View Full Version : What will cars be like...

10-26-2006, 05:38 PM
In ten years?

What did I miss???

10-26-2006, 05:44 PM
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10-26-2006, 05:53 PM
50x more butt-uckin fugly & bland than the majority of the same that's out there today.

Donny Carlson
10-26-2006, 06:31 PM
In ten years?

What did I miss???

I'm still waiting for this:


10-26-2006, 07:09 PM
In 10 years? Probably not too different, but more hybrids.

The only thing that will change that is how power technology changes, and even then don't expect widespread adoption to be an overnight thing - hybrids are only coming on as much as they are becuase they still rely on gasoline engines.

The power breakthroughs will either be fuel cells or a new type of battery that is currently in research stages, this one is more like a large capacitor, charges in 5-10 mins and holds a charge for 500 miles. That would make full electrics practical.

Even then the industry is to big to change quickly, people aren't going to give up their livelyhood so fast so the changeover will be gradual.

My only hope is that 30-50 years from now if gasoline engines are a thing of the past that it's still possible to buy it easily - there's alot of classics going to be out there, I wonder how long gasoline will exist into the future if we migrate to another source of power for vehicles? I'm sure we're good for atleast 50 years in terms of being able to buy gasoline easily...

10-27-2006, 03:48 AM
$0.50 a gallon gas will bring back BIG cars......(OPEC defectors):eek:

Hybrids and alternative fuel cars will not sell well and GM/FOMOCO will sponsor "Linca-marro Zephyrs" in NASCAR??!!:cool:

I'll still be "Kickin' Butt" with my blowm Marauder....I hope??!!:beer:


10-27-2006, 01:29 PM
More of the same bottom line. Look at 10 years ago. Not much different. I had a discussion in class yesterday that by 2050 the world population would double in size and there would be problems. The population is now double what it was in the 1960s and we were fine then and now for the most part. (Espeically in The United States) I don't think thngs are going to change for a while unless something big happens.... real big.

10-27-2006, 01:32 PM
More of the same bottom line. Look at 10 years ago. Not much different. I had a discussion in class yesterday that by 2050 the world population would double in size and there would be problems. The population is now double what it was in the 1960s and we were fine then and now for the most part. (Espeically in The United States) I don't think thngs are going to change for a while unless something big happens.... real big.

I disagree with that. Based on current population rates in the world, the entire world population can be placed within the state of California and have the poulation density of a normal city. Alternatively they can be placed in Texas with the population density of the suburbs.

Suffice to say, we have plenty of open real estate on this planet.

That just means twice as many Priae running around. :) Doh!

10-27-2006, 02:26 PM
The car of the future.10236

10-27-2006, 02:40 PM

10-27-2006, 11:50 PM
In ten years?

What did I miss???

Hydrogen = biggest fraud ever. Wheel to well efficiency is TERRIBLE, even when the source is natural gas, even worse for electrolysis. Fool-cells will likely never be used in automotive transportation. Keeping all your hydrogen fuel from leaking out in a week has proven all but impossible, and the actual efficiency of the fuel-cells is far worse than advertised. In fact, it's roughly equivalent to a current state-of-the-art diesel.

Solar. . .not unless we all start driving around on solar-assist bicycles. Just not enough energy concentration from sunlight even at 100% efficiency to move a decent sized vehicle.

Diesel: Diesel, like gasoline is a finite resource, unless you mean bio-diesel. I believe this is the most promising, provided the soy grower lobbies get shut down. We simply don't have enough land mass to grow enough soy to fuel all our vehicles. Algae and plankton based biodiesel looks the most promising. The only think left to do to make biodiesel have a lower cloud-point so it can be used in colder climates.

Ethanol is another big joke being pushed by the corn lobbies and bought by the general public. The land-mass to energy output for ethanol from corn is even worse than the soy situation. It'll never replace gasoline.

By gas I presume you mean LNG. This too is a finite resource, so the sooner we get away from this the better.

I think what we'll see is big inefficient cars and pie-in-the-sky "alternatives" that never materialize till the dark day when demand exceeds the total maximum output of crude oil. This will likely lead to liquid fuel from coal and shale-oil, all the way until we run out of fuel. People, it seems, are completely incapable of planning ahead. :tmi:

What I'd like to see is this:

Plug-in diesel hybrids become common. Funding is invested in non-chemical (battery) energy storage for said hybrids. compressed-air, flywheels, etc. The EPA temporarily eases the emissions standards on diesels to give them a jump-start. The feds remove the tax on diesel fuel and subsidize it with an increase in the gas tax. This will stimulate the economy due to the fact that everything we buy has at some point been on a diesel-fueled truck, and it will discourage the purchase of inefficient vehicles. Massive funding is invested in developing algea ponds, plankton processing, etc. for a sustainable fuel source. It's been calculated, btw, that algea ponds would be a sustainable solution. The land mass required would be significant, but very much within the realm of possibility.


O's Fan Rich
10-28-2006, 04:36 AM
In ten years the World will be a wasteland due to nuclear holocaust, global warming, earthwide ice age, pollution, bad water, ozone depletion, e-coli, Anna Nichol's offspring, silicone implants and man's determination to bring about his own destruction.

Or, things will be as they are today... just 10 years later.

Either way, I'm good.

10-28-2006, 01:48 PM
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_untitled.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/untitled.jpg)

The juice, the precious juice, will be hidden on a bus. People will then have to drive cars powered by methane derived from fermented pig *****. Anyone convicted of killing a pig will be branded a "pig killer" and be sentenced to shoveling pig ***** for life.

Anna Nicole Smiths kid will be a feral, bomerang throwing, dingo hyde wearing critter that communicates with grunts. In time however, he will become the leader of the Great Northern Tribe.

As for me, I'll be riding on top of a big guys shoulders and calling all the shots in "Bartertown". I don't care what Aunty Entity says! I run Bartertown!