View Full Version : Problems Acessing Website

11-11-2006, 09:18 AM
Is it just me or is it a general problem? Frequently I get "page not available" error messages when I try to access MM.net. Been going on for about 2 weeks or so.

11-11-2006, 09:21 AM
I haven't had any issues accessing from MN or CA.


11-11-2006, 09:53 AM
I'm on dial-up in Chicago. I have had some similar problems in the past, but nothing this past week.

Last night, Mary called me from MV-IV in FL. and said she could not bring up the site. When I checked it, all was well.

Don't know if it's something in our software, on our servers, or, somewhere else in between, like a switch failing on a system our signals pass through.

Sorry, I don't have the talent or skill to provide a better answer.

11-11-2006, 10:10 AM
I have had this now and then too. Or I get "server busy" messages at times when clicking on email links for subscribed threads. Re-try a couple times or wait a little and try again and it works fine.

11-11-2006, 10:36 AM
I'm having problems with sporadic access, dialup, high speed, or wireless all seem to have intermittent problems. Tried with different computers and different browsers with same results. Been having similar issues with modularfords.com

11-11-2006, 10:37 AM
I have not had an issue in a while.

Typically when this has happened to me, I delete all temp files (on and off line), delete cookies then execute the below internal command ---

ipconfig /flushdns

Try this and see if it helps any. ;)


11-11-2006, 02:52 PM
I have cable service and also was denied site access due to Server Busy. Clicked on the site again and no problem.

11-11-2006, 02:58 PM
..... then execute the below internal command ---

ipconfig /flushdns

Thanks, Mike. Did this and am all set. Hotel server stuff, I guess.

11-12-2006, 06:32 AM
No problems here, but I have had to delete my cookies and temp files often for another site that I frequent, didn't help with other site (gotta keep logging in, sometimes 10 times in sucession, before it allows me to get my email.) but MM.net has been fine. Will try ipconfig/flushdns to see if other site works better. Thanks. :bows:


11-12-2006, 08:31 AM
The server has been accessible continuously for the past few years - with the exception of the few times we have rebooted it. And once or twice we have had technical issues. In those cases it would have been inaccessible for a few minutes at a time.

The “server busy” occurs on the occasion of the servers CPU load going higher than a preset limit. Since VBulletin is CPU intensive – if the CPU load is high VB keeps new people from seeing the site till the server load falls down to reasonable levels. This keeps the server from going to total melt down when load spikes. Server Busy shouldn’t happen often but it can occur during spikes in usage or when other tasks are being run on the server. Once again it should happen rarely. Pounding the refresh button doesn’t help the issue go away faster – It actually adds to the load the server is fighting.

To see if the problem is on your side or on the server side first see if you can get to any other site. Yahoo or Google for example. If you can then try pinging the server or doing a tracert. This site has those tools built in so you don’t have to open the scary command prompt or remember how to do it. http://www.dnsstuff.com/
If the issues go away when you clear dns cache or temp files or cookies then either your PC is having trouble or your connection coincidentally came back after you finished maintenance.
if you are having connection problems on your end you can test it by running a ping -t from the command prompt - that will keep a ping running till you close it and you will then be able to see when you internet connection ges up and down. for example you would open command prompt and type ping yahoo.com -t


11-12-2006, 08:48 AM
Thanks, Doug. Yes, a reminder not to keep hitting Refresh is a good one...have to remind myself of that too. I appreciate your input.

I'll be in touch this week.
