View Full Version : To be concidered

06-04-2003, 02:21 PM
Ok, I feel the need to post something here.

In the last few weeks, and especially the last couple of days, there seems to be some tension building up for some reason. I don't know why, and frankly I don't care.

Allot of it seams to be stemming from the standard questions that we all had. These are questions, answers, and discussions that have come up since the birth of the car, and will go on till the forum is a distant memory to all who were here. Every month we will see the same questions concerning oil, mods, superchargers, the demise of the car, the sub-woofer rattle, the fogging headlights etc, etc etc. That’s what the FAQ is for, but other then new part numbers, most of these questions that HAVE been asked repeatedly, have not been added to it.

If a topic comes up that has been covered recently, post a link to the thread, or don't post at all. But, on the other hand before a question is asked, use the search function.

Some minor changes I would like to propose. Make the FAG and the Search functions more prominent, if possible. Also, when a good question or piece of info comes up, lets get it posted to the FAQ.

As to the censorship issue. I hate, despise and loathe the very concept of government censorship, but please remember, this is Logan’s board. If he decides to arbitral ban everyone with a capitol "R" in his or her Login name, he can. He would have some serious repercussions for it, but no one can sue him for it, or scream that he is repressing them. He is a private citizen and this is his space.

I have seen more then one board disintegrate to the point that anyone new showing up and asks a question, they get jumped on and ridiculed to the point that they never come back. I don’t want to see that happen here and I will do what ever I can to prevent it. It’s all our task to make new members feel welcome and to point them to the info they are requesting, not to tell them “Welcome to Last Week.” Remember, THEY WEREN’T HERE LAST WEEK!!

Now everyone step back, take a deep breath, have a cookie and enjoy. We aren’t pony boys here trying to see who has the biggest. We are the few, the proud, the Marauder enthusiast.

06-04-2003, 02:31 PM
Hear hear! Good point :beer:

06-04-2003, 02:34 PM
Damn, Couldn't of said it better myself.

06-04-2003, 02:56 PM
VERY well said sir.
Here's to you:beer: :beer:

06-04-2003, 05:50 PM
True, very true.

I felt it when I first logged on 6 months back. I asked alot of old questions. I told myself that once I eased into the family, that I would not be short with the newbies...it's not a good feeling.
Thanks for the cohonies to bring the issue up.


06-04-2003, 06:44 PM

06-04-2003, 06:52 PM
That's cool.

06-04-2003, 08:32 PM
Mad - Very well stated. :up:

Dr Caleb
06-04-2003, 08:32 PM
I applaud you sir. As wet behind the ears newbie, I thank you.

I am not a newbie to discussion boards, just to this one. I haven't had that experience here, thankfully. I took the time to read some of the forums and sections before I started asking questions and bugging people.

Some suggegtions I may make, if Logan wishes to implement them:
The FAQ section should include a blurb about the site. What it is, why it's here, perhaps some ediquite on the site. The first thing I did was check the FAQ. I got lots of part numbers and performance statistics, but no explanation of 2%er or WOT.
For example - why people replace the letters c u m in succetion ie :doc?ment.

Perhaps an invitation should be extended to newbies to browse the garage, check out events. Let their blood get that 'hammer down' itch. Make em want to go grab a wrench and get started!

I'd be happy to help, just contact me!


06-04-2003, 08:53 PM
Well said MAD!!!!!!!

06-04-2003, 09:26 PM
Dr Caleb: interstering points you bring up. I am sure you will find Logan to be open minded about change. I my self have wished for FAQ to "tuned-up" as I would say. I have visited many other car boards but this one :rocks: Not because I have a Marauder
:) but because of the people that make up this board.

Alway ready to help out:D

06-04-2003, 09:35 PM
Not all car guys are 'puter guys either.
The administrator has assembled a maze of information and gadgetry for getting there as well.
Please remember that surfing around this website takes a goodly amount of time which some members do not have an option for.
The Community Forum is the most observed when signing on and the topics may just have an interesting Thread running which may trigger a question or remark.
I for one (new member) have been totally ignored regarding certain topics when it would have been common courtesy to point me to the information I may have been inquiring about.

Having said all that...this is a VALUABLE information site set up (I presume) to serve ALL Marauder owners, regardless their savvy about whats been said, when, etc.

I appreciate the opportunity of learning the facts regarding the automobile I purchased and the various issues associated with it.
Owner/Users are more eloquent about their cars than the spin dealers can lay on me.
For that in itself makes this site worth while for all of us.

06-04-2003, 11:33 PM
MAD-3R good post. well said.

I have noticed lately when some new people eagerly ask the old questions, they've actually been getting some real answers, in addition to the suggestions of searching through the forums for more info.

That should be acceptable response. Certainly no one new gets welcomed here more than on any other site I've been to.

We are all still learning and growing with the site.

06-04-2003, 11:53 PM
Keep in mind though regardless of the search function, some questions are going to come up again and again... Sometimes these topics get mixed in with other topics and when you "Search" for it, you may only find several other topics that aren't related that you need to sift through to find what you're actually looking for. If you wanna be helpful, post the link. And don't beat the person up for asking the question.

I'm sure we're just about out of unasked questions... Almost everything has been asked at least once. And treat this message board as you would a TV... If you don't like the topic, change the channel.

06-05-2003, 05:13 AM
GOOD JOB MAD-3R...BRAVO...I also have noticed some mean spirited remarks directed at post that IMHO appear to be nothing other than info or earnest requests for info on the MM...a lot of us (me included) on here including senior members just like to blab on this site and give our opinion about just about everything...I really enjoy reading through the threads and seeing how we look at things differently and also inserting some light hearted barbs and jabs that IMHO promote comradery among the troops...this site has been very beneficial in what mods, how to mod, get togethers, weather, professions, etc., etc...I was and am to some degree am really igornant on how post pics, double quotes and such so lets not be so hard on igornoramises like me...K...OBTW I do appreciate how this site is ran and agree 99.9% with the closed threads, banned members and such...(that was a suck up move)...lets Raud On and not be so quick to tear each other apart...lets save that for ricer boys...:up:

Paul T. Casey
06-05-2003, 06:30 AM
Well said to all who've responded. If you want to see how bad it can get go on over to the Blue Oval site. It's pretty friendly over here, kinda petty over there. IMHO.

06-05-2003, 06:52 AM
Good words from a good man, thank you for speaking up Mad.

Having been involved in some of these clashes myself, I have tried to address some of our problems, and I'm sorry to say that it seems I have just made it worse. My apologies to all, my intent was to help. And I'm still trying to help here.

I have to add that despite the recent sourness, let's remember that we are largely self governing. With only two moderators and literally hundreds of posts daily, we do a pretty good job at controlling the content and direction of this board. We should pat ourselves on the back for all the good stuff that goes on, before we pick at scabs.

Every newcomer gets a warm welcome, and not from just one person. They also get a clean slate. Being Joe new guy anywhere is a hard start, but most seem to make it and do well. Some get awkward starts, a little good natured goofiness too soon, but they soon fit in and all is forgiven. One or two just don't blend well at all, and never will. I don't think there is much we can do about that, nor should we try. Seems that's just the way it is.

I help out as much as I can, I am fortunate to have good access from home and work, and the MM.net is my home page. I see a lot of newcomers asking the same old questions, and that's okay with me. If I can, I answer them, but I don't have all the answers either. This is how and why this site rocks, the OGs passing along the 411, no question goes unanswered. I don't jump on every opportunity to reply, I don't need or want to be the posting fool. As long as the questions get answers from someone, we get the job done.

No one here is perfect, we're all human, and this is a flat one-dimensional medium, a problem all it's own for many people, moreso if they are new to computing as well. Even the best of members with the best of intentions, can muck it up. All in all, I still think we're doing pretty good. You can't please everyone, and that will not change.

Mad, or, any else, what do we do with the multiple thread situation? Am I being too picky to be disturbed by three simultaneous threads running on one topic? Should I be concerned that they are all in disagreement and getting edgy? Should I try to help or not? Y'all tell me, and I'll get in line with the plan.

Last, but not in the least, I do not see, nor, will I recoqnize any "clique" here. It's bad business and I won't participate. The newcomers should recognize that there are OGs here who have become friends over time, but also see that the door to joining in is wide open to them and the welcome mat is out. I can't say it any stronger, it's up to the newcomer to believe. In the last few days I have gotten dozens of e-mails on this, some not very polite, but I don't care. For clarity, and for the record as I see it, there is no clique alive here, I am not part of any clique here, nor will I support any such behavior.

If you own this car and you are reading this post, YOU ARE A TWO PERCENTER. There is no other club inside the MM.net. You DO NOT need to be an owner to join in. You DO NOT have to mod your MM to participate. All you have to do now, is get with the spirit of the board at large, and stop excluding yourself from the dance. Don't just get a screen name, join us. This is the best there will ever be on Marauders, come and play along. IMHO.

