View Full Version : Sema Action Network - Protects Our Hobby

12-26-2006, 08:22 PM
I don't come here much anymore. But, I thought I'd post and ask for your support. I saw an ad in MM&FF for the SEMA Action Network and checked it out. They work with the government and try to protect our car hobby. They have been fairly successful. I suggest you follow the link and join. It's free. All they do is keep you informed of upcoming legislation in your area and tell you who to contact to have your voice heard. I suggest you join. Below is some text from their website. I'm am only affiliated as a member and I get nothing from this post except hopefully your support. Thanks for reading.



The SEMA Action Network (SAN) is a nationwide partnership between vehicle clubs, enthusiasts and members of the specialty auto parts industry who want to protect their hobby. SAN was designed to help stamp out legislative threats to the automotive hobby and pass favorable laws. SAN regularly:

Rallies the support of 3,000-plus car clubs, thousands of individual contacts, and 100-plus publications, with an estimated reach of 36 million enthusiasts nationwide, amplifying SEMA’s political voice on issues affecting the specialty equipment auto parts industry.

Sends out action alerts to generate an abundance of responses to state and/or federal legislative actions and regulatory proposals.

Issues timely updates of legislative and regulatory developments.
THERE ARE NO COSTS, FEES OR HASSLES to participate in the SAN. The concept is simple: SEMA provides detailed, regularly updated information on legislative and regulatory issues that impact your hobby. The more hands that touch this information, the more eyes that read this information and the more people that stand up and do something about this information…the more effectively we protect our hobby. If action is required, we will urge SAN members to contact legislators and regulators to express support or opposition to a particular bill or proposal that directly affects the automotive hobby.

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), is a non-profit trade association composed of more than 6,800 member companies including manufacturers and distributors, representing the specialty equipment automotive industry. All combined, the markets add up to over $34 billion in retail business annually. On behalf of our industry, we are fighting to preserve the rights of enthusiasts to use and enjoy their vehicles.

United groups of automotive hobbyists are a proven political force. To date, SAN efforts nationwide have resulted in positive outcomes on a wide range of issues, including vehicle scrappage ("clunker") laws, equipment standards, registration classifications, emissions-test exemptions, and hobbyist rights. You can be certain that these issues will continue to pop up at the state and federal level in the future. You can make a difference by joining SAN now!

The information SAN provides you:

Timely notice of legislative/regulatory developments in your state and nationwide trends.
Sample letters to forward to state legislators urging specific action.
Talking points for conversations and meetings with state legislators.
We hope you will join the SAN, which currently has contacts in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. If you would like to become a contact, fill out the SEMA Action Network (SAN) application by directing your browser here. If you have questions about the program or need further information, please contact Jason Tolleson, SAN Director.

jim geary
12-27-2006, 07:08 AM
Thank you for your posting Joe. Well worth the effort to sign up.