View Full Version : Up On The Rooftop

12-19-2006, 08:20 AM
Took the dog out this morning just after sunrise and she stopped at the end of the driveway and looked back toward the neighbor's roof. There on the peak of the roof was the biggest dayum bird that I have ever seen in the neighborhood. Turns out that it was a Great Blue Heron. By my estimate, the bird was at least 3.5 feet tall if it was an inch. My Chocolate Lab was fixated on it .... giving it that come on down here look and licking her lips. :rofl: After about 5 minutes, the bird flew away overhead displaying about a 6 foot wingspan.

We are located less than 1/4 mile from the Occoquan River/Reservoir and I have seen them flying along the river. However, I have never seen one this close and perched on the roof.


The Great Blue Heron stands 132 cm (four feet) tall, has a 213 cm (seven-foot) wingspan and weighs 2.5 kg. It has a long yellow bill. Adults have blue-grey wings and back and a white head with a black cap and a long black plume. In flight, the head is held close to and aligned with the body by a downward bend in the long neck. The long legs trail behind. This bird flies with strong deliberate wing beats.

12-19-2006, 08:33 AM
We have one or two that frequent the pond in out neighborhood. Beautiful birds. They keep the frogs and snakes in check.

Mike Poore
12-22-2006, 03:23 PM
Turns out that it was a Great Blue Heron. By my estimate, the bird was at least 3.5 feet tall if it was an inch.

Um, aren't those the things that bring babies? Did you say it was on your house? :eek:

12-22-2006, 06:12 PM
Um, aren't those the things that bring babies? Did you say it was on your house? :eek:
If the stork lands on my roof, Mike, he's lost and looking for directions or just resting. :rofl: I just poke in fun now. :poke: