View Full Version : I Really Hope This Flies

12-01-2006, 07:49 PM
During the past 2 years at my job, I have been in charge of all communications within our building as Operations Analyst.

We have grown to ~210 people with about 20 more expected to be hired within the next month or 2.

With an expansion underway, myself and many others a lot more knowledgeable than I, have finally admitted that the network infrastructure is not only antiquated, but riddled with issues and quite simply cannot efficiently handle what is being asked of it. :o

A conference call this morning with our LAN/WAN designers, outlined the path we are going to take in proposing to the business unit an entire network refresh of our building.


Others involved are also going to propose we migrate our current phone system over to VOIP as well.

With the addition of our new servers and rack coming in the next week or so, this is very exciting news for me and our facility.

This refresh will include all new switches and routers in our MDF, as well as all switches in the 4 IDF's throughout the plant, including the wireless infrastructure.

Consideration is also being given to replace all of the existing CAT5e with CAT6, and going to a Gigabit connection. :eek:

We are gaining another 24,000 sq. ft. in January, and all of the people involved in this proposal, are scrambling to prepare for our presentation next week. Myself included.

This is a much needed upgrade, and very important to me and our building.

Much needed knowlege and experience for me to be gained here that would also place us as a benchmark for our sister plants throughout the country.

Man, I hope we are successful in making this a reality.

Well, back to work. :burnout:


12-01-2006, 07:51 PM
Sounds like growing pains.............

Mike Poore
12-01-2006, 07:55 PM
I love you buddy, but didn't understand a darned thing you just said, .........unless it's that you're getting a new computer/server thingey ...whatever. :toss:

Um, congratulations! :D

Hey Jim, you need one to them things to run your fishey business.:fishing:

12-01-2006, 08:10 PM
Just another day in my life...but on a smaller scale.;)

I just finished up with my portion of Cingular's 80+million dollar voip upgrade.

12-01-2006, 08:12 PM
Just another day in my life...but on a smaller scale.;)

I just finished up with my portion of Cingular's 80+million dollar voip upgrade.

And this coming from what a well known grease monkey trailer dweller refers to as a dumb ass.:banned:

12-01-2006, 08:16 PM
no hable computerese:)

12-01-2006, 08:32 PM
Let me know if you need any help. I got laid off last April as my company got bought out and I'm still looking for a decent job. My last position was managing a global infrastructure environment.

12-01-2006, 09:02 PM
Easy for you to say Mike. I'll just stay where I'm at and deal with simple things like Anthrax, Malaria, Shigella and other pathogens.

12-01-2006, 10:01 PM
My job is so boring compared to y'all.

I just get to deal with drunks, belligerents, derelicts, wife beaters, road ragers, and smartass teenagers.

Oh well...usually I just ignore them.

12-01-2006, 10:21 PM
Just another day in my life...but on a smaller scale.;)

I just finished up with my portion of Cingular's 80+million dollar voip upgrade.

And this coming from what a well known grease monkey trailer dweller refers to as a dumb ass.:banned:

The two CRUZTAKERS are at each other again...

12-01-2006, 11:20 PM
I hate it when that happens....must be the 12 months I spent in a jdt in Smyrna as 'yute'.:P

12-02-2006, 06:31 AM
Easy for you to say Mike. I'll just stay where I'm at and deal with simple things like Anthrax, Malaria, Shigella and other pathogens.

'Puters get sick too,... :D

12-02-2006, 06:32 AM
My job is so boring compared to y'all.

I just get to deal with drunks, belligerents, derelicts, wife beaters, road ragers, and smartass teenagers.

Oh well...usually I just ignore them.

Do you work in a White Castle?? :rofl:

12-02-2006, 06:33 AM
The two CRUZTAKERS are at each other again...

OMG, You owe me a keypad! Spit coffee all over the place.


12-02-2006, 01:09 PM
I put myself on my ignore list and now I can't see my posts.:D

12-03-2006, 08:42 AM
I put myself on my ignore list and now I can't see my posts.:D
Time to take your meds, is it? ;)

Just remember that if you go VOIP and your phones are not on a completely seperate physical network - when a router or other expensive network gizmo croaks- there goes your phone service also. We are going VOIP soon and frankly I am dreading it. Phones will be running over the same network as computers. That's govt, for ya I guess. :) My job is to advise, and I have advised. Were it up to me, we'd just spend the bucks that are currently headed for VOIP to upgrade the existing phone network which would keep it seperate from the computer network.

12-03-2006, 10:34 AM
Congrats on the "fun" project. It is nice when work is going well.

PS watch out for......

more cat humor at


12-03-2006, 11:52 AM
Just remember that if you go VOIP and your phones are not on a completely seperate physical network - when a router or other expensive network gizmo croaks- there goes your phone service also.

That's true to an extentent, and closer to fact for those networks outside of a contained central office enviroment.
But those providers within a C.O. enviroment are unlikely to EVER go down and experience a major 'network event'. I have been fortunate to be a part of two of the major US provider's billion dollar voIp switch addition update. The Cisco routers we install are extremely redundant. Every fiber cable connecting the network is dual path and protected. The equipment, and all of its periphials are power backed up as well. Aside from direct human intervention, the switch is self sufficient, and in many applications, self healing.


PS watch out for......

12-04-2006, 11:00 AM
Do you work in a White Castle?? :rofl:

Ummmmm.....murder burgers. :drool: