View Full Version : Cruztaker OUT

11-11-2006, 08:17 PM
How do I say everything I want to say without getting into a long boring excuse....?

When I was offered the opportunity to be apart of owning this website I have so thoroghly enjoyed over the years, I thought it would be totally cool.

However, as much as I enjoy my friendships within partnership, I soon discovered that our differences in opinions would be my shortcoming.

Within weeks of ownership I basically abandoned my post, leaving the other 8 to fend for themselves. This post is being made in respect to them, as I have not been professional with them for weeks now.
I apologize for my inbalance. I had hoped I would be able to gather myself and resume my new duties, and carry on as usual.

Unfortunately, I cannot carry on as usual. My resignation doesn't put things back to normal either. I don't expect that for sure. Times have changed, opinions and stereotypes have been set in place. I can only hope that I regain my former status on the board, and the ability to socialize and confide with whomever I choose. Not that my status was all to my liking...but I am who I am.

I wish nothing but good to the ownership, and the site membership.

I hereby resign my post.

11-11-2006, 08:27 PM
For what it's worth Barry, I still love ya!

11-11-2006, 08:30 PM
Wishing you the best, Barry. I know I wouldn't want to be in the position of owning, or even moderating something like this. No way everybody is going to be happy, too much stress and time involved, takes the fun out of the whole thing. Now get back to normal!

11-11-2006, 08:47 PM
Thank you, Barry.

Thank you for your time and priceless input among us owners as our friend and co-owner.

You will always be thought of as better than the best of us, because you stood by your convictions.

God's speed my friend. See you out there in the real world.

11-11-2006, 08:49 PM
By the way Barry, if you want to sell your ownership interest in the site, PM the price.


11-11-2006, 08:51 PM
Put it on eBay Barry!!

11-11-2006, 09:19 PM
How do I say everything I want to say without getting into a long boring excuse....?

When I was offered the opportunity to be apart of owning this website I have so thoroghly enjoyed over the years, I thought it would be totally cool.

However, as much as I enjoy my friendships within partnership, I soon discovered that our differences in opinions would be my shortcoming.

Within weeks of ownership I basically abandoned my post, leaving the other 8 to fend for themselves. This post is being made in respect to them, as I have not been professional with them for weeks now.
I apologize for my inbalance. I had hoped I would be able to gather myself and resume my new duties, and carry on as usual.

Unfortunately, I cannot carry on as usual. My resignation doesn't put things back to normal either. I don't expect that for sure. Times have changed, opinions and stereotypes have been set in place. I can only hope that I regain my former status on the board, and the ability to socialize and confide with whomever I choose. Not that my status was all to my liking...but I am who I am.

I wish nothing but good to the ownership, and the site membership.

I hereby resign my post.

I don't think anyone would think poorly of you Barry. From what I've seen of your new position here, I thought you were doing a great job.

Now, what was your former status? I don't see it as having changed.

11-11-2006, 09:26 PM
Barry, you can't be anymore honest than that. That, you should feel pride in. Good luck.

11-11-2006, 09:29 PM
How do I say everything I want to say without getting into a long boring excuse....?

When I was offered the opportunity to be apart of owning this website I have so thoroghly enjoyed over the years, I thought it would be totally cool.

However, as much as I enjoy my friendships within partnership, I soon discovered that our differences in opinions would be my shortcoming.

Within weeks of ownership I basically abandoned my post, leaving the other 8 to fend for themselves. This post is being made in respect to them, as I have not been professional with them for weeks now.
I apologize for my inbalance. I had hoped I would be able to gather myself and resume my new duties, and carry on as usual.

Unfortunately, I cannot carry on as usual. My resignation doesn't put things back to normal either. I don't expect that for sure. Times have changed, opinions and stereotypes have been set in place. I can only hope that I regain my former status on the board, and the ability to socialize and confide with whomever I choose. Not that my status was all to my liking...but I am who I am.

I wish nothing but good to the ownership, and the site membership.

I hereby resign my post.

Lets see how many if these Icons I can use to describe my feelings for me:

:o :rolleyes: :mad: :confused: :alone: :mad2: :argue: :banned: :depress: :eek:

I know most of your feelings / thoughts on this B.... it is YOUR decision....

Drop me a line when you get a chance....


PS - I had 23 Icons picked out....but could only use 10...

11-11-2006, 09:37 PM
By the way Barry, if you want to sell your ownership interest in the site, PM the price.


Wow Barry, a blank cheque.....:D

11-11-2006, 10:36 PM
I wish Barry well he is and will always be a friend.

11-12-2006, 06:41 AM

I think that I can speak for most all of us in that, We still value your friendship and hope that you stay around with us because of that. :grouphug: I hope to still see you and Jessica and Gage at future events. Whether anyone is an owner or non owner of this site, makes no difference. Being the boss, always puts you between a rock and a hard place. It just goes with the territory, you can't please everyone, so you gotta please yourself, and I respect your decision.:beer:


11-12-2006, 07:45 AM
By the way Barry, if you want to sell your ownership interest in the site, PM the price.


Well? :confused:

11-12-2006, 08:57 AM
Well? :confused:

Looks like you lost out to another.

Donny Carlson
11-12-2006, 09:08 AM
Well? :confused:

I think it was explained before that the ownership agreement does not allow any owner to sell, assign, or transfer their share to anyone else.

11-12-2006, 09:15 AM
I think it was explained before that the ownership agreement does not allow any owner to sell, assign, or transfer their share to anyone else.




11-12-2006, 09:39 AM
Well? :confused:

I believe it's already been covered, new administrator?

11-12-2006, 10:06 AM
By the way Barry, if you want to sell your ownership interest in the site, PM the price.


I wish...:rolleyes:
Daddy needs a blower.
Unfortunately my slice is in limbo, and wouldn't pay for a ZEX kit anyway.
You would have been the first I would have offered to however...even though you never come to my events...;)

Looks like you lost out to another.

Nope. Honest mistake though. The member you see as SILVER2000 is our website IT manager. He has to have ADMIN powers to repair and upgrade the site. He does not have any other stake, nor does he moderate. His use of the word Administrator in his 'custom user title' is probably the most appropriate usage I have seen on this site.;)

I think it was explained before that the ownership agreement does not allow any owner to sell, assign, or transfer their share to anyone else.

Donny has been correct with every presumption of events since day one.
I am convinced he is a spy.:P :bows:

Donny Carlson
11-12-2006, 11:07 AM
I believe it's already been covered, new administrator?


No, this is the "administrator" at the server site -- The tech guy that feeds and waters the server this board resides upon. He's posted once or twice before to explain a technical issue. He's not a new one of the 9.

11-12-2006, 01:52 PM
\...even though you never come to my events...;)

Have one here in NY and I will be on it like white on rice! :D

11-12-2006, 01:53 PM
Barry - Sorry to see you resign your position.:( Good Luck.

11-12-2006, 02:23 PM
Barry your status with me is high, it makes no difference to me what board you are on, we still friends.:)

11-12-2006, 05:03 PM
I hereby resign my post.

Good move.
Now get your money back.

11-12-2006, 05:20 PM
I would buy two stakes or maybe 3 that would bring it down to a gang of 7 or 6. Anyone want to make it available PM me

11-12-2006, 07:35 PM
I would buy two stakes or maybe 3 that would bring it down to a gang of 7 or 6. Anyone want to make it available PM me

Um, excuse me, but I aksed first. Get in line. It forms to the left.

11-12-2006, 07:59 PM
Barry, you know we all respect and admire all that you mean to this sight. I know any decision you made was'nt made lightly. I wish you the best in all you do.:beer:

11-12-2006, 08:11 PM
Umm, Barry are you just stepping down as a site owner / Admin, or are you also walking out the door and this is your g'by thread.

I read your opening post and got the impression you were only giving up the Admin job. jus' checkin..

Dare I ask why?

11-12-2006, 08:27 PM
Don't be so hard on yourself. You will always be welcome where every Chris and I are at. We will leave the porch light on for you, if you ever need a place to rest your head.

I hope that this does not mean you are leaving the site, just your responsiblities as an Admin.

Just remember EAM 5 at your place. ;)

11-12-2006, 08:45 PM
Leaving the site amounts to nothing.

I am a quitter, not a coward.:bandit:

11-12-2006, 09:20 PM
I didn't think you were leaving

Donny Carlson
11-12-2006, 09:55 PM
Leaving the site amounts to nothing.

I am a quitter, not a coward.:bandit:

He never said he was leaving, only that he was going back to being a civilian.

11-13-2006, 05:20 AM
He never said he was leaving, only that he was going back to being a civilian.

And, he never said anything about being civilized either.... :D

11-13-2006, 05:56 AM
Jus checkin. Hard to tell these days..

11-13-2006, 06:28 AM
I can only hope that I regain my former status on the board, and the ability to socialize and confide with whomever I choose.
Barry, thanks for stepping up to the plate when MM.Net needed it. I really haven't sensed any "change" in your status here on the board ... although I am sure that having an official role has served to stifle some of your input -- so to speak. ;)

I consider you to be one of the highly valued members here and look forward to you resuming your duties as a "regular guy" again. Being true to yourself is important .... :up:

Mike Poore
11-13-2006, 06:50 AM
Hey! The Charlie's are back from Florida ......how about a report, guys ....and pictures, we want pictures. :)

11-13-2006, 07:00 AM
Hey! The Charlie's are back from Florida ......how about a report, guys ....and pictures, we want pictures. :)

Man are you behind the times. Where you been, under a rock? Only one Charlie made it to MVIV.

Mike Poore
11-13-2006, 07:09 AM
Man are you behind the times. Where you been, under a rock? Only one Charlie made it to MVIV.

HUH? But they both went to Florida, right? :confused:
Um, did Chris take any photos she'd be willing to share? :)

11-14-2006, 10:33 AM
HUH? But they both went to Florida, right? :confused:
Um, did Chris take any photos she'd be willing to share? :)

Nope...Bluerauder did not make it, read his thread. By the way that reminds me.......