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06-01-2003, 09:18 AM
Asked several questions on this board about the legality of the aftermarket markets, the safety of the panther platform, posted about parts that we have used to improve the performance of the CV. Seems that we have the wrong attitude.

See you on the back side of 170 mph.

06-01-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by V10_P70
Seems that we have the wrong attitude.

See V10, I have read just about everyone of your posts and they often rub me the wrong way, although I can't always put my finger on why. I can only assume that I am not alone on this.

That's the risk of internet chatting/e-mail (one dimensionality). It requires care and caution in drafting to avoid giving the wrong impression. You will not find a better, more open board with more knowledgeable, informative and friendly folks than you will here. I am willing to bet on how much fun we will all have and how much we will all learn together in Ennis, Texas in September.....

Perhaps you should go back and re-read your posts and the threads they started and then maybe, just maybe, you will see that you do have the wrong attitude....

Oh, and if you are on the back side of 170, please let me know where that will be so that I can be elsewhere at the time.

06-01-2003, 10:03 AM
well spoken MATRYO. I could not agree more!!!!!!!!!!

06-01-2003, 10:06 AM
No, it might be the V10 in his sign in, putting people off, being not sure of intent.

06-01-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by V10_P70

See you on the back side of 170 mph. [/B]

I doubt it.

06-01-2003, 10:43 AM
Not wanting to knee-jerk reply after reading MartyO's post, I paged back to refresh myself on the quality of V10's contributions here. I'd say MartyO hit the nail on the head. This "I'm leaving now" thread is consistent with V-10's contributions at large, and to that I must ask...again..."what's your point?"

06-01-2003, 11:13 AM

Blue Marauder
06-01-2003, 12:04 PM
Not saying I agree or disagree with V10s postings, but there very definitly exists a clique on this board who seem to feel that is alright to criticize others, post jokes about people's questions, attitudes, whatever, and generally say anything they want. However, if someone outside the clique does the same they are immediately jumped on. This is not consistent with an open, friendly board.

the fat bastid
06-01-2003, 12:24 PM
i'd agree to the point that the 1d of the board can hamper things. I can't count the number of times i've written something as sarcastic/funny/not-serious and it comes across tottaly wrong.
the lack of inflection is a big problem but hey, what can ya do. i try never to take anything seriously on the net.

edit: hey, 100th post! woot!

06-01-2003, 12:46 PM
V10-P70 - As the Sarge. stated "what's your point"? See ya.:confused:

06-01-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Blue Marauder
Not saying I agree or disagree with V10s postings, but there very definitly exists a clique on this board who seem to feel that is alright to criticize others, post jokes about people's questions, attitudes, whatever, and generally say anything they want. However, if someone outside the clique does the same they are immediately jumped on. This is not consistent with an open, friendly board.

A clique? What there is is a group of Marauder owners, and many others who don't own Marauders who get along very well, and can joke and laugh freely with each other. Sure sometimes in this form of communication what is posted gets misinterpreted, even the perceived "a clique on this board who seem to feel that is alright to criticize others, post jokes about people's questions, attitudes, whatever, and generally say anything they want."
I've never witnessed anyone actually be excluded who was here posting within the purposes of the board.

I think Martyo has summed this up quite well. And has been asked What is V10's point in his posts?

I remember when he first came here, and was welcomed openly. But just go back and read his posts. To me they come across as subtle and not so subtle jabs at Ford, the Panther platform, and those of us who have bought and enjoy the Marauder.
Maybe it's just his writing style, but that's the effect on me when I read them, and obvious on others.

06-01-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Blue Marauder
Not saying I agree or disagree with V10s postings, but there very definitly exists a clique on this board who seem to feel that is alright to criticize others, post jokes about people's questions, attitudes, whatever, and generally say anything they want. However, if someone outside the clique does the same they are immediately jumped on. This is not consistent with an open, friendly board.

Maybe one of V-10's posts will have some value to me after all, and right now, it's opening this door. Let's give it a peek, eh?

Blue, I do not agree that there is a "clique" here, not as I understand that word and it's impact on others. But, I'd bet right now you would call me "one of them." Let's see if we can find out why?

There are members here who are closer than one imagines, and that's because we have gone out into the real world and met each other face to face, or, undertaken extended long distance telephone conversations with each other, that added the missing dimension of reality that's missing from this block of text.

Most of us are web savy from other experiences, and probably come into this web site predisposed to be distrusting of what is presented truthfully, honestly. The web can easily become be a very bad place to make a new friend, my hits and misses will never balance out. But, I keep trying, and here at MM.Net, it's just the opposite of what most expect.

I find my brother owners very honest, sometime brutally honest, trustworthy, and always very respectful. I find them loyal and sometimes, even protective. But, none of that comes overnight, nor does it build up from just a few technically correct posts.

I think I'm a fairly good judge of people, and this site is home to some of the finest men and women I've ever met. I have made a number of good friends here in a very short period of time, and I trust many of them more than I trust the people I work with every day. Hell, two of our Windy City Marauders group, UncleLar and LL3, don't own MMs. But, they love the car as much as we do, and they come to all our meets and offer their friendship to us. They make themselves friends first, and reap the rewards later.

I've made friends that will stay my friend when all of our cars are gone. I've traveled short and long distances to meet them, and likewise they have come to see me. Not to bang my own drum, but I've done all the suggested mods we chat about here, and I've come back to report my findings for ALL members, not just a selected few. I did this for us all, so, none of us would be driving in the dark. If that makes me appear to be some kind of kingpin, that is not my claim or intent. But, I realize that sharing my 411 may be seen by others as bragging. I can't help that, people will read what they want to read, eh?

Moreover, this MM.Net membership at large has plans for two major meets this summer. The turnout looks very promising, and if one cannot make it to one particular meet, someone who has met him will, and the "he's okay" gets passed along. Oddly, many of friends I've made here, began with some kind of disagreement, either in a post, or, an e-mail, where neither of us would let something drop. I'm very pleased that we stuck by our guns, without losing respect for each other.

So...I don't see any clique here, Blue, I see a bunch of people scattered across the country becoming friends. It's a common interest that draws us together, but it's the reality factor that provides the glue. Some of us get along great, other not as great as we could. As it has been noted in this thread, this one dimension has its limits, and if you have ever posted a joke, or, were J/K with me, I've never read that from you.

Like I said earlier, V-10 never seemed to fit in and I think it's because he held something back from us. The MM IS an emotional car. It inspires the heart to not only beat faster, but swell with pride. For most here, the decision to buy an MM was an emotional "feeling" about it, not a financial debate. Some bought early and paid full price, others did not, but it's not often any of us make a big deal of that because the love of the car makes it all worthwhile. V-10 stayed one-dimensional, he didn't relax among us. Nothing he posted seemed to hold any value to me, and it all appeared to be a cross between boosting his own business without being a site sponsor, and reminding us of how foolish we were to buy an MM when we could have a V10-CV/PI with carbon fiber this and flameproof that ala his own disaster. V-10's heart wasn't in it from the jump, and it doesn't appear that I am alone in my opinion.

There's no clique here Blue. One is either in, or, out. You're on this site, or your off. "Come to play, or stay away" is the only way I can explain it. What we do here is share 411, about the car AND about ourselves. When someone holds back, it's noticed, and usually not just by one.

Hang with us a while, Blue, absorb the words on your screen without importing the pastel of your own bias. If you want to read "clique." you will, none of us can prevent that. If you want to try a little reality, send me a phone number where I can reach you to SergntMac@aol.com and I'll give you a taste of National MM friendship. Your move.

I haven't met an MM owner yet that I didn't have something in common with, and didn't walk away from not liking them (Yes...including LL3...J/K). Just last night, I spoke to one of the HERD over parking tickets (can't say who, he'll get run out of town on a rail...LOL) and it was the same deal again. We are emotional people who let it hang out (don't go there Todd). You either get us, or, you don't, and you're always welcome to try again.

Sorry about the length here y'all, but you know how I get...

06-01-2003, 03:26 PM
Hmmm... I think I'm just going to close this and let V10 take his leave, for the second time.