View Full Version : Christmas on Ebay

12-01-2006, 01:21 PM
Man there's a lot of good stuff on there for the MM. Just saw (4) Marauder jackets and a 1/18th scale MM FHP cruiser. I've been awfully good this year Santa...please please give me a diecast. :santa:

Ryans PI
12-01-2006, 06:33 PM
I've been good...please send a MM.

12-01-2006, 06:45 PM
lol Ryan. I don't get it though, since you lost Big Red, why didn't you just "go for it" and buy an MM?

12-01-2006, 08:06 PM
dEaR SaNtA cLaUs,

:D i'Ve bEeN rEaLLy, rEaLLy, gOoD. . .

pLeAsE sEnD mE OnE MaRauDer oF eAcH CoLoR. . .
dArK tOrEaDoR rEd, bLaCk aNd dArK PeArL bLuE

eXcEpT SiLvEr bIrCh. . .i AlReAdY hAvE tHaT oNe

iN iT's pLaCe i'D LiKe tO hAvE sOmE oThEr gOoDiEs oF yOuR ChOiCe
fRoM tHe tHeSe

pRoChArGer, KeNNe BeLL, vOrTeCh, tRiLoGy

aNd a 2007 hErTz sHeLbY gT 500 tHaT rUnS the 1/4 MiLe iN LeSs tHaN tEn SeCoNdS

aNd oNe LaSt tHiNg sAnTa. . .

dOn'T fOrGeT i HaVe tHiS ViDeO tO sHoW mRs. cLaUs iF i DoN't
gEt wHaT i WaNt fOr ChRiStMaS-

tHaNk yOu VeRy, VeRy, mUcH

12-01-2006, 09:57 PM
Funny ^^ with that list he will pass you right by! :rofl:

I hear he keeps the "good" stuff for himself:whistle:

12-02-2006, 07:24 AM
Mrs. Claus told me that the elves don't make superchargers, they can't seem to agree on which type to build. She also said I should wish for a tuner...Hmmmmm...yeehah!