View Full Version : That time has come.

11-23-2006, 11:29 AM
Well, the state finally got they're stamps on the car. Passed safety and emmision inspection without a hitch. 4 seconds in OBD port and i was out of there. Good for another two years.

11-23-2006, 12:23 PM
Just got my State Inspection while getting the oil changed at the dealership.....yours are two years.....when the car is sold new here it comes with a two year sticker then after that they only issue 1 year stickers...

11-23-2006, 12:42 PM
Just got my State Inspection while getting the oil changed at the dealership.....yours are two years.....when the car is sold new here it comes with a two year sticker then after that they only issue 1 year stickers...

We have the option of one or two year stickers. Since i'm not a fan of this ritual and not planning on getting rid of my M, i opted for the two yr one.

11-23-2006, 12:46 PM
We have the option of one or two year stickers. Since i'm not a fan of this ritual and not planning on getting rid of my M, i opted for the two yr one.

Cool....wish we had that option....

11-23-2006, 02:49 PM
We have the option of one or two year stickers. Since i'm not a fan of this ritual and not planning on getting rid of my M, i opted for the two yr one.

A two year inspection is great.:D The N.Y. yearly inspection ia a PITA.:(

Donny Carlson
11-23-2006, 03:09 PM
No safety or emissions inspections here.:D

11-23-2006, 05:38 PM
In Pa. in Sept. the marauder failed inspection?

I moved to New Jersey and it also failed in this state? (Just last week)

Guess I got to find a state without inspection:rofl:

11-23-2006, 07:45 PM
Jim - Why did it fail? Was it the emissions. If that's the case it may still be under warranty. I beleive emissions are covered to 60K.

11-23-2006, 07:46 PM
A two year inspection is great.:D The N.Y. yearly inspection ia a PITA.:(

Are you required to do both safety and emisions are just safety? We are required to do both.

11-23-2006, 07:50 PM
Are you required to do both safety and emisions are just safety? We are required to do both.

Yes both.
1996 and up no dino only plug into computer.
1995 and down dino and safety.
Historical safety only. (also yearly)

11-23-2006, 08:12 PM
No safety or emissions inspections here.:D

Yeah we may not have inspections YET ! ...But I sometimes wonder if its worth it when I see some of the POS people drive around here...All you need are a headlight and at least 1 tail lite that does not have red tape over it..

11-23-2006, 08:13 PM
Yes both.
1996 and up no dino only plug into computer.
1995 and down dino and safety.
Historical safety only. (also yearly)

When does a vehicle reach Historical status. I have a 5 speed manual 87 truck also and i cringe whenever the emmision portion comes around and they have to roll it on that dyno.

Is there any other states other than Illinois and Alabama (i believe its coming, if it hasn't already) that don't have to do emisions?
Where do you live Donny?

11-23-2006, 08:30 PM
Jim - Why did it fail? Was it the emissions. If that's the case it may still be under warranty. I beleive emissions are covered to 60K.

John Pa. failed it beacuse of a check engine light, Dealer fixed it:)

New Jersey failed because of window tint...:bs: They were trying to "chirp" the wheels and I walked out and told them to STOP it, so they flunked due to tint..more :bs:

Pa. instection cost $ 80.00 pass or fail, if you fail you can drive the car till it is re-instected, so it sits at the shop or you tow it home or another shop.

New Jersey has State run and Private inspection. State run is "free" Private is $80.00 if you fail they put a rejected sticker and give you 45 to correct the defect:)

11-23-2006, 08:49 PM
When does a vehicle reach Historical status. I have a 5 speed manual 87 truck also and i cringe whenever the emmision portion comes around and they have to roll it on that dyno.

Is there any other states other than Illinois and Alabama (i believe its coming, if it hasn't already) that don't have to do emisions?
Where do you live Donny?

Indiana has no inspections of any kind:up:

11-23-2006, 08:53 PM
Pa. instection cost $ 80.00 pass or fail, if you fail you can drive the car till it is re-instected, so it sits at the shop or you tow it home or another shop.

New Jersey has State run and Private inspection. State run is "free" Private is $80.00 if you fail they put a rejected sticker and give you 45 to correct the defect:)

Ouch, on both states. Here it costs $12 for safety and $24 for emmisions pass or fail. Fail you still get to drive the vehicle with 30 days to get it fixed. Repaired within 7 days no recharge on safety. Emisions it's another $24 plus whatever it cost you to get it fixed.
Here's the kicker, if it still fails after 3 tries or $500 you get to take it to Troop C and get a waiver, if it is your sole means of getting to work. ????????????????

And you still have to pay for your tags, price varies.

11-23-2006, 08:59 PM
Indiana has no inspections of any kind:up:

In your opinion, what's the general condition of the vehicles there? Not counting the Marauders, which i know are immaculate.:P

11-23-2006, 09:35 PM
Maryland safety inspection only when you first purchase the car if used. New cars do not need to be inspected. Emissions every two years and only back to a certain date of production(?).

11-23-2006, 10:10 PM
John Pa. failed it beacuse of a check engine light, Dealer fixed it:)

New Jersey failed because of window tint...:bs: They were trying to "chirp" the wheels and I walked out and told them to STOP it, so they flunked due to tint..more :bs:

Pa. instection cost $ 80.00 pass or fail, if you fail you can drive the car till it is re-instected, so it sits at the shop or you tow it home or another shop.

New Jersey has State run and Private inspection. State run is "free" Private is $80.00 if you fail they put a rejected sticker and give you 45 to correct the defect:)

I'm guessing you have your front windows tinted (Big no-no in NJ btw), If the state failed it, take it private. Most of the local Car Club go private and pass, that's with cars with tint, no cats...you get the idea. If you want I can find some places that'll pass the car for you (legitimate sticker too). ;)

Buying a new car in this state though, lasts 4 years, then regular inspection every two years. My 04 isn't due for inspection till October 2008 :D

11-23-2006, 10:16 PM
When does a vehicle reach Historical status. I have a 5 speed manual 87 truck also and i cringe whenever the emmision portion comes around and they have to roll it on that dyno.

Is there any other states other than Illinois and Alabama (i believe its coming, if it hasn't already) that don't have to do emisions?
Where do you live Donny?

Michigan has no testing of any kind which is good for my friend has no mufflers or cats on his stang. He has never even been pulled over for the nascar like sound it makes but has been pulled over for the 20% tint he has on the windows. The only problem would be is finding a job to make it worth moving here. LOL

11-24-2006, 12:36 AM
John Pa. failed it beacuse of a check engine light, Dealer fixed it:)

New Jersey failed because of window tint...:bs: They were trying to "chirp" the wheels and I walked out and told them to STOP it, so they flunked due to tint..more :bs:

Pa. instection cost $ 80.00 pass or fail, if you fail you can drive the car till it is re-instected, so it sits at the shop or you tow it home or another shop.

New Jersey has State run and Private inspection. State run is "free" Private is $80.00 if you fail they put a rejected sticker and give you 45 to correct the defect:)


Why are you inspecting it in 2 states ???
It is only supposed to be inspected in the state it is REGISTERED in.

I didn't know that TINT was added to the Safety Inspection part.
You are supposed to check for cracks longer than 12" and spiders wider than 2/5".
The laws must have been updated because of the young'uns...

They were trying to "chirp" the wheels and I walked out and told them to STOP it, so they flunked due to tint..

That needs to be reported to the NJ DMV.
They can lose their site inspection license for that.

11-24-2006, 06:29 AM
WOW....80 bucks....here it is $12.50 pass or fail and no recharge if you fail. As far as emmissions go they stick a probe up her tailpipe and test the gas cap. They do have a meter for window tint here too but there are ways around that (wink, wink).

11-24-2006, 07:34 AM
Here the cost is $10.00 and it's a general safety inspection. I heard that there is supposed to be a smog equipment inspection but I've never seen it done, and I've lived here since '76.

11-24-2006, 08:02 AM
In your opinion, what's the general condition of the vehicles there? Not counting the Marauders, which i know are immaculate.:P

I would have to say no better or no worse than other states I have visited. We had state inspections @20 yrs ago but it was done away with because the system was rife with abuse. We have never had emission testing, just safety. Everyone knew someone who would pass a vehicle, so the safety issue was moot, hence its demise.

As far as general condition of vehicles on the road in Indiana, the issue of how safe the cars on the road are is a question hard to answer. I see the occasional broken tail-light, headlamp etc. Brakes and tires are hard to determine on a moving car unless they run into you :)

11-24-2006, 11:49 AM

Why are you inspecting it in 2 states ???
It is only supposed to be inspected in the state it is REGISTERED in.
Pete I had it inspected in Pa. because it expired on 9/28 and I was still living in Pa. Moved to NJ on 10/16. I was going to leave the maraduer registered in Pa. however the insurance company sent a letter 1 day after policy went to effect giving my wife (Debbie) an me 10 days to provide photo copies of registration and license in NJ or loose the policy. Yes New Jersey is getting very tuff now!!!
I didn't know that TINT was added to the Safety Inspection part.
Yes it looks like it has.
You are supposed to check for cracks longer than 12" and spiders wider than 2/5".
The laws must have been updated because of the young'uns...

That needs to be reported to the NJ DMV.
They can lose their site inspection license for that.

I follow another course of action:)

11-24-2006, 06:50 PM
WOW....80 bucks....here it is $12.50 pass or fail and no recharge if you fail. As far as emmissions go they stick a probe up her tailpipe and test the gas cap. They do have a meter for window tint here too but there are ways around that (wink, wink).

We used to have the probes about 6 years ago and you could get s&e done at same place. Now i drive about 6 miles between stations and another 3 to the DMV (when i pass). They keep talking about doing away with the e test but the major won't budge. Before we were allowed to have our glass tinted 5 years ago, they would not even look at it till the tint came off, even the windsheild strip. No biggy since i was doing my own.