Mark McQuaide
06-05-2003, 08:53 AM
As I see it, there are few things at play here:

One, some individuals show up just to pick at the MM, to remind us again and again of its flaws or to harp on some perceived wrong committed by Ford. We LIKE the car, that's why we're here. We already KNOW of its shortcomings, better than anyone else since we DRIVE the cars every day. If you want to pick at the MM and be generally negative, you're probably in the wrong place. The members here have no need to apologize for telling them that.

Two, newbies come along and ask questions without researching (like I did). I have never seen any response to these people other than a warm welcome and a gentle nudge toward the FAQ and search function. There are a lot of guys here who will go over the virtues of 4:10 gears every day without getting tired of it. This site is better than most at welcoming newcomers and we should strive to keep it that way.

Third, is just general bad etiquette, multiple threads and all that. People (me included) should be gently but firmly told of their mistake when this happens without any nasty edge.

I think it's a great board, and while there are people who are close, they aren't exclusive at all.


Fourth Horseman
06-05-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by JLHARVEY1
Keep in mind though regardless of the search function, some questions are going to come up again and again...

Whoah! There are two of us in Utah with Marauders!?! :D

06-05-2003, 10:31 AM
Great issue Mad and good post.
I agree with SergntMac as usual too.
I try to welcome everyone when I can, will answer their question if I know the answer but I will almost always give them the advice to browse the forum and read the past posts. There is a wealth of insight and information on the Marauder that goes way back. Their are answers to questions that some will find that they didn't know enough yet to ask the questions. There is also alot to be learned from the characters that frequent this place.
Logan deserves the credit for allowing us to play in his space and he and LML do a good job at keeping things on an even keel. But I also agree that the membership here in general deserve a pat on the back because we have some pride of ownership and belonging here that helps in self-policeing the site and keeping it from becoming just another website with self serving pompous asses. Y'all know what I am talking about. This place, the people and the car that brought us all here to begin with are all unique and I take great pride in the site, the friendships and the cars that we share. I personally do not see any cliques forming within the site. There are the 'usual suspects' that hang here and make the majority of the posts but I think we go out of our way to open our site to any car enthusiast, Marauder, Mustang, SS, Corvette, whoever as long as they are truly here to contribute and not tear down. We have the best place on the web IMHO.
Actually the only board I belong to anymore. Why go anyplace else? To all the newbies come back often, ask questions and join in. The older members here are enthusiastic and eager to help.
There is no such thing as a dumb question. As far as the multiple threads that sometimes run with a common theme.....the moderators do a pretty good job of keeping them in check.

I started lurking here in November of last year. Read the site from cover to cover and with the information that I got here was able to go out and buy the car with no surprizes. The stock Marauder was exactly as you guys described it. I hated the way it shifted and ordered the parts from Dennis to correct it before I had put 300 miles on the car. I joined the site and started making posts the day I picked up the car. 12/31/02
The grin is still there and I probably visit this site at least 10 times a day if not more to check in and see what I can learn, or perhaps answer a question for someone that just found us.

Bottom line is to keep welcoming newbies, owners or not. And answer the questions that we once had ourselves. It is that spirit that makes this site is good as it is. My .25 worth but heck I was overdue for one of these. :D

06-05-2003, 10:37 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SergntMac

No one here is perfect, we're all human, and this is a flat one-dimensional medium, a problem all it's own for many people, moreso if they are new to computing as well. Even the best of members with the best of intentions, can muck it up. All in all, I still think we're doing pretty good. You can't please everyone, and that will not change.

Words to live by. Words to post by.;)

06-05-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by MAD-3R
Some minor changes I would like to propose. Make the FAG and the Search functions more prominent, if possible.

First of all, I really don't think a person's sexual preference has anything to this site.


Second, good post. I usually try to go back to some of the threads I participated in, if there's a need to update the info with the latest developments. This might cut down on multiple threads on the same or similar subject, instead of having a series of individual threads like "my brake lights flicker", followed by another thread named "my damned brake lights are dead" and then eventually a third thread titled "I got rear-ended by a truck in traffic!". It's only natural that new conclusions be drawn as more info is learned by the collective group, so this might make it tempting for a newbie to post a "what's the best oil" type of question - I'm sure many of us have changed their minds on this subject based on new info and individual research, so the old threads might be out-dated, info-wise.

It might make for long threads, but at least all the info will be there in one place for easy reference.

06-06-2003, 07:20 AM
New members and their questions will always be welcome here, whether they're repetitive or not.

The search function is handy for research, but I don't require that people do a search before asking a question, nor am I about to punish or chastise people for forgetting to search.

I'm closing the thread, there's been some valuable input here, and I'll be taking some of it to heart! Thanks guys!