder and Todd's pictures are no doubt great car stuff, i for one will not miss them, due to my inexposure to them. Even without these two gentlemen and their good material, there is more useful and fun info. and images remaining on this site at this moment than i will ever read and absorb, so I do not believe the site is going to self-destruct or fade away into oblivion prematurely.:mad2:

Though I have been a member for 2.5 yrs i still regard myself as somewhat new because i lurk more than post, and read to inform myself as much as entertain. And as a new member I have noticed more than the one post quoted above which seems to be of an air of boredom, if not disdain, for those who are currently less informed about the marque and model nuances, the very information that as new members many do like to have, as well as what type/brand of supercharger and exhaust to get and whether or not to modify their transmission. :confused:
Trigger happy admin's/moderators who may be too defensive and thereby overzealous in deleting may not be helping their site by being that way, but I would say neither is it a healthy thing for more experienced and knowledgeable members to let their knowledge drive their ego into making statements that are condescending :coolman: to anyone of lesser knowledge in all things Marauder, no matter how long either has been a member of the site.

That said, I have enjoyed the info., wit and wisdom and family nature of this site for these 2.5 years and look forward to enjoying it in the future, and to participating as much as i can. That won't be a lot due to other obligations, such as family and two non-Marauder car projects that i want to get done. Then, i would love to bring my family to a Marauderville, providing they get interested enough to come. :D
There has been a lot of good advice stated in these two threads about how to handle this embroglio, and i am confident the majority of members will go the direction of that good advice. Best regards to all, HRM :beer:

Bradley G
10-26-2006, 09:48 PM
Come on, John :depress:

10-26-2006, 10:09 PM
I never thought I'd say this....

I'm glad I traded my Marauder,...

now I have no reason to be here.

Y'all take care.

Ok it's things like that you keep to yourself. If you don't like your Marauder anymore fine, if you don't wanna post here fine, but don't ever say something like "I'm gald I tradded my Marauder." How do you think that would make the rest of us feel? Like we drive a boat anchor and are all ********? (I didn't actually type in the word) All you had to say was good bye and I am off to new things. Not I'm glad I got rid of this car and glad to never speak to any of you again... by the way take care.

I don't nornally go after people, but thats real weak dude. I'm glad we still have people here that like the car and others that are more than happy to answer our questions. You know how many times I have considered leaving because of some on here? Let me tell ya it was more than twice. Just sleep and get over it and above all it's just a message board. Some people.... :shake:

I still love this car and the only way I'll be gone is if I get kicked off again, but this site is so helpful I don't wanna leave. Heck if I get kicked out I'll join again with a new name, but I think you all would know it's me after about one story of adventure. EVERYONE enjoy your Marauder and keep this site going!:banana2: You wouldn't want me to buy a Honda would you? While I'm at it I think I'll buy an ipod and start watching tv again.... ha! Yea right:lol:

10-26-2006, 11:46 PM
I've only been here a little while, but what's happened is nothing new. People have thrown their Teddy out of the Pram before, threatened to never come back.
What I see happening here is an even handed enforcement of the Rules, rules that are not just newly made up.
A fair 'tyrant' should be in charge, and now appears to be.

10-27-2006, 03:50 AM
The "NINE" would have to be unanimous to bannish me from here. Besides, all I do here is offer a free service to all who inquire.......Ford OASIS reports.

As for you, John...........Don't be a stranger.

10-27-2006, 03:56 AM
Oh man ,,,The drama:shake: :rolleyes:

10-27-2006, 06:18 AM
WOW more gone...

10-27-2006, 06:45 AM
Come on, John :depress:

Nope, no more ProRauder pictures here until the climate changes. Just because ProRauder is not going to be shown doesn't mean I'm leaving... Not till I get kicked out.



10-27-2006, 06:49 AM
Ok it's things like that you keep to yourself. If you don't like your Marauder anymore fine, if you don't wanna post here fine, but don't ever say something like "I'm gald I tradded my Marauder." How do you think that would make the rest of us feel? Like we drive a boat anchor and are all ********? (I didn't actually type in the word) All you had to say was good bye and I am off to new things. Not I'm glad I got rid of this car and glad to never speak to any of you again... by the way take care.

I don't nornally go after people, but "thats real weak dude. I'm glad we still have people here that like the car and others that are more than happy to answer our questions. You know how many times I have considered leaving because of some on here? Let me tell ya it was more than twice. Just sleep and get over it and above all it's just a message board. Some people.... :shake: "

I still love this car and the only way I'll be gone is if I get kicked off again, but this site is so helpful I don't wanna leave. Heck if I get kicked out I'll join again with a new name, but I think you all would know it's me after about one story of adventure. EVERYONE enjoy your Marauder and keep this site going!:banana2: You wouldn't want me to buy a Honda would you? While I'm at it I think I'll buy an ipod and start watching tv again.... ha! Yea right:lol:

Amen and thank you for your apt reply Motorhead. I will certainly not quit this site because of Petrograde leaving, nor will i lose any sleep over his leaving, simply because i don't respect that kind of attitude.
Its time to get back to reading the good stuff on this board, written by people that aren't looking down their noses at others. :)

10-27-2006, 06:51 AM
Opinion: Though I am not a cash millionaire as apparently John is who made the public offer to buy this forum from its new owners (who apparently are not desiring to sell despite the morbid predictions of doom for their site)

Oops, I must have forgotten to tell everyone how I SPENT that first million! I was about 23 or so when I was making more money in the mail than I was as a Database Administrator/Programmer for John Deere. So I quit that and did Forbin full time. Man, every weekend it was booze, boobies and friends! What else do you do when you get $20K in the mail that week?

Anyway, I'm just a poor black child now and the car and 18 yr old son keep me that way.

But keeping this thread intact, I do not see certain gloom and doom from the current administration, but I do see the vendors slowly dropping off and for good reason. If they want my professional advice, I charge $75/hr and will waive my vendor fees doing it. It really is worth the price, too.



10-27-2006, 10:36 AM
Oops, I must have forgotten to tell everyone how I SPENT that first million! I was about 23 or so when I was making more money in the mail than I was as a Database Administrator/Programmer for John Deere. So I quit that and did Forbin full time. Man, every weekend it was booze, boobies and friends! What else do you do when you get $20K in the mail that week?

Anyway, I'm just a poor black child now and the car and 18 yr old son keep me that way.

But keeping this thread intact, I do not see certain gloom and doom from the current administration, but I do see the vendors slowly dropping off and for good reason. If they want my professional advice, I charge $75/hr and will waive my vendor fees doing it. It really is worth the price, too.



This whole post made soda come out of my nose. And, I wasn't even drinking one. :D

10-27-2006, 11:11 AM
Man, every weekend it was booze, boobies and friends! john

Are we permitted to use such vulgar, PG-13 language here?

10-27-2006, 11:45 AM
I prefer to be called, "Richard Cranium"...



10-27-2006, 12:14 PM
I've only been here a little while, but what's happened is nothing new. People have thrown their Teddy out of the Pram before, threatened to never come back.
What I see happening here is an even handed enforcement of the Rules, rules that are not just newly made up.
A fair 'tyrant' should be in charge, and now appears to be.

Hey "D", wasssuppp?

10-27-2006, 03:25 PM
Bunch of cry baby idiots.

10-27-2006, 03:28 PM
Been leaning a little heavy on the delete button again I see.

What part of ruining a great web site do you not understand?

Please stop this short-sighted stuff before you destroy our MM NET!

Thank You,



10-27-2006, 04:00 PM
Been leaning a little heavy on the delete button again I see.

What part of ruining a great web site do you not understand?

Please stop this short-sighted stuff before you destroy our MM NET!

With great power comes great responsibility. Its like any new toy, You play with it for hours on end til the novelty wears off and then it sits on a shelf collecting dust.
Consider the dump buttons a new toy. I just hope the hair trigger editing eases up because its getting very annoying. I have no clue what horrible things that are being posted that it has to be swept under the rug so quickly

10-27-2006, 04:10 PM
Been leaning a little heavy on the delete button again I see.

What part of ruining a great web site do you not understand?

Please stop this short-sighted stuff before you destroy our MM NET!

Thank You,



Ya know, I hate over-censoring as much as anybody else.

Maybe, just maybe, some of the new "supreme nine" are a little trigger happy.

But, does anybody remember a Canadian named Logan?

How do you think he would've responded to some of this stuff?
Can you say vacation?

Just my nickles worth.

10-27-2006, 05:06 PM
Ya know, I hate over-censoring as much as anybody else.

Maybe, just maybe, some of the new "supreme nine" are a little trigger happy.

But, does anybody remember a Canadian named Logan?

How do you think he would've responded to some of this stuff?
Can you say vacation?

Just my nickles worth.

Send him an email and ask.


10-27-2006, 05:44 PM
Hey Dave, your posts lately have been wrong more often than Mike Tyson in a spelling bee :)

10-27-2006, 05:52 PM
Wow! I must say I'm dissapointed, but not surprised. This board always had an aura of hypersensitivity to it, and it looks like it finally boiled over with a major power trip.

I quit posting here a long time ago because nobody could post an opinion without getting hammered and edited, so just checked in every once in a while to keep up with a couple of friends I met through here. I count John as one of my good friends...you're welcome anytime on the KC Mustang board man! :beer:

10-27-2006, 06:02 PM
Amen and thank you for your apt reply Motorhead. I will certainly not quit this site because of Petrograde leaving, nor will i lose any sleep over his leaving, simply because i don't respect that kind of attitude.
Its time to get back to reading the good stuff on this board, written by people that aren't looking down their noses at others. :)

Your welcome and I'm glad to know someone is on the same page.

10-27-2006, 09:02 PM
Hey Dave, your posts lately have been wrong more often than Mike Tyson in a spelling bee :)

What is your enlightened opinion then?

I calls em likes I see em.

No one can see everything.


10-28-2006, 12:36 AM
Hey "D", wasssuppp?

Whatcha been up to "J" ?

10-28-2006, 12:37 AM
Ya know, I hate over-censoring as much as anybody else.

Maybe, just maybe, some of the new "supreme nine" are a little trigger happy.

But, does anybody remember a Canadian named Logan?

How do you think he would've responded to some of this stuff?
Can you say vacation?

Just my nickles worth.

There'd be a lot of vacations and button pushing, for sure.

10-28-2006, 08:16 PM

10-28-2006, 08:44 PM


10-28-2006, 09:56 PM
John (TMF), never had a chance to talk or meet you but I always did enjoy your post of pictures and information, take care and hope your future ventures are well enjoyed.

As far as the ADMIN's, as long as they don't hinder the day to day stuff with this site I really don't care but from what I can see with what everyone is talking about the edits and deletions that's just flexing some of their power. I belong to 12 different forums including this site, I am a moderator on 3 of them and we never had such a problem like this. If someone posted something that was out of line, the thread would be locked, the user would get a warning and once the warning was replied the user would be allowed to edit their post and things would carry on per usual.

Everyone should give the "new owners' some time to adjust and get the ball rolling before everyone starts kurking out (MD term lol), hopefully things will settle down and resume after the first of the new year.

10-29-2006, 07:58 AM
Im in for the duration. I may not contribute too much but I check it at least twice a day. Good luck to the new management!

10-29-2006, 09:52 AM
Ok it's things like that you keep to yourself. If you don't like your Marauder anymore fine, if you don't wanna post here fine, but don't ever say something like "I'm gald I tradded my Marauder." How do you think that would make the rest of us feel? Like we drive a boat anchor and are all ********? (I didn't actually type in the word) All you had to say was good bye and I am off to new things. Not I'm glad I got rid of this car and glad to never speak to any of you again... by the way take care.

I don't nornally go after people, but thats real weak dude. I'm glad we still have people here that like the car and others that are more than happy to answer our questions. You know how many times I have considered leaving because of some on here? Let me tell ya it was more than twice. Just sleep and get over it and above all it's just a message board. Some people.... :shake:

I still love this car and the only way I'll be gone is if I get kicked off again, but this site is so helpful I don't wanna leave. Heck if I get kicked out I'll join again with a new name, but I think you all would know it's me after about one story of adventure. EVERYONE enjoy your Marauder and keep this site going!:banana2: You wouldn't want me to buy a Honda would you? While I'm at it I think I'll buy an ipod and start watching tv again.... ha! Yea right:lol:

I hate to tell you this, but if you actually paid attention to what he wrote, you would see that he was not disrespecting the car and the people who own them. All he was saying was that by no longer owning a Marauder, he has no need to stay and bare witness to all the bull**** going on here.

10-29-2006, 10:01 AM
Been leaning a little heavy on the delete button again I see.

What part of ruining a great web site do you not understand?

Please stop this short-sighted stuff before you destroy our MM NET!

Thank You,


:DIf you are referring to the two deletion in this thread of posts by JStevens, one deleted by me, the other by BigDogJim, we are not being "heavy handed".

The posts contained foul language posted with the intent to flame other members here. This was never acceptable by Logan from day one, and it's not acceptable today. Disagrements in opinion will continue as usual, but foul language and inciteful remarks towards others remain disciplinary issues.

The rules of conduct are posted at the top of every forum, please review them at your leisure. They are Logan's rules, adopted by the new owners, and it's business as usual.

Thank you gents, please carry on.

10-29-2006, 05:44 PM
Wow! I must say I'm dissapointed, but not surprised. This board always had an aura of hypersensitivity to it, and it looks like it finally boiled over with a major power trip.

I quit posting here a long time ago because nobody could post an opinion without getting hammered and edited, so just checked in every once in a while to keep up with a couple of friends I met through here. I count John as one of my good friends...you're welcome anytime on the KC Mustang board man! :beer:

+1. I have never seen such infighting as I have on this site. I found it amusing, but it's just petty now.

11-02-2006, 07:23 PM
I'm just glad I don't have to listen to it anymore. :D

11-02-2006, 07:27 PM
I'm just glad I don't have to listen to it anymore. :D

I'm sorry...who are you?:P :P

I didnt get to say bye, sorry to see you go, but good luck Logan.

The gang of nine will carry on in fine fashion I'm sure.

11-02-2006, 09:47 PM
I hate to tell you this, but if you actually paid attention to what he wrote, you would see that he was not disrespecting the car and the people who own them. All he was saying was that by no longer owning a Marauder, he has no need to stay and bare witness to all the bull**** going on here.

I don't think I misunderstood it, but I have been wrong before.

11-02-2006, 09:50 PM
I'm just glad I don't have to listen to it anymore. :D


11-02-2006, 09:55 PM
You know... screw it. Say whatever go nuts.

11-03-2006, 10:57 AM

Regardless this site lost only one of 3100+ members to the "On The Rack" issue.

Statistically that's insignificant.

Maybe but the quality and experience of members that have left leave a big hole here. I have no idea what all these resignations and new administration blaa blaa blaa whatever all this fighting is about. I thought this website was for making my Marauder faster than when ford sold it to me. **** politics , lets spark a blunt and we'll all get along. :rasta:

11-03-2006, 02:06 PM
Maybe but the quality and experience of members that have left leave a big hole here. I have no idea what all these resignations and new administration blaa blaa blaa whatever all this fighting is about. I thought this website was for making my Marauder faster than when ford sold it to me. **** politics , lets spark a blunt and we'll all get along. :rasta:


11-04-2006, 12:56 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving...I enjoyed your threads.

Thanks! You can see more of the ProRauder threads at http://prorauder.frieltek.com/forums/ . I decided to get a copy of vBulletin myself and support the local community, the Cedar Valley Muscle Cars Forums. In addition, I'll be over at the new MCM website as I bought them a copy of vBulletin too.



11-04-2006, 02:57 AM
To read some of the posts in this thread you'd think hundreds of people have left in the last few days. They haven't.
I doubt they will either.
I'm sorry to see John decide to take Prorauder away, especially for the reasons he gives, but it's his decision and I wish him luck where he goes.
He's still here as his usual TooManyFords.

11-04-2006, 10:36 AM
Maybe but the quality and experience of members that have left leave a big hole here. I have no idea what all these resignations and new administration blaa blaa blaa whatever all this fighting is about. I thought this website was for making my Marauder faster than when ford sold it to me. **** politics , lets spark a blunt and we'll all get along. :rasta:

I here ya on that one. Members and board members just both need to chill out. I havent got a chance to meet any of you guys yet but I would like to. It sucks that some post are getting deleted and or edited, but its like that everywhere. As for some of the members egos, I have posted some questions on here before and got some smart a** remarks back. Yeah it makes you mad but you just have to brush it off. I love this site for its information and comraudery. Because before this site I had no clue there was anything out there for the marauders to make them more powerful. I have no plans on leaving because of all this crap. I just wish it would stop. As for the venders, I hope they dont get ran out of town. We sort of need them.
Just my change in my pocket.
Thanks to all.