View Full Version : MythBusters, MM.net style

11-25-2006, 01:04 PM
(munching on breakfast) Y'know, I dunno if this has been covered in another thread, but here goes anyway...admins, stop me if you heard this one before...

I got a spontaneous brainstorm the other day...why don't we here on MM.net conduct our own Mythbusting experiment?

Here's the deal: With the meteoric rise in gas prices over the last few years, econoboxes are making a big comeback. The Toyota Prius is supposedly the hottest thing there is. Gas mileage forever! and all that *****.....

The way I see it though...the econoboxes may get 40 miles to the gallon, but the #@#$@ fuel tank only holds 10 gallons. Consequently, you won't get any durn farther with a Prius than you would with a Marauder, and you'll be vastly more uncomfortable in the Prius on the trip.

We should see if we can find (a) a bone-stock Marauder (THIS will be a challenge) and (b) a standard-issue Prius, and conduct our own run-off between the two.

A few rules to hold ourselves to:

1) No drag races. Told ya it was going to be a challenge...but the fact is that the Prius would obviously lose, and as we're attempting a bit more scientific approach, this would invalidate the test.

2) Some sort of basic highway speed should be agreed upon for the fuel endurance test. I don't think the Prius can maintain more than about 60 (and I'm guessing high) so the MM driver's going to be rather bored. Cruise control should be set throughout the cruising portions of the test, i.e. any part of the test on the interstate. Obviously you can't have the cruise set while accelerating up to cruise speed on the on-ramp, or decelerating down the off-ramp.

3) I should think this one would be obvious, but I'll state it anyway: Cars should be run in identical states of trim---you can't put a load in the Prius to weigh it down, and no cutting the rear seats out of the MM to lighten it up. Drivers should also weigh in within a few pounds of each other...sorry if that hurts anybody's vanity, but we are attempting to be scientific here. One part of the test that may be hard to manage is that both cars should have identical gas---I don't know if we can actually do that one though. The MM demands high-test, and I think the Prius is dialed-down to regular.

So...anybody game to give this one a shot? Any other ideas?

11-25-2006, 01:52 PM
The Marauder would definitely win the "Damn- that is a wicked car" contest. BUT, the Prius would win the "I spent $30,000 to live green and look like a dork with a car that NOBODY can work on and may kill me with electrocution or chemical burns in a collision" contest. As you can plainly see, I believe (since it is a proven fact) that hybrid cars are not only MORE expensive by a wide margin (ownership and operation costs) than their fuel-only counterparts, but that these vehicles can and will kill you if the batteries are compromised in a crash.

11-25-2006, 02:14 PM
I sold my 05 V-8 Touareg for a 06 VW Jetta TDI... I rountinely get 600 miles on a 14 gallon tank and have seen speeds in excess of 120 mph..Diesels have come a long way and IMHO are a better deal per mile than Hybrids..Plus they go 300K-400K between overhauls..

11-25-2006, 02:21 PM
I sold my 05 V-8 Touareg for a 06 VW Jetta ..
Does it have antennas and flasy lights on the tags like BIG BROTHER..:lol:

11-25-2006, 02:30 PM
Nope the fleet manager decided to use it for undercover work...Thusly the MM gets treated like royalty and stays in the garage playing with its stable mate a 05 S/C Boss Mustang...Look in my gallery youll see it...

11-26-2006, 01:11 PM
In my hurry to get my thoughts typed out yesterday, I pretty much forgot to state just what myth it is we would supposedly be "busting":

While econoboxes do get better gas mileage, the mileage benefit is erased by the fact that they don't have sufficient fuel tanks to take full advantage of the better fuel efficiency; ergo, the bigger "non-fuel-efficient" Marauder is still the better deal.

Anybody still interested, or should I just can it?

11-26-2006, 02:08 PM
I have a buddy with an older VW Golf diesel and that thing will go farther on a tank than you want to sit in it.

A variant on this Mythbusting:

When I lived in St Louis we would come home to Detroit almost every long weekend. I would fill up whatever car we were driving when we left Detroit. Almost every time, we stopped for gas at the same Shell Station in Speedway IN. This is with 7 different cars and all times of the year.

11-26-2006, 03:56 PM
I drove my Jetta to the Formula 1 race in Indy last june and I left Bham w/a full tank and did not drop below 80mph and I burned 11 gallons to get to a suburb north of Indy....I dont have any batterys to replace either...I cant see a cheaper way plus its the only car Ive ever had thats still worth what I paid for it...They are not making them for the North American market in 08 because they dont comply with emission regs...

11-26-2006, 05:45 PM
My '04 SB MM is still stone stock. Tires, alignment, ect.

I can't think of one way that it could be compared to any econo box without it being completely apples to oranges.

What about a "cost per person per mile" challenge? Put five people in the Marauder and two people in a Honda Insight and see how they compare.(The Insight is the two seater, right?). I suspect we'd win that one, but lose to a Boeing 767.

If premium fuel is 20 cents higher than regular, and I get 20mpg, then, unless my math is really messed up, I'm paying an extra penny per mile for the MM. Why is having to burn premium fuel still an issue with some people? One penny per mile extra isn't gonna kill me anytime soon.

11-27-2006, 07:54 AM

place wise arse comment here...

11-27-2006, 09:55 AM
I think the phrase "aerobatic Russian Yak" says it all :D

11-27-2006, 09:59 AM
Myth BUSTED hybrids suck! :puke: Lets hear it for the rwd V8 sedan:D

11-28-2006, 10:17 AM
As the cooler weather persist my gas milage goes up....I just filled up yesterday and put 320 miles on that tank and drove for 25 miles with the gas light on. All in town driving. That is by far my best intown milage since I bought the car new. I did stomp on it a few times during that tank ( who can resist it? ). Dont know what that calculates to but when I filled up that tank I put in 16.7 gallons of gas. At the end of that tank I put in 17.8 gallons of gas. And the only mod is the JLT and Carfixers alignment specs and the tires pumped to 38 front and 40 rear psi.

11-28-2006, 10:55 AM
You got about 18 MPG....

11-28-2006, 11:09 AM
not bad I guess....18 mpg advertised at 17 city and 23 hwy right?