View Full Version : Sheriff's Posse

12-13-2006, 06:10 PM
Today I have an opportunity to apply as a volunteer to our local Sheriff's posse. Yep, just like in the old wild west movies. Civilians sworn in by the Sheriff to help round up the outlaws.

The posse members wear deputy uniforms, drive/ride in official Sheriff's patrol cars, have badges denoting one as a member of the posse and patrol the highways and byways of the Parish (County).

It's a method our Sheriff implemented to curb residential break-ins and property thefts in the Parish's rural areas. It's been a huge success and citizens are appreciative.

Firearms are not supplied but can/may be carried by the posse members as part of Louisiana law that allows any citizen the right to carry firearms unconcealed or, with a permit, concealed.

I'm thinking how my Marauder would look in low profile light bars and rear deck antenna's. Humm, black, silver? All blue lights, or a mix of colors? So hard to decide.

12-13-2006, 06:51 PM
Today I have an opportunity to apply as a volunteer to our local Sheriff's posse. Yep, just like in the old wild west movies. Civilians sworn in by the Sheriff to help round up the outlaws.

The posse members wear deputy uniforms, drive/ride in official Sheriff's patrol cars, have badges denoting one as a member of the posse and patrol the highways and byways of the Parish (County).

It's a method our Sheriff implemented to curb residential break-ins and property thefts in the Parish's rural areas. It's been a huge success and citizens are appreciative.

Firearms are not supplied but can/may be carried by the posse members as part of Louisiana law that allows any citizen the right to carry firearms unconcealed or, with a permit, concealed.

I'm thinking how my Marauder would look in low profile light bars and rear deck antenna's. Humm, black, silver? All blue lights, or a mix of colors? So hard to decide.
La is pimp... I wonder ifyou can carry unconcealed in MI :D

12-13-2006, 08:00 PM
Can posse members lynch bad guys? Is there a lot of paperwork to fill out for a lynching?

12-13-2006, 08:09 PM
I'll see if I can snap a picture of the Doraville, GA- S.W.A.T. Marauder sometime soon. Black with low pro bar on top, a few antennasand silver S.W.A.T. lettering on the doors.

Look pretty intimidating:coolman:

Best regards,

12-13-2006, 08:45 PM
Please tell me you have some sort of LEO experiance..

12-13-2006, 09:02 PM
Please tell me you have some sort of LEO experiance..

What if he doesn't, but he's really good at tying knots?

12-13-2006, 09:09 PM
Love to see pictures of the Doraville, Ga Marauder!!

12-13-2006, 09:24 PM
Hey Pat: If you need any info at all i have a personal friend whom does all agencies Strobes radios ect...You remember my strobes from MVIV...Let me know and I'll get a catalog from him and I will send it to you...

12-13-2006, 09:32 PM
Love to see pictures of the Doraville, Ga Marauder!!

Saw the car just tonite. The last time, we were at the same light and talked about the cars... The officer said he liked the Marauder best for space and ride, Chargers and Magnums for their seats, and the Mustang because of the looks on peoples faces when the lights go on.:nono:

Had to chuckle at that one.

Best regards,

12-13-2006, 10:40 PM
Please tell me you have some sort of LEO experiance..

He's watched John Wayne movies....

It's a posse, they never need experience

12-13-2006, 11:04 PM
Vicarious liability...think about it.
If a "posse" member kills someone ... then what ?
...A posse member gets killed...then what ?
Not liking this at all...


12-14-2006, 06:05 AM
[quote=Marauder386;452497]Vicarious liability...think about it.
If a "posse" member kills someone ... then what ?
...A posse member gets killed...then what ?
Not liking this at all...

Lifes to short to stick your head in the sand and fear litigation...Think positive and go out and save a life and prevent a burglary Pat...

12-14-2006, 06:39 AM
:) Just remember Pat, "Let's be careful out there!"

12-14-2006, 07:03 AM
I am sure he will go thru training. Surely no Leo agency will just turn any one loose on the streets with a patrol car and uniform. You have to have some sort of creditation I am sure. Here, we have something called Cellular on Patrol or C.O.P. They drive city vehicles with exempt plates, uniforms and a cell phone and they have to go thru training at the police acadamy to spot criminal activity and call it in. We also have citizens that write tickets to people that park in "Handicap" parking spots at public parking lots (like the mall, and grocery stores) They too go thru training at the police acadamy.

12-14-2006, 07:09 AM
Guess if anybody tries to outrun Pat, he'll hit that bottle of nitrous and WHOOSSHHH!

12-14-2006, 07:24 AM
Remember to :uzi: first and ask :confused: Later :D

12-14-2006, 12:05 PM
Vicarious liability...think about it.
If a "posse" member kills someone ... then what ?
...A posse member gets killed...then what ?
Not liking this at all...

Try living in Louisiana for a while and then see what you think about it. :rolleyes:

My parish is next to Pat's and in some parts of town it is like a third world country. My car has been hit twice in 12 months by drivers with no insurance and my place of business has been broken into 5 times in six months. Costing me over 20 grand and forcing me to relocate my business.

They finally caught the little bastards last week with all of the high tech security I installed.

I say get the largest posse possible. Go get'em Pat.:)

12-14-2006, 12:56 PM
Today I have an opportunity to apply as a volunteer to our local Sheriff's posse. Yep, just like in the old wild west movies. Civilians sworn in by the Sheriff to help round up the outlaws.

Seems the Orange County Sheriff in Florida has a posse, too !! Do you get the be the posse "Elf" or the posse "Grinch" on traffic duty? :rofl: Better check with your boss before you sign up ................
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'Grinch' Hands Out 208 Tickets To Orange County Speeders

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- First he stole Christmas, now the Grinch has a new way to take away Christmas spirit. He's handing out traffic tickets, and forget the Whos down in Whoville. Drivers in Orange County aren't too pleased.

"Speed limit is 45 and it gets up to 65 or 70. We've caught one at 100 miles an hour on a previous day," said 'Grinch' Deputy Marcus Robinson, Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The sheriff's office has a posse of deputies to write the tickets. They organized a similar patrol a week ago, when one of Santa's helpers ran the radar.

"It was a great success last week. Brought a lot of discussion and so the folks in the motor unit said, 'What can we do to continue with it?'" said Chief Deputy Brad Margeson. One deputy had a friend who is a makeup artist and the Grinch became Deputy Grinch.
============================== ==========================

12-14-2006, 12:58 PM
Round 'em up Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What was that old saying, ...string'em up, it'll teach him a lesson"

Seriously though, congrats and goodluck. Be safe.!!

12-14-2006, 01:37 PM
How about this angle...posse members use it to their advantage to continue the mayhem in LA...

What your not doing is reading between my lines...I feel this program may work, but will leave the individual on their own if they actually do the job.

Take it easy, LA will always be the crooked little state that we have grown to know and love...


12-14-2006, 01:58 PM
Be safe Pat...kudos to you...at least you are trying to help make LA a better place...willie

12-14-2006, 06:19 PM
Well guys, my application packet arrived today and if accepted I will be required to work at least three shifts per month. I have to attend training classes in Basic Instruction, CPR, first aid and traffic control.

No firearms are allowed.
(whew, couldn't get the line "do you feel lucky today, punk" down right.)

Duties to include patrol of residential areas, check on old folks who have requested such, check on home vacancies when requested, deliver meals to certain folks, help with traffic flow, patrol area of responsibility for suspicious activity, report any crimes observed to headquarters and they will send the calvary. Don't confront any criminals, use your common sense. See and be seen.

I'm going to apply.


12-14-2006, 10:46 PM
I'm thinking how my Marauder would look in low profile light bars and rear deck antenna's. Humm, black, silver? All blue lights, or a mix of colors? So hard to decide.

Pat, you might want to check with your car insurance agent before you consider placing any emergency lights or sirens in your personal Marauder. When I was a rookie LEO around 30 years ago, I placed blue strobe lights (hidden behind the grille) in my 1973 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus and an old Federal Signals electric siren, also hidden.

To make a long story short, I eventually ended up being involved in an off-duty pursuit. Lucky for me, the pursuit ended with the "bad guys" wrecking their 72' Chevelle SS and no damage to my Plymouth.

Being in a very rural area of NE Arkansas at that time, the pursuit and arrests of the individuals involved made the pages of the local newspaper. My insurance agent heard about the pursuit and promptly went to the Sheriff's Office and presented me with a bill approximately 5X what my normal premium was!

Needless to say, I removed all the equiptment and never "went there" again!

I applaud what you are planning to do and encourage it...most Sheriff Departments in Arkansas have a "reserve deputy" program that have similar duties as you've described and they come from all "walks of life" with a strong sense of community spirit, but they use county-owned (usually older and retired) police vehicles to perform their duties... and the insurance is paid by the county!

I'm sure you will be attending training classes before the Sheriff "cuts ya'll loose"... pay very close attention to anything that has to do with "civil liabilities"!

Good luck!

12-15-2006, 05:02 PM
Be careful, I would recommend you be the eyes and ears of the Police Dept.and report what you see and hear and take no Police action by yourself.
Good luck .

12-20-2006, 04:48 PM
That was how I started in the LE field was our 'AUXILIARY' branch(volunteers). We were deputys with ALL powers only when on duty. We trained better than the regular department does and were allowed to go any classes that were available to full and part-time deputys. If we only trained that often now that I am full-time. We don't even train SRT/SWAT(which I am a team member of) that often.

Congratulations on everything sooo far and remember what they teach you. Don't overstep your duties and get yourself in some bad liability issue. Don't let the position go to your head either-thats how we end up with a bad rep.

Good Luck.

08-22-2007, 12:43 PM
This thread is nearly eight months old. When I applied for the Posse I didn't know that selections are make only once a year, July, and then a training course has to be organized.

Howsomever, I'm in training now, finish Friday, go on Patrol Monday as a third member of a two member team, for a few weeks, then pair up with another experienced member and off we ride into the sunset in our CV's.

The organizations is as I described previously only with a lot more people help programs.

As for weapons, I can have a pistol in the car (under the seat or in the glove box) but not on my person. I asked our fearless leader, The Major, how many times has a weapon been employed by Posse members. None, he answered. So I'm going to pass on the pistola and concenrate on being the eye's, ears, and presence of the Sheriff's Department.

I'll have my uniform next week, so I'll post a picture. But I do have my Official ID card, wallet badge and a lite coat of oil. I did have to shave off my beard, goatee actually. But I wanted this more.

My comments about the Marauder were in jest.

I know this is going to be a worthwile experience.

08-22-2007, 01:21 PM
You'll do fine without the pistol.

It worked for Andy.

08-22-2007, 01:54 PM
You'll do fine without the pistol.

It worked for Andy.

Or just one bullet, like Barney Fife.

08-22-2007, 02:30 PM
I'll have my uniform next week, so I'll post a picture. But I do have my Official ID card, wallet badge and a lite coat of oil. I did have to shave off my beard, goatee actually. But I wanted this more.

There's a new Sheriff in Town and his name is Reggie Hammond !!! :D

Congrats, Pat and ya'll be careful out there. :up:

08-22-2007, 04:59 PM
Stay safe. A wise move to use your eyes and ears.
When you stop a vehicle the very first thing to do is record the license plate # and a good script of the driver and passengers.
I am sure this was covered in your training.
Good Luck.

08-22-2007, 07:34 PM
Congrats on your training. As a former deputy, I applaud your wanting to be involved in helping your community. Just be careful out there!

08-23-2007, 05:10 PM
Hope the picture posted

08-23-2007, 05:39 PM
Looking good Pat. You look better with out the face fuzz

08-24-2007, 08:42 PM
Congrats! Good luck and be safe!

Welcome also. You will see the best and the very worst of people.

08-25-2007, 05:32 AM
Congrats! Have fun, but stay safe out there.

08-27-2007, 01:52 PM
Hope the picture posted

You might want to consider ccw to defend yourself. I know it's not the agency policy but you are in uniform and the thugs don't know the difference.
They are still killing cops out there - strap a little some-some to your ankle and protect yourself.

PR :burnout:

08-27-2007, 02:24 PM
Today I completed my first day with the Sheriff's Posse.

Uneventful, patroled many country lanes along with housing subdivisions, picked up donated food boxes for the food bank, made vacation house checks and fumbled with the radio.

I rode shot gun while the two regular team members shared time training me on procedural matters.

It was a great experience and the regulars were helpful to me. We did have one weapon between us. The citizens were all waving "hello" as we rode by.

I have two more training shifts then I'll be paired with another posse member for patrol duties. I'm enjoying this. The Parish was quite this day.

Aren Jay
08-27-2007, 03:06 PM
you might want to get a Model 85.

It is a machine pistol similar to the mac 10 but it shoots .357 paint balls.
really fast 1200 rounds a minute. Also available in semi auto.

08-27-2007, 04:32 PM
Is this volunteer or do you get paid for it?

08-27-2007, 06:15 PM
Is this volunteer or do you get paid for it?

From line 1, post 1 of this thread. :rolleyes:

Today I have an opportunity to apply as a volunteer to our local Sheriff's posse.

09-02-2007, 02:24 PM
From line 1, post 1 of this thread. :rolleyes:

My bad dude.......................... ...been awhile since I read his very first post.


09-26-2007, 11:35 AM
Well, I've rode nearly twenty shifts of 4 hours each and can report that all is well and secure in SE and central Bossier Parish. There is a lot of job satisfaction meeting and greeting home and business owners in my district(s). We make home checks and deliver food packages.

These old guys err..Posse members, just love to talk but more importantly they have someone who will listen. They are walking history books.

Many are widowers, some remarried, others mostly live for the grand kids.

They, and now me, have a certain ritual in performing their duties and it's kinda nice to know how things work, every day, the same way day in and day out.

Variances are met with instructional retraining by the members, (read, a verbal spanking behind the station). It's like being in the military all over again.

Last week my partner and I responded to a fender bender and was first on the scene. We cleared the traffic, a very busy road, moved the damaged cars out of traffic lanes and had the two ladies involved step out of harms way.

When the cavalry arrived they were appreciative.

My partner that day, each day it's a different one, is kinda "gung ho" so when the "signal 39" came in we saw that we were on the same road about five miles away, so he turns on the bubble machine and hits the passing gear. Felt like a kid riding the fire truck for the first time.

All in all it's pretty mundane, we have found every nook and crany in this parish.

Some of the members are well armed but I have decided not to carry a weapon. Just a personal choice now that I have a pretty good idea of what's going on.

"Riding the asphalt ribbon"


09-26-2007, 03:12 PM
Congrats and continue to be safe!