View Full Version : recovery update

11-07-2006, 11:17 AM
Well, my recovery is going along pretty well. I was out walking three times yesterday. The first time, I walked about 200 feet with the walker for balance, the second about 400 feet, and the third 200 feet again. My stride on my right is longer than it has been in ten years and I'm not a lot slower than I was just before the surgery. Next week I can go for short car rides. I want to go to Barnes and Noble and walk around next week.

Friday I got my staples removed. Since I'm not chewing on my incision, Debbie isn't making me wear the E-Collar to bed. She just sprays the incision with Bitter Apple.

Tomorrow we find out what the PT people want. I'm a little nervous about that.

Take care and thanks for caring.

11-07-2006, 12:00 PM
Glad to here, you take care and do what they say.
FYI 200 ft is about as far as I can walk without falling over on Friday and Saturday night.:beer:

Mike Poore
11-07-2006, 12:38 PM
Good for you, Dan. My guy said "you'll feel better, in every way, every day".
Tell Debbie she's wasting that bitter apple stuff, 'cause on the local poll here at Fairfield, we decided you couldn't bite or lick that insision if your life depended upon it.

Remember the guy who saw the doggie "cleaning" himself and commented to his buddy. "damn, I wish I could do that".
Go ahead his buddy replied, I don't think he'll bite you. :rofl:

Um, hope the laughter didn't make anything hurt.;)

11-07-2006, 02:56 PM
Dan - Glad all is going well.:D

Bradley G
11-07-2006, 03:30 PM
Best wishes Dan, on a speedy recovery.
I got you doing a marathon, in no time! :director:

Mike Poore
11-07-2006, 04:54 PM
Best wishes Dan, on a speedy recovery.
I got you doing a marathon, in no time! :director:

Hey, me & Slim have a break dancing date with the boy at next year's Woodward cruise. Wanna come? :rasta:

11-07-2006, 06:26 PM
Thanks for keeping us updated Dan. I sounds like you are making good progress. The PT might be a little uncomfortable, but it will help you out a lot in the long run.

11-08-2006, 02:53 AM
Every day will get a little better! I hope the therapist is sexy - that makes it a little easier when they're being brutal to you. They just want you to get better every visit. Best wishes on a quick and complete recovery!


11-08-2006, 03:26 AM
Good luck Dan. Good to hear you're back on your feet.


11-08-2006, 06:17 AM
:) Dan,

Good to hear that you are up and about, giving the new treads a spin around the bed! Don't rush yourself, but a the same time push as hard as you can in therapy. It will truly pay dividends.

11-09-2006, 09:21 PM
Well, PT was as much fun as everyone has said.

Since this whole adventure began I have noticed that most of the PT people I've seen weren't that large. The two who helped me in the hospital barely weighed 220# together. The little indian (slurpee indian, not casino indian) guy who came to the house wasn't much over 120# either. Now I weigh 360 and I am a little apprehensive about how much help these people will be if I start to fall.

So, when I go to the PT office it looks like there are maybe 20 women (most of them slim and in good shape) and 2 men. One of the men doesn't weigh 130 either. Where are the big Brunhilde types than intimidate you into exercise? This isn't at all what I expected.

Has anyone else noticed this?

11-09-2006, 09:34 PM
Well any where I go pretty much everyone is smaller.

Glad your doing better.