View Full Version : School's Out!

12-09-2006, 07:06 PM
Yesterday was the last presentation after a week of 12-hour days. Finishes up the 16-month MBA program. Only thing left is the graduation ceremony next Friday. HOORAY, I get my Saturdays back!

12-09-2006, 07:10 PM
I want to be the first to congradulate you...Well done...See you next saturday...AL

12-09-2006, 07:16 PM
Yesterday was the last presentation after a week of 12-hour days. Finishes up the 16-month MBA program. Only thing left is the graduation ceremony next Friday. HOORAY, I get my Saturdays back!

SO....now.... .there can be no (more) mistakes....cause your that more (smarter) knowledgeable than that other level you were on.......:) :banana:
.........well, at least thats what the( PhD's) professors expect from you----so ...are you up to the task.....guess we see at the next track meet---:lol:
see what that additional power of knowledge is doing for ya!!

Actually-Congrats Brian=---- My hats off to a find fellow and hope all the hard work you have put forth will pay off for you in the future--good luck my friend---------Tom

12-09-2006, 08:58 PM
I also went to second degree courses at university and i really understand your hike. Congrats !

At that level, we often have family, childrens and a boss to care at the same time. I think it is at this time of my life that i did most in a 168 hours week !

Mike Poore
12-10-2006, 09:27 AM
A 50 year old taking his Masters is an exceptional achievement

Congratulations, Brian!

......... now go empty the waste cans ;)

12-10-2006, 11:10 AM
Congratulations on your new Masters degree. (It took you only 18 months. It took me 4 years at night school and one marriage to get my MBA.) Hopefully you can make the MM Breakfast on 12/16 - breakfast is on me.


12-10-2006, 04:03 PM
Thanks to all for the kudos. And the push to go for it in the beginning. When I mentioned on MM.net that I was considering it, all I got was encouraging words that helped push me to do it.

Glenn, I do plan to be there for b'fast. See ya then.

12-10-2006, 04:14 PM
Brian - Congrats:congrats: :up:

12-10-2006, 04:30 PM
Way to go Brian!

What is next?

12-10-2006, 04:34 PM
Brian congratulations on a great accomplishment!!!! In record time too.:beer:

12-10-2006, 05:02 PM
Way to go Brian!

What is next?

A year or so just doing the job I already know and taking advantage of the spare time to have fun and get some neglected projects finished. Apply some of the principles I've learned to my current job. Then maybe a job/career change. No plans for a PhD, I'm finished with school!

12-10-2006, 05:04 PM
A year or so just doing the job I already know and taking advantage of the spare time to have fun and get some neglected projects finished. Apply some of the principles I've learned to my current job. Then maybe a job/career change. No plans for a PhD, I'm finished with school!

Thank God...I thought I was going to have to call you Dr. Brian.:lol:

12-10-2006, 05:08 PM
MBA classes are definitely a load for on a working man and family life. Mine took 3 years. Earning one in less than half that time is quite an achievement and must have taken determination and more than one or two personal compromises. Congratulations and good luck with the new opportunities the experience of earning an MBA will help to open for you.

12-10-2006, 07:38 PM
Congrats Brian!

Quite an accomplishment:banana2: :bows:

Now back to work on that engine:lol:

See you next week.

12-10-2006, 07:51 PM
Congrats Brian!

Quite an accomplishment:banana2: :bows:

Now back to work on that engine:lol:

See you next week.


I should be picking up my engine Tuesday.

See ya @ breakfast

12-10-2006, 08:07 PM
:congrats: Brian!!

12-11-2006, 07:35 AM
Yesterday was the last presentation after a week of 12-hour days. Finishes up the 16-month MBA program. Only thing left is the graduation ceremony next Friday. HOORAY, I get my Saturdays back!
Congratulations :congrats: on your upcoming graduation and your new degree. Sounds like you have been "busting your butt" to make this happen. :2thumbs:
Best of luck in your career advancement.

12-11-2006, 07:40 AM
:congrats: Brian. I know what you went through. I went nights for 2 years to get my Masters. Must have been quite the work to get it completed in 16 months. Congratulations again my friend. Now get that engine finished. With that MBA I hope that you calculated all the numbers right:lol:

12-11-2006, 07:50 AM
Let me add my congratulations on your accomplishment. Being a family man, working full time and going to class is all hard work. But you've done yourself and your family proud!

12-11-2006, 11:59 AM
:congrats: Brian, on accomplishing the mission at hand, "MBA". Now to put it to use on your current JOB. Best of Luck. :grad: