View Full Version : Where's Mac??

12-23-2006, 08:34 AM
Where the heck is Mac??:confused:

This place ain't the same without him!!:shake:



12-23-2006, 09:21 AM
Where the heck is Mac??:confused:

This place ain't the same without him!!:shake:


I think that Mac hit the road, Jack !! And, he won't be back no more, no more, no more, no more ......

Probably got fed up with all the antics and criticism ..... it's a dayum shame !!!

12-23-2006, 09:34 AM
I like Mac...He was a walking encyclopedia of MM knowledge and that is a natural resource that is irreplacable...Loosing that in itself is a shame...I will not miss my posts being deleted by him acting if he were the KGB in Russia...

12-23-2006, 09:38 AM
You think someone with as much enthusiasm for the Marauder and this board would just simply pack up and go quietly into the night without a posting a reason.

12-23-2006, 09:42 AM
What Paul said.^^^^^^^^^^^

12-23-2006, 09:53 AM
He'll be back. He has gone into hibernation before.

12-23-2006, 11:07 AM
I like Mac...He was a walking encyclopedia of MM knowledge and that is a natural resource that is irreplacable...Loosing that in itself is a shame...I will not miss my posts being deleted by him acting if he were the KGB in Russia...

True on all three points. Additionally, I do not miss "wolf in sheeps clothing" condesending comments he's made. Like everyone, you have to take the good with the bad. With him, there is more good than bad.

He should just buy Zacks new Trilogy and install it on his #3 Marauder. Then he should kick back with a tall glass of holiday cheer Kool-Aid and be happy. :coolman:

12-23-2006, 02:35 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS MAC.......Where ever you are!!!:beer:

Come back and visit a spell....after the Holidays!!;)


12-23-2006, 05:01 PM
For Mac.

(Sent to me by my father, a retired Policeman)

A Christmas Cop Story

This article appeared in the Rockville Centre Herald. The writer is a former Police officer and village resident.

In 1974 when I first joined the police department, I knew there would be special occasions my family would spend without me.

Knowing that fact didn't make the task any easier. The celebrations I missed those first year's depressed me and sometimes

made me feel bitter. Working on Christmas Eve was always the worst. On Christmas Eve in 1977, I learned that blessing can

come disguised as misfortune, and honor is more than just a word.

I was riding one man patrol on the 4 x 12 shift. The night was cold. Everywhere I looked I saw reminders of the holiday; families

packing their cars with presents, beautifully decorated trees in living room windows and roofs adorned with tiny sleighs. I all added

to my holiday funk. The evening had been relatively quiet; there were calls for barking dogs and a residential false burglar alarm.

There was nothing to make the night pass any quicker. I thought of my own family and sunk further into depression.

Shortly after 2200 hours I got a radio call to the home of an elderly, terminally ill, man. I parked my patrol car in front of a simple

cape cod style home. First aid kit in hand, I walked up the short path to the front door. As I approached, a woman who seemed

to be about 80 years old opened the door. He's in here she said, leading me to a back bedroom.

We passed through a living room that was furnished in a style I had come to associate with older people. The sofa has a afghan

blanket d***** over it's back and a dark, solid queen Anne chair say next to a unused fireplace. The mantle was cluttered with an

eccentric mix of several photos, some ceramic figurines and an antique clock. A floor lamp provided soft lighting.

We entered a small bedroom where a frail looking man lay in bed with a blanket pulled up to his chin. He wore a blank stare on his

ashen, skeletal face. His breathing was shallow and labored. He was barely alive. The trappings of illness were all around his bed.

The nightstand was littered with a large number of pill vials. An oxygen bottle stood nearby. Its plastic hose, with face mask attached

rested on the blanket.

I asked the old woman why she called the police. She simply shrugged and nodded sadly toward her husband, indicating it was his

request. I looked at him and he stared intently into my eyes. He seemed relaxed now. I didn't understand the suddenly calm expression

on his face.

I looked around the room again. A dresser stood along the wall to the left of the bed. On it was the usual memorabilia: ornate perfume

bottles, a white porcelain pin case, and a wooden jewelry case. There were also several photos in simple frames. One caught my eye and

I walked closer to the dresser for a closer look. The picture showed a young man dressed in a police uniform. It was unmistakably a photo

of the man in bed. I knew then why I was there.

