View Full Version : I need cheering up!

Bradley G
11-17-2006, 05:52 AM

My son did not make the sophmore b-ball team.:down:
@ 6'3+ 220# he just finished football, so I imagine he was a little rusty, at tryouts.
Believe me, I feel his pain.
I was cut from the B-ball team in JR. High, Went on to become all state and State finalist, Barrington 1977 IL. class 5A.(the best team in Barringtons' History)

My mentor BillyGMan, says he is selling his Marauder.:depress:

My work place, is the worst you can imagine.:argue:

I guess I got my work cut out for me.

11-17-2006, 06:11 AM
At least it's Friday.

Hang in there...

O's Fan Rich
11-17-2006, 06:30 AM
Michael Jordan didn't make his freshman team. Does that help?

Mike Poore
11-17-2006, 06:40 AM

My son did not make the sophmore b-ball team.:down:
@ 6'3+ 220# he just finished football, so I imagine he was a little rusty, at tryouts.
Believe me, I feel his pain.
I was cut from the B-ball team in JR. High, Went on to become all state and State finalist, Barrington 1977 IL. class 5A.(the best team in Barringtons' History)

My mentor BillyGMan, says he is selling his Marauder.:depress:

My work place, is the worst you can imagine.:argue:

Hey buddy, it's gonna be OK. http://www.mercurymarauder.us/forums/style_emoticons/defaultnew/sad%20(3).gif

It's the round ball team's loss, and next they're gonna have a bigger, better junior at the tryouts, next season.

:eek: Billy's selling? There's an opportunity for someone.;)

The work place? Um, have you tried screwing with the bad people? :D

Perhaps you should come to PA, where it's bird hunting and Sunshine :sunshine: , all day, every day. :cloud9:

You can use my new Rotary lift.

There, that should have helped. :grouphug:

Bradley G
11-17-2006, 06:48 AM
Yeah Rich , It does.
This feels worse than being cut.
I have to say the Varsity football coaches were very encouraging, telling him to "hit the weights" next year you will be runnin with the "Big dogs".

Michael Jordan didn't make his freshman team. Does that help?

11-17-2006, 06:50 AM
Life is cyclical. Without downs, you can't appreciate ups.

Your Marauder pals are always here for ya. Whether they know it or not, the comradery and friendship got me through one of my life's darkest times.

We're not going anywhere!

Nothing cures depression like a spirited romp in a MARAUDER!!!!!!!

Hang in there, bud.

11-17-2006, 07:07 AM
Brad, get a grip, bud. What do you suppose motivated you to be All State? Early success? No way Jose. Climbing hills as a youngster builds mountain climbers. Keep him motivated, stay positive, fight for what is right even if you have to find a new employment opportunity. Don't let the bastages pull you down. I know it is harder than that but remember...we have your back. I think of you everyday when I open the door to the FruitPunch. I had people at Atlanta and MVIV asking about your sills and pedals! Want to talk? PM me your number. Dennis:2thumbs:

Bradley G
11-17-2006, 07:19 AM
Thanks for all you, :thanks: "Bucket Fillers"

11-17-2006, 07:53 AM

My son did not make the sophmore b-ball team.:down:
@ 6'3+ 220# he just finished football, so I imagine he was a little rusty, at tryouts.
Believe me, I feel his pain.
I was cut from the B-ball team in JR. High, Went on to become all state and State finalist, Barrington 1977 IL. class 5A.(the best team in Barringtons' History)

My mentor BillyGMan, says he is selling his Marauder.:depress:

My work place, is the worst you can imagine.:argue:

I guess I got my work cut out for me.

B-ball...:puke: Teach him to skate and learn to play a real mans sport, 'ICE HOCKEY'.

I thing I have you beat on the 'My work place sucks'. :argue:

11-17-2006, 08:27 AM
Bradley, I feel two different ways about this. On one side, I'm sorry about everything you're going through. On the other, it's somewhat refreshing to hear that other people have problems too. Ive been going through a crapfest for the past 2 months, wondering wtf?? Why can't anything be normal? Then I read your story...and realize...nothing is normal...for anyone.

As for your son and basketball...6'3" 220 spells tight end.

Give him a membership to the local gym for Christmas. I couldn't seem to do anything right in highschool...until I finally found my place in the weight room. The gym was the first place I ever had immediate results, and immediate success. It was a real confidence booster, and a place to even let off some steam and frustration. No one told me I wasn't good enough, it never made me depressed, and it was a place where I could challenge myself, instead of others. I was on the wrestling team for 4 years, but no one really seemed to notice until my junior year. All of a sudden I was 6'3" 270, with a 365lb bench press, and the football team wanted to know why I was a wrestler.

Hope this helps a little?

Enjoy the holidays.


11-17-2006, 08:40 AM
Some people like the merry-go-round, round and round. I like the rollercoaster, up and down.:D

If you can hold on going up you can hold on going down.:banana:

11-17-2006, 09:19 AM
"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here, we might as well dance!”
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comhttp://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/<o:p></o:p>

11-17-2006, 09:30 AM
Wine is fine.............Whisky is quicker, skip the beer and
PASS THE LIQUOR:beer: :rock:

or if you are so inclined...................... ...:rasta:

or............................ .............................. .:gunfire: :uzi:

Best regards,

Bradley G
11-17-2006, 06:58 PM
Sorry for the raggy thread.
I got no business pouting.
I have more gifts than, most could dream for.
I truley appreciate my community here.
Special thanks to Hotrauder, who phoned me this AM.
We had a great talk, I went to the "Money" place, with a smile on my face.
Thanks to you guys!

11-17-2006, 07:21 PM
Hey Bradley;

Sorry to hear you were in the dumps........

Just remember the 4th key to success that we talked about:eek:


Bradley G
11-27-2006, 04:45 PM
If that don't work.
I watch some of my favorite vids of guys like you flogging the Marauder with the Trilogy smile! .........All better! :D
Hey Bradley;

Sorry to hear you were in the dumps........

Just remember the 4th key to success that we talked about:eek:


11-27-2006, 05:23 PM
so, how are the marks..?? Give him a reward for good grades.. heck, I am 6' 5 " and 220 and I never did sports, and still don't like em.. remember the only way our country will remain great is with good engineers... RAM