I looked at the old man and he motioned with his hand toward the side of the bed. I walked over and stood beside him. He slid a thin arm

from under the covers and took my hand. Soon, I felt his hand go limp, I looked at his face. There was no fear there. I saw only peace.

He knew he was dying; he was aware his time was very near. I know now that he was afraid of what was about to happen and he wanted

the protection of a fellow cop on his journey. A caring God had seen to it that his child would be delivered safely to him. The honor of being

his escort fell to me.

When I left at the end of my tour that night, the temperature had seemed to have risen considerably, and all the holiday displays I a saw on the
way home made me smile. I no longer feel sorry for myself for having to work on Christmas Eve.

I have chosen an honorable profession. I pray that when it's my turn to leave this world here will be a cop there to hold my hand and remind me
that I have nothing to fear.

I wish all my brother's and sister's who have to work this Christmas Eve all the Joy and warmth of the Season.

12-23-2006, 05:10 PM
Thanks RC I hope Mac reads that!

God Bless All that have to work!

12-23-2006, 08:08 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS MAC.......Where ever you are!!!:beer:

I second the motion

12-23-2006, 08:15 PM
I second the motion

Third on that!!

12-23-2006, 08:49 PM
Merry Christmas Mac.

Bradley G
12-23-2006, 09:33 PM
Nice story!
I got to see an old friend off like that.

This hit home for sure.
Merry Christmas

12-24-2006, 04:14 AM
Merry Christmas Mac.

Yes, to you and yours Mac!!!

12-24-2006, 06:29 AM
Its ashame if he's gone:mad2: . I always thought very highly of Mac and he is one of my friends , again another one that i have never met except for here:rolleyes: :D .This site just cannot be w/o Mac. just take a vacation as long as you need budd, but DON'T disappear.Merry Christmas to you and yours:xtree:

C-mon on back Mac and don't cha take off no more , no MORE , NO more , no more C-mon back Mac and don't cha take off no more ,,,, What i say!?
Use the song from Ray Charles when singin this.:D

12-24-2006, 08:33 AM
He is not the only one who has gone!But some of the stuff going on is :mad2: Any way they will be missed. But Merrychristmas to all where ever you all may be.:xtree: :santa:

12-24-2006, 08:48 AM
Merry Christmas, Mac, Old Friend--I miss you--hope to hear from you soon, Maury

12-24-2006, 09:43 AM
Mac left because a group of people would not let things settled down around here and they to keep pushing his buttons. Now most of those have left to another site where they still mock him. Mac was a little heavy handed, but he did what he thought was the best for the site.

For all those here that criticized him and are now wondering where he is, just think to yourselves how you could have better worded your thoughts. Mac's absense is a lost to this community.

I am glad that most the whinners and trouble makers have left this site and hope they stay away.

12-24-2006, 09:44 AM
His last post was 11/28, make of it what you will.
That's heading on a month. My guess is Mac "packed it in and called it quits".

12-24-2006, 10:17 AM
Merry Christmas Mac, enjoyed you getting the "facts" for us as we tried to do things to and for our Marauders.


12-24-2006, 10:34 AM
Remember at this time of year...."Ball Park" kops are very busy...
there is much to do, with overtime and everything.
On the other side of the coin...he is reading every post and making
a list of those who are naughty and nice! and then pull the plug
on those who are real "bad"!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all!

Gotta Love It!

O's Fan Rich
12-24-2006, 10:38 AM
If you think Mac is that thin skinned....
well, I don't, anyway.

12-27-2006, 01:26 AM
Mac left because a group of people would not let things settled down around here and they to keep pushing his buttons. Now most of those have left to another site where they still mock him. Mac was a little heavy handed, but he did what he thought was the best for the site.

For all those here that criticized him and are now wondering where he is, just think to yourselves how you could have better worded your thoughts. Mac's absense is a lost to this community.

I am glad that most the whinners and trouble makers have left this site and hope they stay away.

Sadly, you are right Gordon.
It isn't really everyone on 'another site' though. It mostly boils down to two bitter old whingers who have taken up residence there, who won't stop.
Thankfully, neither post here anymore!

12-27-2006, 01:35 AM
Yeah where is he?

12-27-2006, 07:09 AM
Sadly, you are right Gordon.
It isn't really everyone on 'another site' though. It mostly boils down to two bitter old whingers who have taken up residence there, who won't stop.
Thankfully, neither post here anymore!
Why who could you be talking about, Duncan?

And I never said 'everyone'. I said a, 'a group of people' and 'most of those have left to another site'.

12-27-2006, 08:06 PM
Regardless what you think of MAC, his intensive knowledge of MM was an overall benefit to the net. He is missed.


12-27-2006, 08:48 PM
I know what will get Mac back. Motorhead... start one of your threads about doing something stupid or illegal. That always gets Mac going.

12-27-2006, 08:55 PM
He already did........


12-27-2006, 08:58 PM
Damn, that would would have woke Mac from a coma.

12-28-2006, 04:09 AM
I know what will get Mac back. Motorhead... start one of your threads about doing something stupid or illegal. That always gets Mac going.

He already did........


Wow ,You guys are rough:alone:

12-28-2006, 07:18 AM

You are right Darryl


Would you please refrain from editing your posts until I get a chance to read them?

Thank you.

12-28-2006, 01:10 PM

Would you please refrain from editing your posts until I get a chance to read them?

Thank you.

It was a ruse Marty, he only edited to put the * in. :eek:

12-28-2006, 04:44 PM
I have seen a couple of those:)

12-28-2006, 05:51 PM
This thread will stay open so long as it stays on track.

12-28-2006, 06:57 PM
another case of thread neutering..........:confused:

12-28-2006, 07:09 PM
This message has been deleted by Bigdogjim (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=383). Reason: Wise guy!




12-28-2006, 07:30 PM
What the heck was that all about? :dunno: Are we going for a "Most Deleted Posts" in a single thread record? ;) Seems Mac isn't around .... or doesn't care to chime in on this topic.

12-28-2006, 07:47 PM
No we are not going for anything of value here. Thread turned into a slam on other and it has always been something we frown upon. Way back to day one!

12-28-2006, 08:39 PM
I like Mac...He was a walking encyclopedia of MM knowledge and that is a natural resource that is irreplacable...Loosing that in itself is a shame...I will not miss my posts being deleted by him acting if he were the KGB in Russia...

I think GULAG ARCHIPALAGO is reccomended reading if you miss mac as much as I do...

12-28-2006, 08:41 PM
As I understand it, Sgt Mac left due to a change in his work hours/duties.

I have absolutely no reason to believe other wise. If he did leave due to being tired of all the whinning I wouldn't hold it against him though 'cause it does get old, fast.

Before anyone acuses me of brown nosing, let me add this; I've never had a post deleted.

Maybe that's because I believe any arguement/beef/feud/fight that's not settled face to face, in person, is just plain yellow.

Know the expression, WWJD? Well, forget that! Try this out;WWDHD? (What Would Doc Holiday Do?).

12-29-2006, 04:34 PM
Wow!! almost a deletion record!!!

If Mac had a change of hours and duties, It still wouldnt prevent him from logging on for a few minutes during his day

There have been a few threads started asking where he is and what happened.
He threw his weight around here and offered advice when he could. You think out of common courtesy he would post one last time as a farewell or a give a explanation.

12-29-2006, 04:37 PM
Wow!! almost a deletion record!!!

If Mac had a change of hours and duties, It still wouldnt prevent him from logging on for a few minutes during his day

There have been a few threads started asking where he is and what happened.
He threw his weight around here and offered advice when he could. You think out of common courtesy he would post one last time as a farewell or a give a explanation.

True but if he did, it would just be immediately cut and pasted somewhere else, then ripped to shreds.
Maybe he just had enough?

12-29-2006, 05:49 PM
I think the some of the vendors realized his overzealous triggerfinger deletions was starting to affect their bottom line and they asked him to stop deleting posts and he got pissed and left end of story...

12-29-2006, 07:16 PM
Wow!! almost a deletion record!!!

I really did not know that there was a "record" Is there some group that keeps these records? Any post delete was just off topic, just like this is the thread title is Where's Mac. We are not conspiring to do anything. The thread is open for posting.

Dennis Reinhart
12-29-2006, 08:19 PM
I have watched this thread for over a week now, I have seen it go up and down, I have watched the comments, and yes the thread deletions when its drifted way off topic. I have a simple question, what business is it for any one of us to question where Mac is or why he has not posted recently, its not mine for sure, the person that needs to answer this is Mac, and when he deems it appropriate I am sure he will let all of us know.

God broke the mold when he made Mac, his distinguished writing style is unique to only him, he could write a post, and any one could put there name on it, and all of us would know it was Mac, he has been severely at times criticized for his up front no hold barred style, and then he quits posting and god forbid, that starts as much controversy as some of his comments. This is a great site we have so much camaraderie when we all get together, and yet we fight over such trivial matters, but yes that is what makes this club so unique.

I hope every one has a safe and Happy New years, lets focus on the new year and this club, and look forward to new events and improving this great car club.

12-29-2006, 08:31 PM
Amen, you could not have put it any better Dennis.

12-30-2006, 11:30 AM
I have watched this thread for over a week now, I have seen it go up and down, I have watched the comments, and yes the thread deletions when its drifted way off topic. I have a simple question, what business is it for any one of us to question where Mac is or why he has not posted recently, its not mine for sure, the person that needs to answer this is Mac, and when he deems it appropriate I am sure he will let all of us know.

God broke the mold when he made Mac, his distinguished writing style is unique to only him, he could write a post, and any one could put there name on it, and all of us would know it was Mac, he has been severely at times criticized for his up front no hold barred style, and then he quits posting and god forbid, that starts as much controversy as some of his comments. This is a great site we have so much camaraderie when we all get together, and yet we fight over such trivial matters, but yes that is what makes this club so unique.

I hope every one has a safe and Happy New years, lets focus on the new year and this club, and look forward to new events and improving this great car club.
+2 Happy New year to all..

12-30-2006, 01:54 PM
Well said Dennis.....Happy New Year to ALL!!!!

01-02-2007, 09:40 AM
Our best to you Mac, where ever you are! :beer:

Big Joe P
01-03-2007, 06:30 PM
(apologizing in advance for my rant)

So 11 days, 2400 views, and 49 replys, and still no answer.
Why the secrecy? The guy helped build this site, and is/was a big part of it.
Tell me no one knows where he is, or what happened?
I've been sitting back, watching, reading, waiting, nothing......
WTF is going on? Anyone wonders where someone went, people usually try to find out. There's 10,20,30 posts about "where's so-and-so" and "friends" usually post what's up....... Tell me no one knows? It's BS. The members here have a right to know, and keeping it from everyone does way more harm than good. Just look at what has happened over here... And the "mac's the only one that can answer that" is BS too. I'm done thinking about it, it's not worth my time. There's too much "behind the scene" BS going on. It reminds me of a situation I was in a LONG time ago, trying to "co-manage" something with someone "too many chiefs" syndrome. Didn't work, never works.... Gotta have one boss, one final say... I miss Logan....

MY 2 cents..........

01-03-2007, 06:38 PM
(apologizing in advance for my rant)

So 11 days, 2400 views, and 49 replys, and still no answer.
Why the secrecy? The guy helped build this site, and is/was a big part of it.
Tell me no one knows where he is, or what happened?
I've been sitting back, watching, reading, waiting, nothing......
WTF is going on? Anyone wonders where someone went, people usually try to find out. There's 10,20,30 posts about "where's so-and-so" and "friends" usually post what's up....... Tell me no one knows? It's BS. The members here have a right to know, and keeping it from everyone does way more harm than good. Just look at what has happened over here... And the "mac's the only one that can answer that" is BS too. I'm done thinking about it, it's not worth my time. There's too much "behind the scene" BS going on. It reminds me of a situation I was in a LONG time ago, trying to "co-manage" something with someone "too many chiefs" syndrome. Didn't work, never works.... Gotta have one boss, one final say... I miss Logan....

MY 2 cents..........

Well put Big Joe P, you sound like a bar\car owner. ;)
1. The boss is always right.
2. If the boss is wrong refer to #1.

I totally agree though.

01-03-2007, 07:02 PM
(apologizing in advance for my rant)

So 11 days, 2400 views, and 49 replys, and still no answer.
Why the secrecy? The guy helped build this site, and is/was a big part of it.
Tell me no one knows where he is, or what happened?
I've been sitting back, watching, reading, waiting, nothing......
WTF is going on? Anyone wonders where someone went, people usually try to find out. There's 10,20,30 posts about "where's so-and-so" and "friends" usually post what's up....... Tell me no one knows? It's BS. The members here have a right to know, and keeping it from everyone does way more harm than good. Just look at what has happened over here... And the "mac's the only one that can answer that" is BS too. I'm done thinking about it, it's not worth my time. There's too much "behind the scene" BS going on. It reminds me of a situation I was in a LONG time ago, trying to "co-manage" something with someone "too many chiefs" syndrome. Didn't work, never works.... Gotta have one boss, one final say... I miss Logan....

MY 2 cents..........

He hasn't returned my call, but I'll make a "best guess"... With all the goings on here, he just decided to take a break from mm.net for awhile. He did it once before but came back after a few weeks when things had settled down. Hope things are settling down enough for him to return soon.

01-03-2007, 07:12 PM
Mac is a big boy. He does not owe anyone here an explanation. The fact that his online buddies have not reported back that there's been an accident is good enough.

Agent M79
01-03-2007, 07:37 PM
My e-mail is SergntMac@aol.com and this is the only e-mail addy I use, job, home, friends, e-harmony, ect. My 24/7 telephone number (with voice mail if I am busy, sleeping, or have "company" over) is 312.401.1396.

Before we get to far down this road, lets try the direct approach? After all, straight answers come straight from the source, eh?

Better yet, do one of my favorite things and do a little OTR right to my door step. There will be a cold beer and a warm hand shake for you here, K?

Thanks for your interest. Carry on, gents.

That was my best Mac. Thank you... thank you very much.

01-03-2007, 08:33 PM
This message has been deleted by Bigdogjim. Reason: Off topic!

Not in my opinion it wasn't.

Dennis Reinhart
01-03-2007, 09:08 PM
I have watched this thread for over a week now, I have seen it go up and down, I have watched the comments, and yes the thread deletions when its drifted way off topic. I have a simple question, what business is it for any one of us to question where Mac is or why he has not posted recently, its not mine for sure, the person that needs to answer this is Mac, and when he deems it appropriate I am sure he will let all of us know.

God broke the mold when he made Mac, his distinguished writing style is unique to only him, he could write a post, and any one could put there name on it, and all of us would know it was Mac, he has been severely at times criticized for his up front no hold barred style, and then he quits posting and god forbid, that starts as much controversy as some of his comments. This is a great site we have so much camaraderie when we all get together, and yet we fight over such trivial matters, but yes that is what makes this club so unique.

I hope every one has a safe and Happy New years, lets focus on the new year and this club, and look forward to new events and improving this great car club.
<!-- / message -->

01-04-2007, 04:23 AM
I've had enough of this thread.Unsubscribed!!:rolleyes :

Bradley G
01-04-2007, 05:43 AM
I asked this, on Macs' last sabaticle (sorry).
If you reach out, and get bit, time to keep your hand, "out of the cage".

01-04-2007, 06:32 AM
For the record, Mac is well. We speak almost every day and get together in the garage every weekend.
Why he chooses not to return phone calls is not my business, amongst other things. That is probably the reason we have remained good friends.

Dr Caleb
01-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Thanks Zack.

Mac is well. That's all I need.

Just wondering out loud, but /steve aka:TripleTransAm hasn't posted in quite some time, but him not posting hasn't stirred up the kind of attention that Mac not posting has. I have to ask myself "Why?"

O's Fan Rich
01-04-2007, 10:20 AM
Thanks Zack.

Mac is well. That's all I need.

Just wondering out loud, but /steve aka:TripleTransAm hasn't posted in quite some time, but him not posting hasn't stirred up the kind of attention that Mac not posting has. I have to ask myself "Why?"

I'm glad mac's ok too.

Steve 3TA visted over here , BTW on a thread I started.

Agent M79
01-04-2007, 10:49 AM
TripleTransAm hasn't posted in quite some time, but him not posting hasn't stirred up the kind of attention that Mac not posting has. I have to ask myself "Why?"

Oh come now. Of multitude of of measures and degrees of how we relate to and judge one another in person or via the Internet, there is the scale of popularity.

On one end, the popular and beloved followed by many and highly admired. On the other, the infamous and loathed reviled by many and generally distained.

Where someone falls on this scale is not a universal constant but rather dynamic based upon the individual assessing someone. Even then, there is a range that one exists at on this scale.

People become more divided about a persons beloved/loathed status when the subject has a very strong and/or charismatic personality or behaviors that are displayed with consistency and great frequency.

So these people polarize those around them. Some see them as great good and downplay or deny their flaws. Others revile them and hold them as an example of dark malice. There are realities, however, but they are largely ignored. History is replete with people of great evil and malice that have astonishing large followings and the world is full of near-angelic people who go largely ignored (and the opposite of both of these as well).

These people, those that create a very strong polarizing effect on others who are exposed to them a lot, I sometimes refer to as cogniscenti and groups of them as illuminati. The individuals are essentially superstars (famous or infamous depending on your opinion) and when like minded groups of them converge regularly you have a strong, tight, social clique that provokes an even greater sense of admiration or revulsion (depending again where they fall on your 'scale of popularity').

The cogniscenti and illuminati have followers, naturally, that are not actually a part of the illuminati but being big fans applaude and celibrate the cogniscenti and appreciate any attention they can get from them. The reverse is true for them as well, because being a cogniscenti is socially polarizing, there is almost universally others who literally dispise them and rejoice in their flaws.

Granted, I am talking about the extremes here. Not everyone lavishes adoration or revulsion to the exclusion of reason but it's a matter of degree that runs on it's own scale.

Most really are not perceived in these extremes and of those, not all are variably enamored with the cogniscenti/illuminati. There are many more middle scale folks and the more of them there are the wider the scale and the more extreme each end becomes.

Eventually there is a break or division generally lead by the illuminati perceived at opposite ends of the scale. One end fractionalizes and draws away their closest fans and a few more distant fans and creates a new social group and starts the process over again.

All of that said, I would have to say that Mac was far more polarizing than TTA. Much as his revilers would probably disagree (as I have explained they might), he, insofar as mm.net goes, is a cogniscenti. As such, Mac is missed more (at least by frequency of mention) by those he strongly polarizes (as evidenced by this and other threads).


Trust me. The cost is accurate.

01-04-2007, 10:49 AM
I'm glad mac's ok too.

Steve 3TA visted over here , BTW on a thread I started.

Thanks. Good ol' /Steve. Always wise

An interesting side note: this isn't the same forum I used to post on for years, and I've been doing a lot of reading over the past 48 hours on both sites. Looks like there's been a serious splintering. I never thought it'd be possible for this to happen to a group of owners of a car model that sold no more than 14000 copies over 2 model years. Kind of scary, when thinking of the scale. Makes one think that maybe it'd be a good idea to do some introspection and think about what each of us needs to do to build a solid community, analyze what it is we're all honestly looking for by belonging to this community.

01-04-2007, 12:48 PM
For the record, Mac is well. We speak almost every day and get together in the garage every weekend.
Why he chooses not to return phone calls is not my business, amongst other things. That is probably the reason we have remained good friends.

Thankyou Zack..........:beer:

O's Fan Rich
01-04-2007, 12:55 PM

results for: cognoscenti

View results from: Dictionary | Thesaurus | Encyclopedia | All Reference | the Web
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
co·gno·scen·ti /ˌkɒnyəˈʃɛnti, ˌkɒgnə-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kon-yuh-shen-tee, kog-nuh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–plural noun, singular -te /-ti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation.
persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular field, esp. in the fine arts, literature, and world of fashion.
Also, conoscenti.

[Origin: 1770–80; < It, Latinized var. of conoscente (prp. of conoscere to know) < L. See cognition, -ent]
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source
co·gno·scen·te (kŏn'yə-shěn'tē, kŏg'nə-) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. co·gno·scen·ti (-tē)
A person with superior, usually specialized knowledge or highly refined taste; a connoisseur.

[Obsolete Italian, from Latin cognōscēns, cognōscent-, present participle of cognōscere, to know; see cognition.]

(Download Now or Buy the Book)
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
WordNet - Cite This Source

Excellent use of the language! Even with the spelling!

Dr Caleb
01-04-2007, 01:58 PM
Oh come now. Of multitude of of measures and degrees of how we relate to and judge one another in person or via the Internet, there is the scale of popularity.

. . .

All of that said, I would have to say that Mac was far more polarizing than TTA. Much as his revilers would probably disagree (as I have explained they might), he, insofar as mm.net goes, is a cognisenti. As such, Mac is missed more (at least by frequency of mention) by those he strongly polarizes (as evidenced by this and other threads).

Trust me. The cost is accurate.

That is basically my answer, when I asked myself 'Why?'. Although, I didn't get all Latin on myself. ;)

Once some people realize that is the reason they care; because there is no one to :poke: this thread will cease to be important. Me, I'm happy he's OK and didn't get shot by her husband (as was the rumour, started by me just now). j/k, of course.

Dr Caleb
01-04-2007, 02:01 PM
I'm glad mac's ok too.

Steve 3TA visted over here , BTW on a thread I started.

Good to see he's still around, and his hellish journey with Ford is over. Any problem ever reported with a Marauder, he had it.

I got a little concerned when I saw what could have been a Marauder wheel under the rubble of a collapsed bridge in his area this past summer. But his surname was not on the list of casualties.

Thanks for the link.

Agent M79
01-04-2007, 02:24 PM
Excellent use of the language! Even with the spelling!

I fixeded teh shpelling airerz.

I have somewhat commandeered and skewed the words meaning some, but hey, screw Merriam-Webster (mostly Merriam, stuck up jerk).

01-04-2007, 03:33 PM
For the record, Mac is well. We speak almost every day and get together in the garage every weekend.
Why he chooses not to return phone calls is not my business, amongst other things. That is probably the reason we have remained good friends.

Thanks Zack!!:beer:

That's really all I wanted to hear when I started this one??:rolleyes:

Tell Mac hello for me when you see him.....I look forward to his return if and when he decides to come back!!:dunno:


01-04-2007, 06:13 PM
Thanks Zack.

Mac is well. That's all I need.

Just wondering out loud, but /steve aka:TripleTransAm hasn't posted in quite some time, but him not posting hasn't stirred up the kind of attention that Mac not posting has. I have to ask myself "Why?"

Just read this Thread: Where's TTA? (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=31015&highlight=TripleTransAm). By our own MarauderJack.

O's Fan Rich
01-04-2007, 08:13 PM
Just read this Thread: Where's TTA? (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=31015&highlight=TripleTransAm). By our own MarauderJack.

I liked MY link better.... so there! It was more current then that old thing YOU posted.:neener: :neener: :neener:

01-04-2007, 09:59 PM
Leave Mac alone, he wants to finish a "moon pie" and a "chocolate
milk" before his shift ends!

Gotta Love It!

01-05-2007, 04:26 AM
I liked MY link better.... so there! It was more current then that old thing YOU posted.:neener: :neener: :neener:

Yea, but yours was not posted here......:bop:

01-05-2007, 10:33 AM
Hey Mike, You don't have to delete any message on my account.
I love the "Chicago" boys!

"Takin' care of Business"

Mike Poore
01-05-2007, 11:11 AM
Hey Mike, You don't have to delete any message on my account.
I love the "Chicago" boys!

"Takin' care of Business"

Yeah, but we cant have them young whippersnappers taking shots at us old coots. :geezer:

I like Dominic too, it's the only reason he didn't get a few days in the woodshed for that one. :corner:

01-05-2007, 12:15 PM
Yeah, but we cant have them young whippersnappers taking shots at us old coots. :geezer:

I like Dominic too, it's the only reason he didn't get a few days in the woodshed for that one. :corner:

Why don't you pick on someone your own size....Gramps. :geezer:

01-05-2007, 12:49 PM
Yeah, but we cant have them young whippersnappers taking shots at us old coots. :geezer:

I like Dominic too, it's the only reason he didn't get a few days in the woodshed for that one. :corner:

I guess you're right...us "old coots" gotta stick together to
keep these "young bucks" in line!

Gotta Love It!

01-05-2007, 01:41 PM
Yea better watch us because were the problem.:shake: I wish some of you guys could get the picture that this is nothing to do with age. :nono: